All Bodyshop articles – Page 8

  • Audi A8

    Material world


    Inside its new bodyshop at Neckarsulm, Audi applies an enterprising mix across materials and joining technologies for its latest luxury sedan.

  • siemens 1

    A digital value chain


    For OEMs and suppliers, the transformation into a digital enterprise is crucial for achieving optimum plant availability, production flexibility, and competitivenessIn order to optimise the commissioning costs and ensure the necessary level of quality, starting with the first vehicle produced, each start-up process must be perfectly planned. The digitalisation of ...

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    In all the right places


    Automation is making a difference at BMW Dingolfing but humans are still at the heart of productionOn any given working day, ideas around information and automation present themselves to Reinhard Weindl. In his role as quality manager for technical planning at BMW Dingolfing he has witnessed an ever-growing range of ...

  • Zuffen analysis 300DPI

    Cube route


    Data-led analysis and audit are helping Porsche to maintain and enhance its production quality values

  • Mercedes-Benz Moscow

    Groundbreaking for Mercedes Moscovia


    Russia – Daimler has announced the construction of a “fully flexible” car factory in the Moscow area, with an investment of over €250m ($278.1m). The plant will produce Mercedes-Benz E-Class sedans from 2019, followed by the GLE, GLC and GLS SUV models.Covering 850,000 sq.m on the Esipovo industrial park, the ...

  • DTP_SKV_0706

    Open-door opportunity


    Much R&D work has been done to reduce the weight of vehicle structures, but closures still represent a significant opportunity for weight savingsClosures are mounted after body assembly and can be built up off-line, meaning that they can be made of entirely different materials, such as aluminium, to the vehicle’s ...

  • New ABB robots at Valmet Automotive are used on the Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV

    Red-hot robots


    AMS takes a look at the latest installations and innovations in the world of robot arms and automation used for welding applicationsAccording to the International Federation of Robotics, 50% of the world’s robots are used for welding. Moreover, a recent report from BCC Research reveals that the global automated/robotic welding ...

  • IMG_0060

    Scan the van


    At Volkswagen’s new plant in Poland, production quality for the Crafter van is ensured using ground-breaking measuring technologyOfficially opened in October 2016, the new plant in Wrzesnia, Poland, is a highly modern production facility operated by VW Commercial Vehicles. It will be used for building the VW Crafter van, with ...

  • Factory line

    All hail the new taxi


    Combining ingenuity, a bold export plan and a government grant, Geely has launched an all-new LTC electric taxi manufactured at a purpose-built factoryHow do you build a niche, low-volume car like the London black cab and make it profitable? That was the conundrum facing the Zhejiang Geely Holding Group when ...

  • Ford Michigan

    Ford’s $1.2bn Michigan investments


    US – The funds will go towards upgrading Michigan Assembly Plant, increasing capacity at Romeo Engine and developing an advanced data centre. Ford says the investments will help it to “strengthen its leadership in trucks and SUVs and support the company’s expansion to an auto and mobility company”.Ford is spending ...

  • Article

    Valmet to make next-gen Mercedes


    Finland – The manufacturing contract is described as being comparable in duration and extent to existing deals for the Mercedes-Benz A-Class and GLC SUV. The manufacturing engineering project for compact cars will begin immediately.“The new manufacturing contract takes the cooperation of Valmet Automotive and Daimler to a new level, and ...

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    Under contract


    Valmet Automotive is experiencing rapid growth with a new Daimler contract to build its GLC SUV, partnership with a leading Chinese battery supplier and engineering acquisitions in EuropeIt might have been a chilly -12°C outside the Uusikaupunki plant on the day of our visit, but things are certainly heating up ...

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    Perfeitamente trabalhado


    Conforme a demanda por veículos comerciais ligeiros cresce, a Volkswagen vê sua nova fábrica na Polônia como um laboratório para operações de fabricação futuras LCV com 70% da produção adaptada às especificações do clienteA abertura de gala da nova unidade de produção da VW em Wrzesnia revelou uma muito impressionante ...

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    - 完美制造


    随着市场对轻型商用车需求的增长,大众公司计划在波兰弗热希尼亚建造新工厂,将此作为未来轻型商用车制造实验室,70%的生产都是根据客户规格量身定做。大众弗热希尼亚工厂开幕庆典上,人们看到了一个令人瞩目的先进的工厂,虽然工厂目前每天只生产20辆汽车。在生产初期,所有的东西都是崭新的(生产厂和车辆都是新的),而所有的事情都是按部就班地进行。弗热希尼亚工厂生产的Crafter先是货车也是崭新的平台(之前是有梅赛德斯供应),从头到尾都是由大众公司设计的,充分利用了蓬勃发展的轻型商用车市场。网上零售的发展,带动国内的交付量急剧上涨。 Bodyshop operations are 68% automated – 430 Kuka robots performing welding, adhesive application and materials handling大众商用车管理委员会主席Dr Eckhard Scholz说,制造新款Crafter需要一个新工厂。这主要是因为车辆的尺寸 — 根据不同的变体,汽车最大长度可达7米,高度可达2,7米 — 这就需要工厂有一个超大的平台。Scholz解释说,新款厢式货车的开发主要以客户为出发点,70%的生产都是根据客户订单和规格要求进行设计和制造。他说,以这种方式生产,弗热希尼亚工厂实际上成为未来轻型商用车的“实验室”。据大众波兹南工厂管理委员会主席Jens Ocksen称,在生产初期阶段之后,年产量将达到50-60,000辆,需要增加一班生产。如果需求量比预期大的话,可能需要第三班生产。工厂官方最大产量为,每年100,000辆。到2019年,弗热希尼亚工厂会推出69款Crafter变体车型。专门的制造部门在商用车部门,提供多种变体选择并不少见,但是工厂还有一个特殊的CAR部门,为客户提供特殊要求,比如紧急服务,公用事业等。简单参观汽车车体修理厂就会发现这些细节,但仍然令人叹为观止。这个区域占地相当于23个足球场,绵延4公里的生产线将公开车型和未公开车型分开。目前,冲压件是从外面的供应商那里采购的。汽车车体修理厂的自动化水平达到68%,拥有430个kuka机器人,进行焊接、接合(每辆车都需要100米的粘合剂)和材料送递。电焊是最好要的接合方法,但是激光硬焊用于车身顶盖的接合。还有很多人工焊接站,完成小型组件焊接。通常情况下,汽车车体修理厂是允许参观的,但是有人告诉我们,操作一共分为4个水平,生产线总长度达到6公里。这里的自动化达到65%,拥有94个机器人,完成喷漆相关操作。工厂提供Crafter汽车8个基础款,53种颜色。主要装配的方向变化主要装配区域分为7个生产线,192个阶段。驾驶室预装配是在献策与质量检测同步完成的,然后再 进行安装。挡风玻璃的安装是自动化完成的。装配程序中有趣的一点就是旋转箱式汽车的车身,这样就能向生产线方向进行成90°角度。这样就可以安装比较大的后门;据说这是非常搞笑的方法,为装配厂工人提供更高的人体工学环境,方便完成装卸和安装大型板材。装配工人们从地面上升到平台上,与车床同一高度,完成操作。在发动机安装的时候,刹车、悬吊和底部组件就会转移到顶部筐子里。可持续生产开幕仪式结束之后,大众公司提供了更多有关工厂可持续性项目的信息。在建造工厂的时候,考虑到很多环保和可持续性发展的问题。弗热希尼亚工厂负责人Jens Ocken说,“我们实行了大量的创新方案。弗热希尼亚工厂是欧洲汽车制造厂的楷模 — 将先进制造技术与环保效率同时顾及到了。”大众弗热希尼亚工厂:事实与数据 工厂的规模:220公顷(2.2平方公里) 计划生产量:每年100,000辆 =每小时17辆汽车 = 每天约380辆汽车 车辆:69Crafter衍生物;载货量最高18.4立方米;货仓最高2,196毫米;车辆长度最高达7,391毫米;高度达到2,798毫米;净重最高5.5公吨 计划劳动力:约3,000名员工,实施3班制 投资:8亿欧元 供应商:45家来自波兰(7家来自该地区)作为“蓝·创未来工厂(公司环保项目)”,工厂建筑物的而设计最大考虑了能源最优化。大众公司称,工厂高度隔离,热能再循环系统效率很高。工厂还设立了一个专注需求的管理体制,保证耗严密控制耗能。生产厂的设计还注重能源效率优化。比如激光焊接流程(将车顶连接到汽车车体上),对耗能都产生积极影响。通常来讲,喷漆车间格式高耗能部门之一,这个部门也采用了节能技术。36个喷漆机器人采用高旋转喷雾器和换色器,所需油漆比传统系统少很多。使用Durr公司的“EcoDryScrubber”流程(用于清洁空气),驾驶舱喷漆耗能节省60%,不需要水货化学剂,并减少废气排放量。新引进的“EcoSmart AC”工艺进一步优化驾驶舱空调。自动化车体干燥剂还配备了节能热循环结束。整个新工厂都充斥着绿色的概念,生活服务设施和生产厂得到德国建筑协会(DGNB)的认证 — 工厂因此成为世界上第一个获此殊荣的汽车厂。获得这个认证的因素包括生态经济质量、神会文化、技术和工艺相关方面。 

  • Factory VW Wrzesnia 5

    Perfectly crafted


    As demand for light commercial vehicles grows, Volkswagen sees its new facility in Poland as a laboratory for future LCV manufacturing operations with 70% of production tailored to customer specificationThe gala opening of VW’s new production facility at Wrzesnia revealed a very impressive, state-of-the-art factory, albeit at the time producing ...

  • Article

    Raciocínio de princípio


    Investir €500 milhões para expandir sua operação em Leipzig significa que, pela primeira vez, a Porsche pode ter três modelos em uma única rota através de estações idênticasDesde que a produção do Macan começou em 2014, a Porsche Leipzig tem operado como uma instalação de produção de pleno direito com ...

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    - 原则推理


    保时捷向莱比锡工厂投资5亿欧元进行扩建,这是公司首次在一个生产线上生产3款车型自2014年保时捷莱比锡工厂开始Macan汽车以来,一直都是成熟的生产厂,拥有现代化喷漆车间和专门的汽车车体修理厂。对Panamera而言,白车身要在汉诺威大众工厂进行制造和喷漆,然后运送到Saxony工厂,进行预装配和总装配。现在,为了进行新一代Panamera完整的生产,保时捷进行了16年以来的第四次扩建,汽车车体修理厂扩大到56,000平方米。该项目投资5亿欧元,改装了装配线,升级基础设施,又产生600个工作岗位。这种稳步改进状态并没有影响公司理念或生产车型。莱比锡工厂与祖文浩森(在斯图加特附近,是911生产地)工厂的生产理念相同。品牌理念可追溯到公司创始人,Ferry Porsche,他一直坚信“一切都要极致”。Panamera汽车车体修理厂总经理Christoph Beerhalter说:“这里的生产特点就是流程透明化,并一贯实施精益生产原则。”"铝是要求非常高的一种材料。使用抛光板和抛光技术,产生的热量可能会是材料变形,要想避免这一点,就需要技术" - Christoph Beerhalter, 保时捷汽车以准时化顺序方式对预装配和特定车型组件进行送递,可以准确完成装配线订单 — 有时候会直接抵达规定地点和装配线。工厂不断进行改进,减少甚至消除浪费,并继续强调高质量。首要工作原则就是流程 — 智能物流和IT系统连接了所有创造价值过程。保时捷制造商根据“客户循环” — 生产数量 — 是制造汽车所有工艺的推动力。装配车间的员工们从物流供应中心拿到材料。然后,供应商提供高质量零部件,并满足即时需求,避免生产过剩和不必要的缓冲。最后,零错误原则保证高速而稳定的产品工艺,避免小失误。高度垂直整合Panamera的车体是在大众集团灵活的模块化标准装备(MSB)基础上制造的。莱比锡工厂新增的MSB汽车车体修理厂是由工厂控制系统监管,负责汽车订单中从第一个组件到白车身的各个方面。汽车车体是由430个独立零部件,通过热能机械接合方法组装而成,使用200多米长的粘合剂。MSB汽车车体修理厂平均每小时生产13个汽车车体。这里共有475个机器人和189名员工,建造汽车车体,垂直化整合率超过90%。Beerhalter说,“汽车车体的45%是由铝构成。铝成本很高,需要及高度的模具制造与表面抛光稳定性。”铝质外壳新款Panamera的整个外壳都是有铝构成的。汽车车体从下到上是由4个主要部分构成:底座、上层结构、附加零部件和表面加工。首先,车身前部平台、地板和车身后部组装在一起,构成底部线。侧板和顶棚附加在底座上,之后的建构城流程本位三大部分。在上层结构上,内侧壁被焊接到底座结构上。下一步是安装第二个上层结构,即外侧板 — 这些是外饰板,构成了Panamera设计的主要部分。第三部分,就是将汽车车体完整地安装到顶棚上。 The €500million investment created 600 new jobs and saw production at Porsche Leipzig rise to 650 cars per day在附加零部件生产线上,车门、后备箱、前翼、和阀盖(这些都是同步提前制造的)就被安装到车身上。机器人将车本和阀盖全自动安装起来,因为曲面之间紧密的间隙尺寸需要自动的方式。工人们使用一个半自动程序装配所有的附加零部件。第四个,也是最后一个部分就是表面加工。汽车制造商检测表面,如果需要还会进一步加工,并调整附加零部件。这个部分需要的员工最多,因为这部分需要手工技术和肉眼。Beerthalter说,“铝是要求非常高的材料,很难制成零部件,因为这需要非常熟练地应用抛光板和抛光技术 — 产生的热量可能使材料变形,想要避免这种情况就需要技术。”空调不仅能冷却这个繁忙而拥挤的生产线,而且让空气中的铝粉尘落下并提取出来。操作员和车辆分别推动皮带,使其倾斜,创造一种优质人体工学高度,适合安装车翼、阀盖和顶棚等。Beerhalter说,“之后就遇到另一个质量瓶颈。每个车体都需要检查,这就需要喷漆车间完成。” On average, 13 bodies are produced per hour in the ...

  • Porsche Leipzig GmbH

    Principled reasoning


    Investing €500m to expand its operation at Leipzig means that, for the first time, Porsche can take three models on a single route through identical stationsSince production of the Macan began in 2014, Porsche Leipzig has operated as a fully-fledged production facility with a modern paintshop and a dedicated bodyshop. ...

  • 360SIMS_DualRobot_Kuka_BIW_Cell_with_RPS-Rechts_LR

    Metrology meets automation


    Portable systems have made high-accuracy measurement possible across all plant areas – the next step in this evolution is the integration of metrology with automationIn years past, automotive manufacturers have been forced to choose between very different paradigms in the search to improve the quality, shorten design-to-launch times and better ...

  • close-up-01

    Ploys against noise


    Following a joint project with Henkel, BMW is piloting a new generation of sustainable, lighter, liquid-applied sound deadening materials for series productionWind whistle and engine sounds work against the quiet enjoyment that OEMs seek to provide for drivers and passengers. Noise-Vibration-Harshness (NVH) materials placed onto the vehicle BIW structures help ...