All Bodyshop articles – Page 8
Not too posh to push
Porsche has been expanding its production and achieving record results – with some assistance from Volkswagen Group facilitiesBoth an iconic name in the automotive industry and a core part of the Volkswagen Group, Porsche has been facilitating its rising production in recent years by relying heavily on Group resources while ...
Spain’s rising star
Renault’s Valladolid plant is piloting some of the latest digital manufacturing technologiesThe Spanish plant has become a star in Renault’s production network for making one of the brand’s most successful new-segment launches: the Captur small SUV. Since start of production in 2013, the car has passed the ‘1m built’ milestone ...
Volvo Ghent starts XC40 production
Belgium – The company’s first small premium SUV is based on the Compact Modular Architecture which will underpin all new cars in the 40 series. Volvo has already taken more than 13,000 orders and deliveries will begin early next year.“Our people have put in long days and many hours to ...
MAN to invest €2.4 billion by 2020
Germany – The funds, equivalent to $2.8 billion, will go towards modernising the company’s sites and improving efficiency across all divisions, and will include a €1.1 billion upgrade at its main plant in Munich between 2015 and 2020. In Munich, MAN is opening a new paintshop, expanded bodyshop, a combined ...
Building for the future
Subaru has spent $1.3bn at its US plant to increase its capacity and is now preparing to produce a new SUVSubaru of Indiana Automotive (SIA) reports that it has invested $1.3 billion at its 832-acre site in Lafayette, Indiana, over the last four years. This has increased both powertrain and ...
Southern powerhouse
South Africa's automotive industry has emerged onto the world stage after increased investment from the likes of BMW, Mercedes and VW. Moreover, the country has now attracted the attentions of a Chinese OEM The automotive industry has played a central role in the economic and industrial strategies of successive South ...
Mazda Hofu starts making new CX-5
Japan – Plant 2 in Yamaguchi Prefecture has joined Hiroshima Plant and other facilities in China and Malaysia as a producer of the new model. Mazda said this will enable it to “flexibly and rapidly” meet growing global demand for crossovers.At the production launch, Hidenori Kawakami, executive officer and plant ...
Putting the Kia into Slovakia
With its production numbers continuing to increase, the Kia Motors Slovakia facility in Žilina is flying the flag for smaller car-producing nationsA picturesque setting is not a metric that OEMs necessarily value when selecting production sites, but it is one in which Kia Motors Slovakia (KMS) scores highly. The facility ...
Finding a new Vantage point
In an effort to end its boom-bust cycle, Aston Martin aims to double production capacity by 2019 while cutting manufacturing costsFor a luxury maker so used to luring the rich, profits have proven elusive for Aston Martin over the course of its 104-year existence. But the first signs that its ...
Capital gains
Having made more than 1m Mercedes-Benz cars at its Beijing factory, BBAC is proud of its place in the Daimler portfolio. AMS travelled to China in order to tour the largest Mercedes-Benz car factory in the worldMade in China, for China: that has been the Mercedes-Benz strategy for more than ...
First and foremost
Audi’s links with FAW stretch back more than 25 years to the origins of large-scale car production in China. AMS visited the JV's Changchun plant, Jilin, which has recently added new body and assembly facilitiesAs one of the first large-scale joint ventures established within China’s automotive industry, the partnership between ...
Speed of thought
A well-educated workforce within a tried-and-tested process model enables the GAC FCA plant at Guangzhou to achieve rapid ramp-ups. AMS went to the WCM-designed plant in China to take a look at the productionIn April, 2016, Jeep Renegades began rolling off the assembly line at a brand new plant in ...
采访:福特公司Bill Russo
AMS与福特公司亚太区制造副总裁在上海总部会面,了解一下目前地区所面临的生产挑战,尤其是中国JMC和长安合资公司的状况Bill Russo在中国已经工作18个月了,但在汽车与工程这个行业的时间却已经超过40年了。他的事业始于福特汽车(Ford),这是他在大学毕业后的第一份工作。之后他又在更广泛的制造部门担任多种职务,管理过克莱斯勒工厂,还曾经营过自己的工程制造公司。2001年,他回到福特公司,之后在汽车生产和全球动力传统系统制造部门担任总监。Russo说,“我很幸运,这些经历为我积累了丰富的经验,可以从不同的角度看待事物。”“我可以发现很多解决问题的方法。如果你在事业上只走过一条路,一个公司,那么你会学到这个公司解决问题的方法,从某种程度上讲,这种文化的力量非常强大,可以保护公司。但有时候会让你局限在非常狭窄的一点上,无法看到更大的方面。”Russo从2016年1月开始担任公司亚太区制造副总裁。他在这个职位上,充分利用他的经验和多面性,监管7个市场的工厂制造,总产量达到270万辆;其中,单单中国的产量就达到140万辆。Gareth Price(GP):你在亚洲的时间已经超过18个月了,你认为福特生产的经营特点是什么?Bill Russo(BR):福特从1997年开始就与中国的JMC(江铃汽车)合作,主要是卡车和商用车,产量大约500,000辆。这些产品的市场反响都很好。以后我们还要引进更多的SUV汽车。2001年,我们建立CAF(长安福特),公司现在在中国的产量大约160万辆;5年里,我们的产品达到15种,市场认可度也非常好。我认为,当你建立一个新的企业的时候,不管远离海岸或离资源遥远,你总要开始着手这个问题。要让人们跟上速度,要让系统运转起来,这是需要时间的。我们很幸运,因为我们这里的流程和设计都非常强大,因此系统非常成熟;我们安装的时候,就已经很完美,接近无瑕疵了。“我们本地化水平越来越高 — 不仅是一级供应商层面,还有二级和三级供应商" – Bill Russo, Ford那么最大的挑战就是人才的培养和改造了。亚洲的劳动力非常有秩序;这是一个大优势。我们的流程不仅教会他们怎么做,还会教他们为什么。你为他们构筑知识,他们学会之后表现非常好,不仅是产量方面,在质量标准方面也是如此。我们已经生产多年,与世界其他地方平等。 杭州工厂是CAF在中国的4个工厂之一现在我们正在寻找下一个机会,因为中国政府已经同意我们出口。我们也在寻找这种机会;我的意思是不仅仅是亚洲,可能还有更加成熟的市场。GP:欧洲的老厂一直苦于空间不足,在中国这样的大国是不是就没有这样的问题?BR:空间可以是优势也可以是劣势,因为增加的空间实际是一种浪费。你投资扩建,然后还得买东西放进去,这不一定总是有利的。对我来说,紧凑一些的工厂更好。这样,我们就能在复杂度方面发展我们的产品类型。我认为我们的工厂可能有点太大了。这是与合资公司妥协之后定的,所以我们要执行下去。工厂效率很好,与其他地方的工厂一样的。GP:中国市场显然没有其他地区的那么成熟。你们是如何改变方法的?BR:从更成熟的市场里,你能发现供应地、线路等方面的风险是具有季节性的。我们在这里增加了限制,比如水路要靠近水坝再建等工程。这是我们学到的东西。我们还要保留比平常更多的库存。从2016年起,我们开始根据供应商效益降低库存,同时也考虑到物流和季节性等问题。我们的本地化水平越来越高,不仅是一级供应商方面,还有二级和三级供应商。这里有很多种方法可以说,你在一级供应商方面达到本地化,即使是在没有达到的情况下。但你真的想实现本地制造,理由有很多。最明显的是,货运量减少;在工作流程、库存和预测性方面流动的现金少了。然后你就能开始缩小库存,这是我们目前正在做的。这需要两三年的时间。我们目前的路线图可能与其他地方公司的一样紧密,或者更紧。我们为所有物流线路都开放了全球数据分析,经常更新,接近实时状态。GP:在生产厂能源问题方面有相似的规则。你们采取了什么措施?BR:我们很多工厂里(中国没有必要),能源消耗实际比我们的工资还要高。在亚洲的一些地区,能源是我们的第一消耗品。因此,能源和环境平衡对我们非常重要。我们已经拿出一套流程,是我们福特生产系统“Best in Ford”的一部分,目的是为了实现最好的生产和复制。因此,对一个制造气缸、曲轴和气缸盖的动力传统系统制造厂来说,我们需要了解能源资产足迹。而且我们在不断地更新。比如切削工具;切削输送机需要100%在运转吗?排气机需要100%在运转吗?我们在工作休息期间减缓主轴转速了吗?都降下来之后,你会吃惊地发现,你能做到。在动力传动系统领域里,我们在过去的6年里的耗能降低了65%。但是我们还有很多事情要解决。一个工厂接着一个工厂,我们检查了工厂的子系统,工厂实行“Best in Ford”的标准。我们不断地快速将这种标准在工厂内复制。“让机械系统运作并不难;真正的秘诀在于让控制系统运作,并在工厂系统内协同运作” – Bill Russo, Ford同理,我们在汽车厂也是一样的做法。我们工厂里耗能最大的就是喷漆车间;熔炉、消耗大量的燃气,还有输水系统。我们综合隔间平衡、充气房、泵系统一同完成。在过去5年里,消耗明显降低。这是工厂各方面,而能源操作系统最依赖的就是有效关闭。 福特公司正在检测工厂里的能源消耗,一个系统一个系统地检查在工作班次之间,是不是所有的系统都关闭了?周末是不是所有不需要的区域都关闭了?空气压缩机系统是否有泄漏?我们大量使用电动工具,但是还有一些气动系统,我们打算进行改造。在冷却能力方面,是不是有更好的技术?我们为什么浪费水蒸气呢?在水泵和化学平管理等方面,我们真的是一个系统一个系统地检查我们的耗能。每个工厂都有一个能源地图,上面的子系统可以解释高峰负载情况,平均负载是多少,还有能源流动的情况。在制造4.0方面,我们要创造控制系统,保存数据,合并仪表板数据,从而可以看到资产流动情况。如果他们不需要继续的话,就可以关闭。这是我们要对制造4.0做的一部分事情。我们把这些教训推广到到供应商基地,他们感兴趣,因为如果我们能帮助他们降低消耗,我们也能从中获益。GP:你们工厂的年龄和条件是否能帮助你们达到“工业4.0”目标?BR:与美国工厂相比,工厂并不算新,但是我们一直在更新每一个项目。CAF One(在重庆)工厂是我们最老的工厂,去年我们进行了重大投资,更新了喷漆车间。后面我们还有几个项目,这样就能完全达到福特标准了。同理,我们也向JMC(在南京)推进新项目,不管是我们的SUV,还是新一代商用车和乘用车,比如Transit Tourneo,那些系统全部都是高架的。我们这么做有两个理由。我们有一个质量标准,因此我们要把所有的事情都做到相同标准,包括喷漆技术。我们发现,商用车客户的需求不断提高,过去平凡的白色货车已经满足不了他们了。喷漆技术在改变。我们目前在泰国尝试一种新的技术,计划今年达成协议。我们想要快速行动,因为能源效率越高,外观就越好;我们对这些技术感到非常兴奋。不一定非要降低材料成本,但是他们表现越好,能源效率就越高。 福特在中国的合资公司是与江铃汽车和长安开办的GP:除了能源效率,数据对你负责的其他职能是否有帮助?BR:让机械系统运作并不难;真正的秘诀在于让控制系统运作,并在工厂系统内协同运作。我们下一个机会就是把数据和系统连接起来。举例来说,坐在杭州工厂修饰、底盘区域玻璃比色槽内,我怎么会不知道全球其他福特玻璃比色槽的经营情况?他们的修复时间是否更快,或者是否更慢?他们的运营速度是否更快,他们使用什么材料,我该如何优化我的成本?当你拥有了这些数据,你就已经拥有了竞争特性,你就能马上做出改进。这里有一个例子:我们的供应商基地。我们在那里操作控制规划,但同时我们没有相应的数据,为什么没有?为什么不找到相同的数据和预测:“嘿,你好像开始要脱离平均水平了。你可能要去检查一番”,或者看看你的系统是否运行缓慢。所有的数据都可以得到。我们并没有进行数据回归,使其对双方都有意义。很显然,这能形成供应商基地之间不同的关系。这种关系比附属关系更能成为真实的的合作。我们还能在库存层面上合作,因为我们实现了可视性,能够与他们交流。“我们的合作可能会改变,别着急。”我们为什么要花数月的时间来调整?我们有很多种方法提高效率,而且数据就摆在那里。我们已经把各方面都联系起来,用不同的方法合作,这是真正的合作。
Interview: Bill Russo, Ford
AMS met Ford’s vice-president for manufacturing in Asia-Pacific at its Shanghai headquarters to discuss the challenges the OEM is tackling in the region, especially through its JMC and Changan JVs in ChinaBill Russo has been in China full time for a little over 18 months but in the automotive and ...
Going with the flow
AMS takes a look at Honda's innovative ARC production system, recently installed at Prachinburi in ThailandDescribed by Honda as a unique assembly line that differs from conventional systems by incorporating flowing cell production units into the main line, the newly developed Assembly Revolution Cell (ARC) line became operational at Prachinburi, ...
Bigger not always better
The largest automotive manufacturing complex in the world boasts five high-tech plants, but sales slumps and strikes have affected output at Hyundai Ulsan. AMS paid a visit to Fifth Plant to see Genesis productionThere is no place in the automotive world like Hyundai Ulsan. With five vehicle plants spread over ...
SsangYong: SUV-iving
Korea’s smallest carmaker has recently reported record sales, but its only vehicle plant is still underutilisedSales of 12,697 in a month may not seem like much for a mainstream vehicle-maker – and this figure is certainly dwarfed by the 376,109 units reported for June by Korean giant Hyundai – but ...
Nissan Tochigi's human touch
Automotive manufacturing is known for its robotics, but Nissan’s ‘master craftsmen’ show that there is still a place for human skill. AMS went to see them at work on the GTR and Infiniti models made at Tochigi, JapanMost countries value luxury products, but few cherish the beauty of production quite ...
Changes ahead for Europe
Manufacturers operating in Europe are continuing to push into the lower cost east as overall sales volumes in the region approach pre-crisis levels againMakers such as Jaguar Land Rover, Volkswagen, Ford and Daimler are among those building new plants or expanding existing ones to take advantage of benefits such lower ...
BMW plans Leipzig extension
Germany – The development plans for the facility in Saxony, eastern Germany, include new bodyshop and assembly areas. The central element of the building works, however, is an extension to the paintshop.The €200m project will integrate new technologies, BMW says, allowing the OEM to push towards greater efficiency and sustainability ...