All Carbon Fibre articles – Page 5

  • SP:01, Detroit Electric

    Detroit Electric now making SP:01


    UK – The first production sports car rolled off the line at the company’s main assembly plant at Leamington Spa and was handed over to Jowett Motors (Asia), which will be shipping it to China. Detroit Electric is expanding in the region and will soon additionally announce a distributor for ...

  • McLaren Woking

    Premium but not perfect


    As McLaren and Aston Martin both build up their production, AMS takes a magnifying glass inside their spotless factories at Woking and Gaydon respectively to see the latest in high-end carmaking in BritainMcLaren Automotive and Aston Martin are both gearing up to double their production as the two luxury companies ...

  • Article

    BMW using Hexcel carbon fibre for 7 Series


    Germany – The composites company is supplying BMW with preforms made of unidirectional carbon prepreg set in various orientations and combined with adhesive. The carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) technology is used to reinforce the metal shell of the B pillar, while saving weight.In order to meet demand from the automotive ...


    Cost-effective composites


    As OEMs explore reinforced plastics, the composites industry is preparing to capitalise on this trendUS materials supplier Cytec Industries has done well out of the aerospace industry's switch from metal to carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP)-intensive aircraft, and the company sees the automotive industry as key to its future growth. In ...

  • 06_CMYK-ARENA-2036-stills_kleinWEB

    Tomorrow's automotive world


    What will vehicle manufacturing look like in a few decades' time, and how will production be controlled?An initiative called ARENA2036, which is being carried out by the Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart, Germany, aims to explore and shape three areas in the design and manufacture of automobiles as they develop over ...

  • Article

    BMW heading for record production


    Germany – The company said its international manufacturing network “has shown an excellent capacity utilisation” in 2015 due to high customer demand and the launch of multiple new models such as the BMW 7 Series. This level of production was enabled by the flexible manufacturing processes implemented at its facilities.“The ...

  • Norman.M20C-Right-Side_2.5x1.5x300ppi

    Polymers with power


    Composites are now being explored as alternative materials for engine-cylinder housings and may soon become mainstream – enabling the production of lighter-weight powertrains and more fuel-efficient vehiclesIn as little as three years, automotive engine housings made of polymer materials will start to enter the market as volume production items. That ...

  • Greenautoo Bus

    A bus to the future


    Chinese entrepreneurial bus company, Greenautoo, is preparing to launch of a series of smart, safe and green vehicles that could be the solution to big city traffic congestion, write Jan Hökerberg and Crystal Yan. Bus travel is often a nightmare for China’s many millions of commuters, especially in rush ...

  • Trumpf

    Shine the laser light


    Fibre-reinforced composites are popular, but tough to machine. So production engineers are turning to laser light as a choice of tool, writes Trumpf’s Marc KirchhoffCarbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) are all the rage, especially in the automotive, aviation and wind power sectors. They represent a key part of the solution to ...

  • 3D-printed parts, BMW

    BMW celebrates 25 years of 3D printing


    Germany – In 1990, the OEM’s Rapid Technologies Center in Munich commissioned the development of its first additive manufacturing facilities, and that year prototype parts were made on a stereolithography machine. Early examples featured on concept cars; BMW later developed further procedures and applications in line with component specifications.Today, the ...

  • LX

    UK joins global composites competition


    If the number of exhibitors and visitors involved in the production of vehicles at this month’s Advanced Engineering 2015 (AE2015) show in Birmingham was anything to go by, the UK’s automotive industry is in rude health.This impression is supported by the statistics. According to the Society for Motor Manufacturers and ...

  • BMW 7-Series

    Sticking together


    Engineers are developing processes for composites to be incorporated into high-volume vehicle productionIncorporating composite components into automotive structures – joining them to other composite parts and, perhaps more importantly, to parts made from metals – presents a new set of challenges. Resistance spot welding has been used by carmakers to ...

  • Dreistern

    Ready to roll


    Rollforming innovations are supporting the crucial development targets of cost saving and weight reduction, writes Heinrich Weber, director of sales and marketing at Dreistern Rollforming has demonstrated its capability to process ultra-high strength steels (UHSS) with a tensile strength up to 1,600MPa. Such steels already contribute significantly toward reducing the ...

  • iStream Carbon, Gordon Murray

    Gordon Murray debuts iStream Carbon


    Japan – The carbon-fibre chassis, billed as the first such affordable structure for mass production, is being shown at the Tokyo Motor Show as part of the Yamaha Sports Ride Concept. UK-based Gordon Murray says the chassis brings Formula One materials and technology “within reach of the everyday motorist”.The innovative ...

  • Higueras-2530-031.jpg

    Showing real steel


    ArcelorMittal has invested heavily to produce AHSS for the automotive industry. Chris Wright visits the company’s Sagunto plant, Spain, which is ramping up to produce 150,000 tons of Usibor per year from 2016ArcelorMittal has collaborated with OEMs to develop steel solutions that meet critical requirements in terms of weight reduction ...

  • Dreistern

    Ready to roll


    Rollforming innovations are supporting the crucial development targets of cost saving and weight reduction, writes Heinrich Weber, director of sales and marketing at Dreistern UHSS bumper with variable radiusRollforming has demonstrated its capability to process ultra-high strength steels (UHSS) with a tensile strength up to 1,600MPa. Such steels already contribute ...

  • Article

    Fibra adicionada


    OEMs estão usando agora compósitos em aplicações mais amplas e maiores volumes para auxiliar a leveza do veículo.No início deste ano, a BMW anunciou que faria uso extensivo de plástico reforçado com fibra de carbono (CFRP) no chassi da próxima geração de seu sedan de luxo Serie 7. Os novos ...

  • Article

    Más fibra


    Los fabricantes de automóviles utilizan los materiales compuestos cada vez en más aplicaciones y en mayor volumen para reducir el peso de los automóvilesA principios de este año BMW anunció que realizaría un uso extensivo de los plásticos reforzados con fibra de carbono (CFRP, carbon-fibre reinforced plastic) en el chasis ...

  • 7-Series



    在原始设备制造商的努力下,复合材料的使用变得更加广泛,数量更多,从而减轻汽车重量今年早些时候,宝马公司宣布,要在新一代7系列豪华轿车的底盘上,广泛利用碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)。新车型的重量达到130公斤,比原来的车型更轻,同时在乘客舒适度和安全设备上还有提高。除了能够降低能源消耗和二氧化碳排放,还能降低汽车的惯性重心,并提高操作性能。据SGL集团(宝马CFRP项目主要合作商)首席执行官Jürgen Köhler称,“在BMW7系列上使用碳纤维产品,是碳材料在汽车业里大范围系列应用的里程碑。”混合材料方案车辆是在混合材料“碳芯”汽车结构的基础上制造的。在乘用车单位上,比如中立柱的结构因素上使用CFRP,会提高乘用车的总强度和抗扭弯。因此,乘用车钢板因素的配置是可以调整的,可以明显降低车身重量。CFRP还应用在车辆混合顶棚构架上。碳纤维的应用将由SGL Automotive Carbon Fiber公司开发(SGL-ACF)— 是BMW和SGL集团的合资公司 — 地点是在华盛顿州Moses Lake工厂。工厂在过去几年内的生产力稳步提高。初加工品是这些纤维利用全自动纺织生产工艺制造而成。然后,初加工品将直接送到宝马集团,并及工程CFRP零部件。CFRP is used in the hybrid roof frame of the new BMW 7 SeriesSGL集团在德国Wackersdorf工厂也提供碳纤维面料,以及回收材料。集团与BMW集团一同开发,将这些回收碳纤维产品用于C-柱和保护罩分割物上。宝马公司称,制造i3和i8车型上使用的CFRP密集材料过程的经验 — 以及相关基础设施 — 是结果如此成功的关键。新款BMW7系列使用了大量的额碳纤维,成为汽车业使用第二多的系列CFRP生产项目,仅次于i系列车型。设计,生产和装配CFRP材料的硬度和轻度,使其成为生产汽车结构组件的理想材料。但是广泛使用需要在零部件的设计,生产和装配上进行全新的改变 — 这对汽车制造商来说是个极大的投资。2010年宣布出售Lamborghini的Sesto Elemento,这是扩大使用CFRP最激动人心的案例。Sesto Elemento的562bhp V10是在Gallardo的基础上,用CFRP结构制造。999公斤的汽车能达到100公里/小时,在2.5秒中内就能达到300公里/小时的速度。为了把这种性能发挥的更高程度,Sesto Elemento的生产使Lamborghini的工程师们有机会测试各种技术,应用于今后CFRP零部件的制造商。公司在CFRP技术应用于汽车上历史很长。2001年到2010年,在Murciélago的生产中大约使用了31%的碳纤维增强环氧预浸料。这些材料继而应用于所有外部车体板材,以及内部结构零部件上,最后接合到钢材空间构架上。成本与数量在制造这个汽车的过程中,Lamborghini公司强调,为这些结构铺上CFRP板层,以及常常的高压热加工所产生的高成本。但是公司认为这个工艺适合Murciélago,每年的生产率大概会达到400辆。The Alpha Romeo 4C weighs 895kg and features extensive aluminium and low-density sheet-moulding compoundMurciélago的后续产品Aventador于2011年3月在Geneva车展中亮相,全复合材料构架设计上含有50%的碳纤维。这个设计极大提高了扭转刚度,比Murciélago在碰撞方面显示出更佳的性能。Aventador的CFRP组件每年的产量大约是800个,大部分是利用液体树脂工艺制造,比如真空辅助树脂传递模塑(VaRTM),以及树脂传递模塑(RTM)上。Lamborghini公司认为这些技术在这些数量上是搞笑的,但对更高数量的生产来说,需要开发新的技术。锻造复合材料Lamborghini采用的革新技术当时还有所谓了锻造复合材料,在汽车结构和悬挂摆臂上使用。这是与高尔夫俱乐部制造商Callaway一同合作开发,不连续的纤维增强材料适用于高产量CFRP零部件的生产。锻造复合材料是在碳纤维增强模压塑料板材(CFSMC)的基础上而成,有Quantum Composites公司提供。该材料是由25.4mm长的碳纤维短麻屑(占材料重量的53%)构成,随意分布在两层乙烯基酯树脂中间的衬垫上。这些材料经过滚筒压缩称板材形状,再卷起来,成为标准预浸材料。这个材料用于配对金属工具热压工艺中的压塑法。它能承受大约132-160摄氏度,6.9-10.3MPa的压力,加工时间在3至5分钟。Lamborghini公司称,这种材料能大幅度降低生产循环时间,以及复杂的三维零部件的需要(这在持续的碳叠层组合材料中不典型)。公司利用锻造复合材料,降低了Sesto Elemento悬架控制手臂重量,与铝材质大约轻27%。该材料出现在2010年版Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggera上。此外,这些零部件的生产只需要6分钟。自开发Sesto ...

  • 7-Series

    Added fibre


    OEMs are now using composites in wider applications and higher volumes to assist vehicle light weightingEarlier this year, BMW announced that it would make extensive use of carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) in the chassis of the next generation of its 7 Series luxury sedan. The new models will be up ...