All Stellantis articles – Page 9

  • Mercedes-Benz Werk Ludwigsfeld

    Commercial vitality


    European LCV production is a dynamic mix of rising volumes, electrification and new alliancesIn general, Europe’s light commercial vehicle (LCV) market is supplied by native manufacturers, with only two non-European brands, Nissan and Hyundai, having a production footprint of their own on the continent (Toyota sources the ProAce van from ...

  • Article

    Commercial vitality


    European LCV production is a dynamic mix of rising volumes, electrification and new alliancesIn general, Europe’s light commercial vehicle (LCV) market is supplied by native manufacturers, with only two non-European brands, Nissan and Hyundai, having a production footprint of their own on the continent (Toyota sources the ProAce van from ...

  • BMW Rosslyn

    Potência do sul


    A indústria automotiva da África do Sul surgiu no cenário mundial após o aumento do investimento do tipo BMW, Mercedes e VW. Além disso, o país atraiu as atenções de um OEM chinêsA indústria automotiva tem desempenhado um papel central nas estratégias econômicas e industriais de sucessivos governos sul-africanos na ...

  • BMW Rosslyn

    La potencia del sur


    La industria automotriz de Sudáfrica surgió en el escenario mundial tras una inversión de la talla de las de BMW, Mercedes y VW. Aún más, el país atrajo la atención de un Fabricante de Equipos Originales (OEM) chino.La industria automotriz ha desempeñado un papel central en las estrategias económicas e ...

  • Hauzer Barcelona

    Bright work


    Coatings specialist Hauzer has developed a viable physical vapour deposition process for automotive partsThe chrome electroplating process for vehicle parts is tried and tested; it’s durable and can be polished to a high shine but uses potentially harmful chemicals, notably chromium 6. A challenge to its use has arisen in ...

  • Ian Henry

    A winning formula?


    Like all new strategic plans announced by vehicle companies from time to time, the new Opel PACE! plan leaves many questions unanswered. It’s not clear yet what will happen to the enlarged manufacturing network which PSA-Opel/Vauxhall now has; by common consent, the group has too many plants, but CEO Carlos ...

  • Article

    A winning formula?


    Like all new strategic plans announced by vehicle companies from time to time, the new Opel PACE! plan leaves many questions unanswered. It’s not clear yet what will happen to the enlarged manufacturing network which PSA-Opel/Vauxhall now has; by common consent, the group has too many plants, but CEO Carlos ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Composição química


    A maior utilização de materiais mistos na construção de veículos exigiu mudanças no processo de pré-tratamentoO tratamento inicial que uma carroceria de metal nua recebe é fundamental para alcançar os principais parâmetros de desempenho de todas as operações subsequentes de revestimento e pintura, obviamente, proteção contra corrosão e adesão da ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Composición química


    El uso cada vez más frecuente de materiales combinados en la construcción de vehículos requiere cambios en los procesos de tratamiento previoEl tratamiento inicial que recibe una carrocería bruta de metal sirve para alcanzar los parámetros de rendimiento claves en todas las operaciones siguientes de revestimiento y pintura, especialmente la ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Chemical composition


    The greater use of mixed materials in vehicle construction has required changes to the pretreatment processThe initial treatment that a bare metal car body receives is fundamental to achieving the key performance parameters of all subsequent coating and painting operations, most obviously corrosion protection and paint adhesion. For many decades, ...

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    A curva ascendente do servo


    A recente instalação do que é reivindicada como a maior máquina de serviço em qualquer parte do setor global de produção de metais automotivos demonstra os principais avanços feitos na tecnologia de pressão.A tecnologia de prensa servo vem aumentando cada vez mais as aplicações de moldagem de metal automotivo há ...

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    El auge de las servoprensas


    La reciente instalación de la mayor servoprensa de conformación de metal en el sector automotriz muestra los últimos avances en la tecnología de prensadoLa tecnología de prensado servo lleva tiempo avanzando en las aplicaciones de conformado metálico en el sector automotriz. Los motivos no son exclusivos para el sector automotriz ...

  • Generation EQ

    EVs abound, but where’s the power?


    This year’s Frankfurt Motor Show was a little different from previous occasions, with some notable absentees – namely Nissan, Peugeot, Volvo and FCA. Something else I was struck (rather than surprised) by was the increasing focus on electric vehicles (EVs). The diesel scandal has led to a major shift in ...

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    The upward curve of servo


    The recent installation of what is claimed to be the biggest ever servopress machine anywhere in global automotive metalforming sector demonstrates the key advances made in pressing technologyServo press technology has been making increasing inroads into automotive metalforming applications for some time now. The reasons are not particular to the ...

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    - 伺服的曲线发展之路


    被称为汽车业最大的伺服冲压机安装之后用于金属成形,这是冲压技术目前最大的进步 伺服冲压技术一直以来都在消耗汽车金属成型应用。其中的原因对汽车部门的需求来说并不算特殊,但是这番印了该技术的有点可疑应用到制造流程中。最关键的就是利用伺服冲压技术的灵活性控制;滑动可疑直接通过点击完成,并在单一操作中就完成变更 — 加速、减速或者停止 — 这根据需求来动。这种结果就是加强了零部件成型准确率,同时不会降低材料质量,也不用考虑目标零部件的几何结构。 该技术拥有两个冲压技术对手。他们是非伺服机械压力机,这种技术将电机能量通过复杂的离合器、齿轮、系统传递给刀片。另一个是飞轮和液压机在,电机会驱动一个液压泵,之后又反过来驱动活塞缸套组驱动刀片。这两种技术仍然在使用,但是没有一个能够媲美伺服冲压机的灵活性,因为这两种技术中,刀片运动在振幅和速度上都是固定的。 此外,伺服冲压技术在汽车制造部门的优点刚刚又取得了突破性的进展 — 准确地说是在最近委任所谓的最大的机械使用。该机械目前在德国Bielefeld工厂运行,这是西班牙巩固组件制造商Gestamp Automoción旗下工厂。正确的说,该机械从设计到安装,都拥有西班牙原厂产品,由来自Bielefeld和Logroño(这里是日本-西班牙设备供应商Nidec ARISA的办公室所在地)组成的团队联合完成。 Gestamp Bielefeld工厂里的伺服冲压机长37米,重1,350吨 Bielefeld的大家伙光是安装尺寸(去年12月从德国运来)就能看到它的不同。设备中体长度37米,宽20日,高10米,地下还有6米长。总重量为1,350吨,额定功率达到9MW转矩和7MW蓄能,可以通过一个补充发动机完成,所有这些特性,足以使机械在模面产生45,000KN的压力。 整个系统配有一个单一压力机,上面有两个车厢和三个支柱,可以瞄准模具的偏心载荷。该机械通过一种格式化拆包机给料,经过多个装在站,目的是为机械操作员提供人体工学效率。同时,有一个传送带系统,通过一个石油编程还贷润滑器运输材料,保证每个操作中最佳油使用。这种模具更换系统,包括拆垛机的更换,都是全自动的。 线下编程可以通过Nidec ARISA自主产品Optiservo软件运行,这个是为了考虑公司冲压机的开口曲线而特别编写的,这可以让操作员制造很多种曲线。特别要注意的是,该软件能让生产工程师模拟并优化曲线,而且不需要停止生产,同时降低启动时间,避免碰撞。 “汽车业的规格,以及不间断的快速发展需要精确而灵活的机械,这使不同材料和模具可以混合工作,提高了速度,降低了能耗” - Roberto Gonzalo, Nidec ARISA 这些细节都得到了Nidec ARISA公司项目经理Roberto Gonzalo的证实。他还说,Bielefeld安装目前这个伺服冲压机是公司目前以来最大的,他还说,“这也是串联伺服冲压机”。尽管如此,这个记录可能要马上被打破,因为Gonzalo解释说,“我们还要使用其他类似尺寸的机械”。 新的境界据Gonzalo称,在Bielefeld设计、制造并安装新的伺服冲压机项目面临一些根本性的问题,比如如何实现绩效目标。他说,“在设计过程中,我们已经解决了高抗张强度新材料的印刷工艺问题,尤其是面对第一成型站和后面之间的压力差异问题,因为这会造成多工位压力机的变形。“ 他们面临很多种方案,比如在多工位压力机之前使用个别压力机。但Gonzalo认为,这种方法不够简便。他说,“变形过程通常都是深拉成型的,需要高压。”她还解释说,这可能会在冲压过程中损坏模具负载的对称性。但是,这种系统的主要缺点在于,他会总体上降低绩效,因为它需要将零部件从一个冲压机移动到另一个冲压机上。 另一个方案就是制造一种单独的不对称压力机,这种压力机可以承受使用过程中产生的压力造成的变形,并有压力机的不对称结构进行补充。但是,这种刚发也存在问题。Gonzalo说,“这种方法在模具需要的尺寸不变的情况下是可行的,但是单一托班冲压无法制造。此外,这种冲压机会在缓慢负载模具分配的情况下造成不对称变形。” 因此Gonzalo认为,所选的技术方案需要一种单一冲压机上带有两个拖板,三个垂直的能够瞄准偏心载荷的模具,并且可以操作各种模具尺寸的工作。这种高要求还复杂了,“压力机应该是伺服驱动”才能实现一定的质量水平。它而得传递过程还能实现较高生产率。他说,“材料的高抗张强度需要非常准确的成型速度,才能制造高质量零部件。只有精确速度控制的伺服冲压机才能实现这个要求。”此外,在建造过程中还有一个困难,就是制造安装装量超过200吨的组件精确率要低于0.1mm。 要让客户满意Gonzalo补充说,这种性能等级要求尽管不是汽车业唯一,但确实目前非常典型的。他说,“这种规格,以及汽车业的快读不断的发展都要求精确而灵活的机械,能够完成不同材料和模具的工作,提高速度,降低能耗。只有伺服冲压机能够满足这些要求。” 同时,冲压机用户表示,新的机械要满足他们的预期。据Gestamp ...

  • Volvo S90 pre-production, Daqing of the new Volvo S90 in the Daqing manufacturing plant

    Getting the green light


    Under government pressure, domestic and international OEMs in China are switching to new-energy vehicles US vehicle manufacturers Premium European brands European high-volume makers Japanese and Korean OEMs Motorcycle producers SuppliersThe origins of Chinese vehicle manufacturing are rooted in technology transfers from European, US and Japanese OEMs through joint ventures in ...

  • GAC FCA Guangzhou

    Speed of thought


    A well-educated workforce within a tried-and-tested process model enables the GAC FCA plant at Guangzhou to achieve rapid ramp-ups. AMS went to the WCM-designed plant in China to take a look at the productionIn April, 2016, Jeep Renegades began rolling off the assembly line at a brand new plant in ...

  • APAC 2017

    OUT NOW: Asia-Pacific special edition


    Given the political upheavals of the past year or so, these are uncertain times for global industry and trade. This includes the vast Asia-Pacific region which is home to some of the biggest players in the automotive industry, such as top producer Toyota (routinely number one or two worldwide in ...

  • JVDCoatingLine_ArcelorMittalLiege

    Jet set


    A breakthrough technology for advanced high strength steel coating, the JVD process is demonstrating higher performance with lower environmental impactThe recent launch of ArcelorMittal’s JVD line at its facility near Liege, Belgium, represents the culmination of years of scientific investigation by its research and development teams.The only one of its ...

  • ATI Robotic Tool Changer and Force-Torque Sensor mounted on the wrist of the robot

    Unindo forças


    Peças complexas, encaixes de precisão, sem margem para erro, não é de se admirar que a automação seja um ingrediente vital no sucesso de linhas de montagem de motor e transmissão As linhas modernas estão mais rápidas, seguras e mais confiáveis do que nunca, graças em grande parte à automação. ...