All GM articles – Page 5

  • GM Spot-Welding On Cadillac CT6 at Hamtramck

    Seven plant closures at GM


    In a bid to operate more efficiently and to cater for consumer demand, General Motors has announced plans to close seven different plants across the world. Five of these are in North America, while the location of the two remaining plants set to close is yet to be released.Capacity utilisation ...

  • FAW Changchung

    Unease in the East


    Falling sales, electrification and mega mergers: Nick Gibbs provides an overview of the current automotive industry trends in China A fascinating year for China’s automotive industry has seen the world’s largest car market undergo a series of seismic shifts as it moves to a new level of maturity, bringing both ...

  • ZF ATS2019

    Juntando la piezas del rompecabezas


    Ian Henry identifica seis temas principales en los traslados, fusiones y adquisiciones que se están produciendo en el sector de proveedores automotrices primariosHay seis cuestiones que caracterizan el sector del suministro automotriz actualmente: las fusiones y adquisiciones en curso, los retos financieros de la base de suministros, las contrataciones, la ...

  • Checking hot stamp line performance on a phone in Abrera

    Opportunity 4.0


    Nick Gibbs travels to Barcelona to discover how Gestamp’s own digital revolution is driving efficiency improvements in its energy-hungry hot-stamping operations When your company has expanded to more than 100 production plants, you want to keep a close watch on the production lines in those plants. Especially when you require ...

  • ZF ATS2019

    Piecing it all together


    Ian Henry identifies six themes from the moves, mergers and makeovers underway in the global automotive tier supply sector Six themes characterise the automotive supply sector at present, namely: ongoing M&A, the financial challenges faced by the supply base, restructuring and realignment of product portfolios, investment in new facilities, the ...

  • Volvo Cars recycled plastics

    Não desperdice…


    Karen McCandless reporta sobre projetos de reciclagem de fabricantes de veículos, desde garrafas de plástico até baterias de veículos elétricos Conforme os números de produção de veículos continuam a aumentar, de 11,9 milhões em 2013 para 17 milhões em 2017, os esforços de gerenciamento de resíduos da indústria automotiva continuam ...

  • Volvo Cars recycled plastics

    Prohibido malgastar


    Karen McCandless nos informa sobre los proyectos de reciclaje de los constructores automotrices, desde botellas de plástico a baterías de vehículos eléctricosLa producción de vehículos sigue en aumento, de los 11.9 millones de 2013 a 17 millones en 2017, estos datos obligan al sector a seguir aumentando sus esfuerzos para ...

  • Chiron brake caliper

    Making metal add up


    Additively manufactured metal parts present a challenge for high-volume production but at the other end of the scale, engineers are successfully developing the process for specialist, low volume parts. Mike Farish reportsAll over the automotive industry companies are exploring the potential of additive techniques to make parts in polymers and ...

  • Volvo Cars recycled plastics

    Waste not…


    Karen McCandless reports on vehicle-maker recycling projects ranging from plastic bottles to electric vehicle batteries As vehicle production numbers continue to increase, up from 11.9m in 2013 to 17m in 2017, so do the automotive industry’s waste management efforts continue to improve. The waste generated per unit produced in the ...

  • Nissan Auto China 2018 Leaf

    Japanese OEMs target China for EVs


    An increasing number of car manufacturers based in the US and Europe are turning their sights on China, especially since authorities recently promised to abolish the rule that companies outside the country can own a maximum stake of 50% in joint ventures with Chinese companies. Tesla was among the first ...

  • Daimler 3D printing

    Daimler to print aluminium components


    Germany - The OEM has been working with Premium Aerotec and EOS to develop an additive manufacturing production cell that can make parts out of aluminium. The cell is fully automated, and is located at the Premium Aerotec facility in Varel, northern Germany.A EOS M 400-4 four-laser 3D printing system ...

  • Article

    Oxsilan expectations


    Engineers from GM’s Orion plant in Michigan describe a successful conversion to a thin-film pretreatment from Chemetall The Surface Treatment global business unit of the Coatings division of BASF, operating under the Chemetall brand, sets out the story of the highly successful conversion and launch to full production of Oxsilan ...

  • AMS NA cover sq

    Out now: North America 2018


    When it comes to America and automotive manufacturing, some things are impossible to ignore. Foremost among them are: The Big Three, the light truck segment and Trump. In our latest global region supplement, we bring you the full set.In this AMS special supplement we examine a region that produces around ...

  • Forging the deal

    Forging the deals


    Ian Henry examines the key trends in the North American automotive supplier sector where technological progress and feisty trade policies continue to present a range of business challengesWith rapid technology change across the sector as the automotive market accelerates into the era of electrification, the uncertainty over the future of ...

  • N America OEM sites

    Home truths


    Once the battles over tariffs settle down, North America”s own brands can focus on the rapid and significant changes the domestic market is demanding. Ian Henry reportsWith the uncertainty mounting regarding the future of NAFTA and the distinct possibility that President Trump will raise tariffs on EU car imports from ...

  • Article



    通用费尔法克斯除了原有的Chevy Malibu轿车之外,又在全力以赴制造新款Cadillac XT4。Gareth Price去了堪萨斯城,与厂长Bill Kulhanek谈论新纪元的发展你们为新工艺做了哪些准备呢?生产线上工程制造有变化吗?两款汽车 —Cadillac XT4和Chevrolet Malibu — 正好共用整体结构。因此,我们要做的就是增加机床作业,接收不同的车型。当你经过汽车车体修理厂的时候就能看到,不同的工作站使用不同的托盘,用于处理特殊车型作业。 Bill Kulhanek, GM Fairfax plant manager因此,对Malibu来说就是选好一个地方,而对XT4来说就得选择另一个地方。它们可以移动,或者我们的托盘是特定车型的,我们只是按照要求摆放。未来蓝图里,根据目前Malibu产量的情况下,你们是要全力提高Cadillac的产量吗,还是销量会逐步提呢?我们是8月末推出Cadillac汽车的,一个半月之后Cadillac的生产力将达到最高,而且这会只持续到年底。Cadillac的销量证明两件事。第一件是,我们都知道轿车的销量不断下降,因此Malibu的补充生产也就换下来了。此外,这也给了我们一个机会,如果需要的话,我们就可以额外生产。对通用汽车来说,XT4是一款崭新的跨界车,也是新的车段。因为我们在跨界车市场里没有极具竞争力的汽车。XT4是怎么走到今天的,Cadillac呢?你们工厂是把这件事当做生意来做的吗?通用汽车考虑了很多因素。什么环节的成本效益最高?工厂从指标角度上要怎么做?产品拿到工厂投产要多少成本?物流成本。有一大堆的因素要考虑进去。我们有一个积分卡,记录不同的指标。积分卡的记录越好,工厂就越好,你就越能证明一个产品为什么要放在这个特定的车间。工业4.0通常指的是什么,是用数据推动工艺提高效率,还是改变流程? — 你们处理数据来源的经验是什么?知道哪些零部件是哪个车上的,我们这方面的技术非常好。而在过去的四五年里,我们这方面可能又加强了。因此,如果有一个发动机零部件运到我们这里,要安装到一辆车上,我们就知道这是哪款汽车。因此我们传输汽车信息的方面做得很好。从停工方面来看,我们通过PLC(可编程控制器)数据报告,记录停工的时间和恢复的时间。所以我们对维护和产品两方面都有记录。 费尔法克斯合理处理了新款跨界车与原有Chevrolet轿车装配之间的平衡当机器传递信息的时候,就会有人向你反馈。那么知识共享的流程是什么?这需要通用汽车两方面的问题。我们称其为“全球制造系统”。在这个系统里,人员金字塔充满了积极性。这样就形成我们称之为“业务计划发展”的模式,而且有不同的级别。员工是第一级,但是在团队成员界别上,就是五级。因此团队每天都要与集团领导见面,审核各项指标,然后再讨论刚说过的东西。现在我们有问题,我们认为可以改进。因为总体上讲,所有的事情都建立在真正的标准化工作至上。所以团队成员不断地审查他们的标准化工作,看看是否跟上了,是不是恰当的表转化?他们可以对标准化工作做些改动,提高安全性、质量和效率。因为这些是我们工作的根本所在。回想汽车车体修理厂,你说过Malibu和XT4公用一个平台。那在粘合、焊接及铆接过程中会有变化吗?其方法是相同的还是不同的?我们用在Malibu上的粘合方法就是粘合XT4的方法,因此从本质上讲,这就是焊接。但是有些是钎焊,而且我们大量使用粘合剂。我们没有多少铆接。我们使用一些螺栓,但是主要是在汽车车体修理厂以外使用。 GM Fairfax到堪萨斯城行车距离很短这些流程是不是达到很高的标准了呢?或者在境地能耗方面遇到一些困难,或者诸如此类的事情呢?是的,每年都如此。所以我们定下效率目标,这些是成本效率,但成本之一就是人力资源,还有一个是实用程序。因此,我们业务计划发展的一部分就是讨论如何降低公用设施费用,以及降低人力资源成本。你们有没有得到最佳时间理念的流程?通用汽车在北美,甚至欧洲和亚洲各姊妹工厂之间的关系如何?我们进行很多的谈话,不仅是我们北美地区,而是在全球范围。因此在我们汽车车体修理厂人力资源问题上,我们就从全球范围上研究所有的的汽车车体修理厂,以及全球最好的实践方案。然后我们才会说,那是特定车型生产中应该适用的汽车车体修理厂。然后我们希望所有的汽车车体修理厂都按照这种方式运营,从而最大限度提高效率。这就是人力资源角度上做事情。但是我们还有所谓的成本委员会,解决特定业务成本问题,其中之一就是公用设施费用。委员会代表来自个地区的工厂,因此我们可以互相学习,并拿出解决问题的最有效方案。会不会有竞争呢?我认为执行方面会有竞争,但不会出现在“我的方法和你不同,这种方法为我带来了好处”这种方面。我们共享理念做得很好。举另一个例子。我们有一个创新网站,因此如果我有一个创意可以优化Fairfax工厂,那么我就提交网站,然后全球所有工厂都会看到。因此我们不会藏着。我们拿出想法,我们的创意得到认可并分享。因此工厂根据提出创意的数量以及受惠工厂的数量而得到嘉奖。我认为从领导层面来看,这是很有帮助的。我认为我们的领导参观不同的工厂,看到这些工厂正在做些什么,在看到之后问到的一个问题就是,你们共享这个了吗?所以共享无处不在,人们对这件事已经有了共识。没有人保证我会在这里很长时间。我可以到其他的一个工厂。所有的事情放在一起,我们感觉到理念共享带来的友情,所有人都认真考虑执行下去。 准备工作包括Fairfax装配团队访问通用Warren工厂,该厂开发设计并制造了第一批XT4汽车着手转型费尔法克斯核心团队协调员Michael Poirier对AMS说,从重型轿车到小型跨界车的转型是一个大挑战。有个案调查显示,向费尔法克斯引进XT4是一件非常有趣的事情:这个车型要从轿车转型跨界车了。Poirier团队面临的挑战就是在实践中改变并安装部件;还有一些不需要设计师考虑的小细节。“我们不得不对我们的传输系统做些改动,同时对材料输送到生产线的方式进行改进,等等。”在准备阶段,Poirier和他的团队在密歇根通用涡轮中心工作,在这里设计XT4汽车,并开发第一批汽车。他们尽可能从车间学习,并找到能够协调目前Malibu装配厂流程的方法。“我们必须保证不会向装配流程加入多余的垃圾。我们从一开始就这么做了,而且我们迟早都会解决这个问题的。”还有一个有关天窗螺丝的例子。Poirier的团队发现,固定器的作用“仅仅是增加噪音,我们不需要它。”“这是在我们看到实物之前就搞定了的,这对我们以及工厂都有好处。”在后挡板上下功夫而不是后备箱,XT4车型的这个特点是否有难度,不同的零部件是否要放到不同的部位?Poirier证实说,“是的,而且其中的修饰成分要远多于制造过程。因此,在我们启动这款汽车的时候,我们就放弃输送器,转而使用自导车辆系统,用于车体与底座接合过程。通过这种方式,我们创造了自由空间,我们称之为32输送机。这种技术还用于汽车本身在输送器上接合的过程,然后在走流程。这样我们在32的末端还有空间,我们将其用于制造提升式门。这个还没有用于目前的汽车内,因为后备箱不需要制作成这个样子。”这个流程中,自动化和人工作业有什么变化吗? Poirier解释说,这个工作还是有人工完成的。那有没有自动化工艺,或者一些辅助设备呢?全部是手工处理,Piorier说:“比如说,他们还在现场安装挡流板。所有这些都是手工完成的。唯一需要辅助完成的(实际上就是一个定位器)就是后雨刷。这只是为了确保其位置正确。”在虚拟制造过程中,Piorier的团队是被并解决了100个问题,之后才会出品实际汽车。这些理念从滑板转变为实物并在生产线上生产,是一个极具吸引力的工作。填补这些空白证实Poirier和他的团队所擅长的。 

  • The 2019 XT4

    The X Factor


    As GM Fairfax gears up to build the new Cadillac XT4 alongside the existing Chevy Malibu sedan, Gareth Price travels to Kansas City to speaks to plant manager Bill Kulhanek about the new eraWhat sort of preparations have you had to make for the new process? Have there been any ...

  • NAFTA nations

    NAFTA: the saga so far...


    Seven rounds of talks have taken place since NAFTA renegotiation began last year but the trio of nations are no closer to agreeing a deal. Nick Gibbs reportsPresident Trump’s policies on trade relations continue to cause upheaval within the automotive industry. In the US, one of the biggest headaches is ...

  • Stratasys Fortus 380CF copy

    Stratasys starts shipping 3D printer


    Israel - The Fortus 380mc Carbon Fiber Edition was first previewed at the additive manufacturing event called Rapid 2018, and is now available to purchase for US$70,000. It is dubbed by the company as an "affordably priced additive manufacturing system dedicated for carbon-fiber-filled Nylon 12."The printer has already been used ...

  • Ian Henry

    PSA – setting a new pace with Opel


    Having bought the perennial loss-making Opel-Vauxhall operations from GM last year, PSA has lost no time in starting with the turnaround required. And the early signs are that it has already had a notable impact, something which may surprise many, myself included. When the acquisition was announced in early 2017, ...