All Carbon Fibre articles – Page 4

  • Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 12.14.33

    A world of possibilities


    Advanced high-strength steel offers advantages for cost and sustainability in automotive manufacturing Looking into the future of automotive manufacturing, some challenges are clear. Vehicle weight, environmental impact and the number of injuries due to accidents must all be reduced, yet costs cannot be allowed to rise. Advanced high-strength steel ...

  • Composites Technology Centre, McLaren

    McLaren to open composites facility


    UK – The Composites Technology Centre in Sheffield will develop and manufacture the Monocell and Moncage carbon-fibre chassis in future McLaren cars. Construction work will begin in early 2017 and full production is scheduled for 2020. Meanwhile, pre-production chassis will be completed using trial processes at the nearby Advanced Manufacturing ...

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    Fazendo o trabalho leve


    Forte, rígida e leve, estas propriedades tornam o ferramental para peças compostas uma proposição atraente como apoio de fabricação e de produçãoPara formação de chapa de metal, matrizes de resina epóxi foram utilizadas pela primeira vez na década de 1950. Estas eram muitas vezes preenchidas com pó de aço ou ...

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    - 轻量的功效


    强硬、坚韧、轻质,这些性能使复合材料成为制造商在制模和生产过程中最为看好的性质。在薄钢板成型上,环氧树脂首次应用于20世纪50年代。这些热固性塑料通常会填充钢粉或沙子,来提高耐磨性和机械性能。灌注聚氨酯(PU)是从20世纪70年代开始使用。最近,高性能聚酰胺(PPA)开始被应用。这些热固性塑料因为玻璃纤维和很多填充物提高了耐磨性、机械强度和润滑性。这些模具生产起来比金属的要更快、更便宜。尽管好处诸多,但是高分子复合材料模具比原来的模具材料缺乏强度。此外,因为还不清楚这种材料失败的作用机制,模具仍然是在经验和直觉的基础上设计出来,通常情况下都是采用金属模具的设计规律制造的。所有这些都说明,使用复合材料塑模很大程度上都是受到小批量生产和制造原型零部件的限制。 Audi says that it achieved an energy saving of over 10% through the use of these tools采用复合法但是用“复合材料的方法”制造金属成型工具 — 即在适当的地方使用适当的金属 — 能够产生牵引力,并且结果非常良好。在德国因戈尔施塔特冲压车间,奥迪公司使用了多金属物质结构生产模具,据称要比传统方案在重量上轻20%,稳定性上增加10%。传统的冲压模具词用铸铁,重量会达到45吨。通过选择性使用铸铁、铝和塑料 — 以及增材制造等技术 — 奥迪公司将这些模具的重量能降低到8吨。此外,奥迪公司从根本上改变了设计,提高了模具的稳定性。在冲压上,一个模具能够承受最高2,500吨的压力。压力会随着不断重复塑形和切削加工而加大。为了解决这个问题,传统的模具都是铸铁十字螺纹的形式,这种配置也在板料冲压生产中使用。在奥迪轻量模具中,基础结构中的共性能够产生高水平的稳定性,从而提高了力的传递。有些形状源于自然,模仿树叶或人的骨头。这就能保证刚度,并减少近20%的材料。改进模具效率奥迪公司称,新的模具在加工板材是能够更快,更精确,而且磨损更好。总体来讲,公司称这些模具能够节省10%以上的能源。奥迪公司工具制造部长Michael Breme说:“有了这种轻量复合结构,我们能够在Audi Toolmaking制定新的标准。我们就可以生产更加复杂、更加高效、高质量模具,从而进一步优化我们的制造程序。”"碳纤维非常理想,因为它大力提高了工序效益,降低了偏差、振动,而且轻质" - Toni Roda, ABB Robotics复合材料在钻模生产中的潜力巨大。这种潜力首次体现在北美所使用的碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)钻模上,这在10年之前Ford Mustang汽车的阀盖安装上有采用过。该项目主要研究人员,即西华盛顿大学汽车研究学院(VRI)主任Eric Leonhardt说:“在我们制造发动机钻模时,我就意识到英国的另一个应用,即在汽车装配上使用复合材料模具。”在密歇根福拉特洛克的Auto Alliance International(AAL)公司,Ford Mustang团队计划使用一种方型焊接管来支撑阀盖,在安装到汽车上。模具轻量化但是这种钻模重大16.8公斤,单独一名操作员在使用过程中要在8个小时中要举起比正常更高的重量。当然可以采用高架平衡杆来解决这个问题,但是这就需要在装配车间投入大量额外的资金,减缓发动机盖的安装速度 — 因而操作员使用的几率反而减少。针对这个问题,VRI团队开发了一个清凉钻模,综合了预制碳纤维蜂窝芯材的中间区段,有两个机器加工熟铝尾端件连接在每端。最初的基础重量为3公斤。铝的定位特点就用螺栓定在这个结构上,增加钻模的重量,达到约5.4公斤 — 这个重量足以让一名操作员在没有任何帮助的情况下肚子操作。自从2006年已经设备开始,成千上万辆汽车都使用这种高复合材料发动机罩钻模。瑞典公司TETRAFIX已经开发了一种系统,能够使用CFRP管来制造复杂的组合夹具框架。使用框架设计可以减少材料所需数量 — 降低了重量和成本。公司称,制造出来的结构绝对强韧而稳定。少量夹具就很容易移动;公司最重的夹具 — 比如汽车车身 — 重量只有40-60公斤。大部分夹具都比较轻,容易搬动,而大型夹具都安装了轮子 — 就没有必要使用起重机或其他重型起重设备,从而减少了更换时间,这也比传统的金属夹具好得多。减少夹具校订瑞典公司TETRAFIX已经开发了一种系统,能够使用CFRP管来制造复杂的组合夹具框架。使用框架设计可以减少材料所需数量 ...

  • Audi develops a new generation of tools

    Making light work


    Strong, stiff and light, these properties make composites a compelling proposition for the manufacture of tooling and production aidsIn sheet metal forming, epoxy resin dies were first used in the 1950s. These thermosets were often filled with steel powder or sand to increase their wear resistance and mechanical properties. Filled ...

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    Rota de reciclagem para fibra de carbono


    O uso de fibra de carbono na fabricação de automóveis está em sua infância, mas com £316m no valor do material enviado para aterro em 2015, é fundamental que a indústria explore mais formas de reciclagem As diretivas de veículos da União Europeia (UE) em fim de vida determinam que ...

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    La ruta del reciclaje para la fibra de carbono


    El uso de fibra de carbono en la fabricación de automóviles se encuentra en su infancia, pero con 316 millones de libras de material enviado a vertederos en 2015, es imprescindible que la industria explore más formas de reciclajeLas directrices del final del ciclo de vida vehículos de la Unión ...

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    在汽车制造中使用碳纤维的技术还处于初期阶段,但是2015年,价值3.16亿英镑的材料投入到垃圾场之后,对回收利用的探索已经势在必行欧盟(EU)报废车辆指令规定,一辆新车中85%地材料必须是再生材料。碳纤维比较昂贵,根据生命周期评估(LCA),碳纤维的生产对环境的影响要比钢铁和铝大。金属的再循环路线已经相当成熟,而碳纤维的再循环只是刚刚起步。2015年,全球共产生18,000吨的碳纤维垃圾,其中大约有1,600吨用来再循环。那一年,大约3.16亿英镑的碳纤维都被送到了垃圾场。这是一种巨大的浪费,同时也失去了良机。再循环碳纤维几乎是原纤维的半价,对全球变暖的危害要低得多,而机械性能却几乎相当。碳纤维再循环专家ELG Carbon Fiber公司常务董事Frazer Barner说:“如果碳纤维想要在汽车业的轻质路线上广泛使用,就要求碳纤维的成本每磅5-7美元。虽然在低成本碳纤维方面有很多规划,但事实上,只有再循环碳纤维才能满足目前的要求。” Recycled materials were used in Gordon Murray Design's CFRP-intensive iStream Carbon chassis宝马公司是目前唯一使用碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)进行高产量生产的汽车制造商 — 这个材料在i车型上广泛使用,少量用在7系列上。这样,宝马还是目前唯一在碳纤维再生中使用闭合回路的汽车,再生二次纤维的使用方法有3中。在今年的JEC World会议上,宝马汽车概念项目经理Stephan Huber说:“很多人认为可持续性和碳纤维并不合拍,但是宝马认为这两者可以放在一起,这里没有矛盾。”宝马公司从美国华盛顿摩西湖的SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers(ACF,与碳纤维制造商SGL集团的合资公司)采购碳纤维。这些碳纤维(完全是通过水力发电生产)被塞到粗纱或粗纤维当中卷上,然后送到ACF在德国瓦克尔斯多尔夫创业园区的第二个工厂,生成碳纤维预制品。这些预制品被运到宝马公司兰茨胡特和莱比锡的工厂。两家工厂切割程序之后剩下的碳纤维残余物被送回ACF Wackersdorf,然后被切成小段,放入独立纤维中。Huber继续说:“有些人称其为残余物,我们称为好材料。”纺织机械记录这些纤维,直到这些纤维拧到一个方向,形成一个无纺材料,然后向各个方向堆放 — 主要取决于某个组件的性能要求 — 然后再缝在一起。这个无纺材料然后浸入到树脂中,尤其适合平整零部件的生产,比如i3的顶棚。事实上,二次材料已经占到该车碳纤维的10%。该制造商还开发了一种将二次纤维融合到模塑料板(SMC)的方法,这个材料应用于7系列的结构构件中。此外,或许可以说是最重要的,宝马公司将要在热塑性颗粒中使用二次纤维进行注塑,而且开始在其他品牌车辆两不见的制造中采用这种材料 — 比如目前Mini Clubman里的中控载体。这个零部件之前使用高分子增强玻璃纤维,占到大约30%的重量。与热塑性材料专家Akro-Plastic公司,以及内饰制造商Grammer合作,载体现在由PA增强和i车型残余碳纤维制造而成,占到10%的重量。这个零部件比玻璃增强纤维的重量轻15%,而且还更加强韧。重要的是,零部件可以使用相同的注模设备制造,而且价格也相同 — 据Huber,这是双赢。宝马能够使用各种热塑性树脂生产这些颗粒,而且计划在消音器、发动机罩、离合器踏板和轴承座的生产中应用。Huber总结说:“这只是开端。我们今年以及将来生产所有的二次纤维组件。”碳纤维再循环与树脂结合对干纤维的循环使用来说是一个巨大的挑战。大部分使用热固性材料制造的碳纤维增强塑料(比如环氧基树脂)无法融化或再塑形。ELG Carbon纤维是很多使用热解工艺循环生产浸染摊位的公司之一。在英国的工厂里,公司通过分类和切割,将CFRP废弃物在一个惰性气体中加热到400-600摄氏度,把树脂烧掉。ELG公司称,公司的专利技术能够产生清洁的碳纤维。公司利用这些纤维开发了很多适合汽车应用的产品:短纤维产品;可以独立使用或与原碳纤维使用的无纺毡,适合生产阀盖、车厢盖、后挡板、备胎坑和结构材料;融合再循环碳纤维和热塑性纤维制造无纺毡,通过压模生产内饰组件。Barnes说:“在同比产品中,比如注塑组件或无纺毡,性能相同,但是纤维成为通常会低40%。与其他的碳纤维相比,比如单向预浸料,性能肯定不同 — 重要因素就是将正确的材料放在正确的地方。”2015年,ELG生产了1040吨的碳纤维产品。这些材料曾经在Gordon Murray Design的CFRP-增强 iSTREAM CARBON底盘中使用,应用在Yamaha两座Sports Ride概念车上,在2015年东京车展中展出。Barnes继续说:“(使用再循环碳纤维)最大的阻碍,和其他新材料一样,就是建立测试数据,并在原型中展示性能。我们已经成立了很多项目来解决这个问题,而且我们一斤更有了足够的信息,可以在新生产计划中进行选择。”ELG正在计划建立两个工厂 — 一个在德国,一个在美国。热解法在循环利用CFRP制造废物中可行,但是这个工艺也有问题;这是能源密集型的,会将碳参与留在碳纤维的表面,阻碍进一步加工。报废材料的在循环利用也存在问题。或许从长期来看,方法就是从一开始就把CRFP以再循环来进行设计。热塑性塑料能够重新溶解并塑形,这种材料的使用一定会增长。此外,Georgia Institute of Technology(GT)的研究人员发现,玻璃离子为基础的环氧树脂可以在高温中溶于乙二醇。GT公司博士后研究生Kai Yu说:“玻璃橱窗含有动态连接,能够改变结构,在任何条件下都不会失去网络完整性。我们让乙二醇(小分子)参与改变反应的网络,有效溶于玻璃离子。” Non-woven complex, resin-impregnated, ...

  • carbon-fibre-recycle

    Recycle route for carbon fibre


    The use of carbon fibre in automotive manufacturing is in its infancy but with £316m worth of the material sent to landfill in 2015 it is imperative the industry explores more ways of recycling European Union (EU) end-of-life vehicle directives prescribe that 85% of the materials used in a new ...

  • Ford GT

    Ford extends GT supercar production


    US – The OEM has announced that the carbon fibre vehicle will be manufactured for another two years. Year three of production will support customers already on the waiting list, while previously deferred applicants and others who missed the application window will be served by year four. The application process ...

  • BMW 1 Series, BMW Plant Regensburg

    Keeping finishes up to scratch


    As vehicle-makers add more innovative materials in body construction and change their production processes to meet new environmental regulations, paint suppliers are striving to match their requirementsThe majority of consumers take them for granted, but exterior coatings have to cover a lot of ground. Ray Schappert, global director of product ...

  • Honda PMC

    Achieving Acura-cy


    As production of the 2017 Acura NSX ramps up at the dedicated Performance Manufacturing Center in Ohio, AMS investigates what technologies and processes are required to generate a finish fit for a supercarA Japanese supercar is being manufactured in rural America. The first-generation Honda NSX, which is sold under the ...

  • Klemens Bartmann

    Interview: Klemens Bartmann, Axalta


    As the coatings company turns 150 years old, its global technology director reflects on the sector’s trends, challenges and opportunities – including new materials, environmental concerns and multi-functionality Klemens Bartmann, Axalta Coating SystemsJoanne Perry (JP): Can you briefly outline the differences in requirements between coatings for light vehicles and those ...

  • PaintExpo 2016

    Mixing together at PaintExpo


    At the latest coatings show, held in Karlsruhe, Germany, in April, companies from a range of industries converged to share ideas and innovations. AMS went to see what might be of interest to automotive playersOther shows have come and gone, but PaintExpo continues to develop as a forum for companies ...

  • VAMA-PDK 09 lr

    Steel’s in motion


    By producing stronger and more versatile materials, steel-makers are helping OEMs to do more with lessThe steel industry is innovating at a furious pace – and it needs to. Its long-standing dominance in the automotive industry is coming under threat from a variety of lightweight alternatives. In response to increasingly ...

  • 2017 Acura NSX

    Honda PMC makes first new Acura NSX


    US – The initial series production vehicle rolled off the line at the recently opened Performance Manufacturing Center (PMC) at Marysville, Ohio, which is the exclusive location for the model. VIN 001 featured interwoven wheels, carbon-ceramic brake rotors, leather and Alcantera interior trim, plus carbon-fibre upgrades such as the engine ...

  • Carbon-fibre wheel, Ford GT

    New Ford GT offers carbon-fibre wheels


    US – The GT is the second Ford Performance vehicle with carbon-fibre wheels, after the 2015 Shelby GT350R Mustang. Ford says the lightweight wheels further improve the drive and handling of the new supercar, which also has a carbon-fibre body.“Ford was the innovator as the first to offer mass-produced carbon-fibre ...

  • ELG Carbon Fibre Carbiso CT

    Recycled carbon fibre


    ELG Carbon Fibre claims it has developed a recycling solution that converts manufacturing waste into products that can be incorporated into vehicle design. The company says it is currently working with a number of automotive OEM’s on a range of projects from the development of end-of-use recycling solutions for carbon ...

  • Chassis, Lotus Elise

    Lotus loses weight


    UK – The vehicle-maker says it has cut 207kg from its model range over the past 12 months, after following a holistic approach to weight loss. The chassis for the Elise and Exige now weigh just 68kg each, and the company’s heaviest car is only 1,395kg.“We’re not concerned with following ...

  • Audi R8 Spyder

    The case for carbon fibre


    The composites industry’s flagship event, JEC World, was bigger than ever this year. The number of exhibitors showing off their automotive expertise at this month’s show and conference in Paris was particularly striking. The use of glass-fibre-reinforced composites is established for the production of non-structural internal and external parts for ...