All Geely articles – Page 4

  • Factory line

    All hail the new taxi


    Combining ingenuity, a bold export plan and a government grant, Geely has launched an all-new LTC electric taxi manufactured at a purpose-built factoryHow do you build a niche, low-volume car like the London black cab and make it profitable? That was the conundrum facing the Zhejiang Geely Holding Group when ...

  • Carlos Tavares and Marry Barra

    After PSA and Opel, who's next?


    The acquisition of Opel/Vauxhall by PSA, which should be complete by the end of this year, took the industry by surprise. With Opel/Vauxhall still losing money in Q3 2016, GM’s chief financial officer, Chuck Stevens, said the company would do what was required to put the situation right. Most observers ...

  • London Taxi

    New London Taxi plant inaugurated


    UK – The £300m ($377.1m) factory at Antsy, Coventry, will be able to produce up to 20,000 range-extended electric vehicles (EVs) per year for global markets. The investment by parent company Geely, the Chinese carmaker, has created over 1,000 jobs, including 200 engineers and 30 apprentices.“The opening of our new ...

  • London Taxi

    LTC announces van for new factory


    UK – Following the official launch of its new facility at Antsy, Coventry, London Taxi Company (LTC) said that a range-extended light commercial vehicle would be the second vehicle to roll off the line after an electric taxi. An additional £25m ($31.5m) from parent company Geely brings the total investment ...

  • Xiaolin Yuan

    Yuan to become Volvo's SVP, Asia-Pacific


    China – As senior vice-president (SVP) for Volvo Cars in the Asia-Pacific region, Xiaolin Yuan will replace Lars Danielson, who will retire from the company. In his new role, he will be supported by Geert Bruyneel, currently vice-president, Purchasing and Manufacturing, APAC, who will now become deputy SVP, Asia Pacific.Yuan ...

  • S90, Volvo Daqing

    Volvo announces Chinese expansion


    China – The vehicle-maker outlined a new strategy which will involve a significant increase in capacity in the country and the development of a global manufacturing and export hub serving growing demand for Volvo’s new range of cars in the US, Europe and Asia Pacific.Volvo said it will make ...

  • Article

    Finanças fortes: novas plataformas para o renascimento de uma empresa


    Finanças fortes estão justificando o investimento em novas plataformas para o renascimento de uma empresaEm 2015, a Volvo vendeu um número recorde de 503.000 veículos, um aumento de 8% em seu volume de 2014; ela também relatou um lucro operacional de SEK6.6 bilhões (US$779m), enquanto sua receita cresceu de SEK138n ...

  • Article

    Volvo: nuevas plataformas para una empresa renovada


    Los excelentes resultados financieros están justificando la inversión en nuevas plataformas para una empresa renovadaEn 2015, Volvo vendió la cifra récord de 503.000 vehículos, un aumento del 8% sobre 2014; también informó de un beneficio operativo de 6.600 millones de coronas (779 millones de dólares), mientras que sus ingresos crecieron ...

  • Start of production of new Volvo V90 premium estate

    Volvo: new platforms for a new company


    Strong financials are justifying investment in new platforms for a company rebornIn 2015, Volvo sold a record 503,000 vehicles, an 8% increase on its 2014 volume; it also reported an operating profit of SEK6.6bn (US$779m), while its revenue grew from SEK138bn to SEK164bn. Some 198,000 vehicles were sold in Europe, ...


    Brilliant simplicity


    Geico Taikisha’s chief operating officer, Daryush Arabnia, explains how the company’s new LeanDip system was inspired by customer feedbackCharacterised by its extreme simplicity of operation and maintenance, the LeanDip conveyor system handles bodies continuously and in a stop-and-go process recommended for high and low production volumes. LeanDip allows the body ...

  • BorgWarner eGearDrive transmission

    Electric vehicle transmission


    Designed for China’s emerging high-volume electric vehicle market, BorgWarner says its eGearDrive transmission features a highly efficient gear train for extended range and quiet performance, and is available in a wide range of ratios for a variety of motor sizes.This transmission will be fitted to Geely’s EC7-EV sedan. The Chinese ...

  • Article

    Ângulos internos


    Apesar de muita fusão, aquisição e empreendimentos conjuntos, o mercado de interiores de automóveis permanece fragmentado. Assentos e painéis/cabines são os dois maiores segmentos do mercado de interiores, tanto em termos de tamanho como valor do componente. Historicamente, esses componentes tinham sido fornecidos por uma mistura de fornecedores in-house e ...

  • Article

    Interiores en perspectiva


    A pesar de muchas fusiones, adquisiciones y empresas conjuntas, el mercado de interiores de automoción sigue muy fragmentadoLos asientos y los paneles de instrumentos/puestos de conducción son los dos principales segmentos del mercado de interiores, tanto en términos de tamaño como de valor del componente. Estos componentes han sido suministrados ...

  • Article

    Interior angles


    Despite much merger, acquisition and joint ventures, the automotive interiors market remains fragmented Seats and dashboards/cockpits are the two largest segments of the interiors market, both in terms of component size and value. Historically these components have been supplied by a mixture of in-house and independent suppliers, while in recent ...

  • Article



    尽管有很多公司在合并、收购、建立合资公司,但是汽车内饰市场仍是一盘散沙。座椅和仪表盘/驾驶舱从规格和价值来说,是内饰市场最大的两个部分。一直以来,这些组件都是内部自主供应和独立供应商混合供应的。但是近年来,这个部门一直面临供应方面的重组。大型供应商通过收购和自然发展,变得越来越大,而小型公司只能徘徊于特定组件或技术领域;而与此同时,汽车公司大部分都停止生产内饰零部件,只有大众(Sitech座椅生产分公司)、梅赛德斯和宝马公司仍在为德国工厂生产座椅。然而,尽管有很多公司在合并、收购、建立合资公司,但是汽车内饰市场仍然处于支离破碎的状态,尤其是二级三级供应商目前是一盘散沙。很多公司都有跨国发展,但是尽管组件供应全球化不断深入,但是国家或地区的专家仍然不容小觑。比如说,Bharat Seating和Krishna Maruti公司是印度重要座椅生产公司,但是没有向外发展。这样的公司把重点放在国内市场,很多中国公司也是如此:中国的Yanfeng公司拥有JCI内饰公司大部分股份。公司已经走出国门,成为一个典型。JCI经过部门调整,将座椅生产独立出来,成立新的公司 — Adient。另一个改组的例子就是Magna公司,旗下内饰销售公司Antolin保留了座椅生产。地区市场,而不是全球部门每个地区的座椅供应主要集中在少数几个供应商手里,每个地区都有不同的主要供应商;从全球上看,座椅市场仍然是一盘散沙;JCI(或者叫Adient)大约占据全球座椅市场的三分之一,比其他供应商都大得多。在欧洲,超过四分之三的座椅市场都被Faurecia, JCI和Lear公司占据。在厂内生产座椅的公司有宝马、梅赛德斯、大众、丰田纺织、TS Tech和韩国的岱摩斯(有一部分座椅供应给现代-起亚)。麦格纳公司在欧洲主要为商用车供应座椅,而不是轿车。在北美,JCI、李尔和麦格纳占据主导地位,剩下的市场由Faurecia和日本在当地的供应商占据。在日本,Fuji Seat, Tachi-S,Toyota Boshoku和TS Tech为主要供应商,还有一些只在日本经营的供应商,以及JCI/Adient(2000年收购了Ikeda-Bussan公司,成为最大的跨国供应商)。 The Renault Espace front seat with perforated leather for seat-back air conditioning这些公司在中国的合资公司把在中国生产的产品供应给欧洲、日本和美国的客户。而在印度,还存在很多独立的座椅公司。但是随着印度的欧洲和日本汽车公司生产规模的扩大,主要座椅公司有可能会有更多利润。印度的座椅供应很大部分仍然来自地方的公司,比如Bharat Seating和Krishna Maruti(Maruti和日本的Suzuki公司拥有公司部分股份)。座椅公司纵向合并座椅的装配非常复杂,很多公司的座椅成品都来自二级和三级供应商,而且大部分只是在国内经营。随着利润紧缩的加重,座椅公司不断提高纵向整合的级别,以此来控制成本和利润。这种现象是于2010年第一次出现,当时JCI收购了座椅结构供应商Keiper和Hammerstein;2015年,Lear公司收购了皮革供应商Eagle Ottawa。即便如此,很多二级供应商仍然存在,比如德国的框架公司Bross备受很多汽车而公司的青睐,尤其是JLR公司。Bross投资3,500万英镑在Coverntry建设新工厂,将制造的座椅框架供应给JLR的一级座椅装配商。座椅生产的关键就是座椅泡沫,其中的供应结构非常有趣;在欧洲,Faurencia和JCI制造自身所需的大部分泡沫,还有一部分是从独立的供应商那里采购,比如Woodbridge, Fehrer, 及Copo(在西班牙和巴西经营);欧洲还有一些小型的泡沫专业生产商,比如罗马尼亚的GIC,公司主要为Renault和Dacia供货。在欧洲,李尔公司将大部分泡沫都外包出去,而在北美,却自主生产所需大部分泡沫。可最近,公司改变的方向,在英国东北部开设一家座椅泡沫厂,主要为JLR和Nissan供货。独立的泡沫供应商还没有放弃市场;比如,著名的轮胎公司Bridgestone也是座椅泡沫供应商;2015年晚些时候,公司宣布将在纽约州开设工厂,从2017年开始为美国的许多客户供货。减排是环保的关键泡沫生产的关键一直就是开发低排放挥发性有机化合物泡沫。JCI在今年早些时候公布了最新的成果;公司称,最新研发的低排放聚氨酯泡沫能比10年前的生产减少90%的VOC排放。这种泡沫的生产正在欧洲和中国进行,计划在不远的将来在美国推出。Faurecia也在这个领域奋力前进。座套缝制 — 自主生产还是外包?座椅生产的另一个领域也同样出现纵向合并,即座套的剪切和缝制;过去,这个工作转包给了独立的供应商,比如东欧或亚洲的低成本地区。有趣的是,尽管劳动密集本会促进这种模式的发展,却反而带动自主生产的出现;2015年11月,麦格纳公司在墨西哥的Allende开设了一家工厂;这将成为北美第一个大型切割与缝制工厂。中国供应商的长足发展大型座椅公司在中国非常活跃。麦格纳计划在这里开设新厂,为Volvo的小型跨界车提供座椅。这款车是第一个在Volvo-Geely CMA平台以外生产的车型;另一个在中国大展拳脚的的公司是Woodbridge。公司于2016年初宣布,要与广州企业建立合资公司,为坐垫、头靠和扶手生产泡沫。这个决定将有助于广州实现到2020年为止每年生产300万辆(现在是190万辆)汽车的计划。中国的座椅与内饰行业通过合资企业来寻求发展,这与中国政府的政策相一致。Magna公司和Chongqing Hongli Zhixin公司建立50:50合资公司,起初是为了福特长安供货。Hongli Zhixin带着自己的泡沫、修饰和座椅构架进入公司,而Magna带来座椅装配知识和Ford的市场途径。从全球范围来看,中国在内饰部门最重要的举行就是Yanfeng购买了JCI公司非座椅内饰业务70%的股份。该中国公司可以长驱直入发达市场,比如为Chattanooga的大众公司,以及塞尔维亚的Fiat公司供货。改变生产地点以减少成本为了保证成本竞争力,Faurecia公司已经将座椅组件生产业务搬出法国。2015年,公司关闭了法国的一家座椅构架工厂,以及美国的一家工厂。公司关闭这些共出场的同时在墨西哥开设座套与泡沫研发中心,并扩大波兰的两家工厂的生产。在关闭美国构架工厂之前,公司已经缓慢对Kentucky和Missori装配厂下手。而在中国,公司计划到2018年将业务翻番,主要是通过长安和东风合资公司的组件分公司实现。Dongfeng Faurencia Automotive公司成立于2015年,其第一笔合同就是与成都Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile签订的。增加纵向合并,拓宽全球足迹在2008-2009年经济危机之后,Lear公司投资3.5亿美元,建设新厂,同时对原有工厂进行扩建,共增加了20个新厂。同时,公司开开发了普通座椅构架,为很多汽车公司提供同等尺寸的汽车,而不仅仅开发座椅构架 — 有趣的是,雷诺日产也做着相同的工作,为CMF平台开发了座椅构架。CMF框架能够对不同车段、不同尺寸的汽车进行改装。除了开设新厂,Lear公司还收购很多公司,最著名的当属收购皮革供应商巨头 — Eagle Ottawa公司。Lear公司在得到Ford公司的座椅供应合约之后,就收购了西班牙的JCI工厂(为Ford巴伦西亚工厂提供座椅)。在英国,Lear公司于2011年开设公司售价泡沫工厂,并得到英国汽车工厂的强烈需求,尤其是Nissan和Jaguar Land Rover,年产量从300,000件飙升到600,000兼。Lear新工厂的一个重要发展就是纵向合并的提升;除了英国新建的泡沫厂,Lear公司还在Gostivar(Macedonia)和Iasi(Romania)开设了两家座套裁切与缝制工厂。轻质座椅减轻座椅构架的重量似乎在这些年来引起越来越广泛的重视,工程师们正在想尽办法减轻重量,无孔不入。薄壁型座椅主要是通过薄的泡沫构成,而轻型构架则来源于镁、复合材料或轻型钢架。然而,这些新材料和技术对于目前的量产来说,造价太高。2015年底特律汽车展上,Faurecia公司展示了“轻型宽敞”座椅,起重量仅为2.3公斤,比目前C-段汽车座椅还要轻;除了减轻重量,成品还完成了瘦身,仅仅占用后面空间3厘米。 Cadillac CT6 seats from ...

  • Versalis

    Interiors: An inside look


    Despite many mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, the automotive interiors market remains fragmented Seats and dashboards/cockpits are the two largest segments of the interiors market, both in terms of component size and value. Historically, these components have been supplied by a mixture of in-house and independent suppliers, while in recent ...

  • PSA Middle East and Africa

    Iran: Back on the road


    Within days of sanctions on Iran being lifted in January, PSA announced a major investment of over $430m in a new joint venture in the country that will see Peugeot 208s, 2008s and 301s being made alongside new Iran Khodro-branded models (themselves likely to include a fair amount of Peugeot ...

  • BMW-factory-Tiexi-Shenyang-2-Copy.jpg

    Chinese dragon rolls on


    Demand for cars is growing despite the economic slowdown – and domestic OEM are getting competitiveOvercapacity problem worsensPremium makers struggleHeavy-truck makers sufferOpportunities open up for EVsMotorcycle-makers challenged by IndiaDemand for cars in China is still growing despite a wider economic slowdown in the country, but the near-term prospects of global ...

  • BMW-factory-Tiexi-Shenyang-2-Copy.jpg

    China steamrolls on


    Demand for cars is growing despite the economic slowdown – and domestic OEM are getting competitiveOvercapacity problem worsensPremium makers struggleHeavy-truck makers sufferOpportunities open up for EVsMotorcycle-makers challenged by IndiaDemand for cars in China is still growing despite a wider economic slowdown in the country, but the near-term prospects of global ...

  • ABB Robotics

    Robot reckoning


    ABB Robotics first established itself in China over 30 years ago and has since manufactured over 30,000 robots in applications serving the entire vehicle production process.The range of ABB’s business activities in China stretches from R&D and manufacturing to sales and services. In the fold are 19,000 employees, 36 local ...