All Quality articles – Page 8
On a twinning streak
Creating a digital twin of manufacturing operations can deliver development and efficiency benefits. Mike Farish reports
At the leading edge
Steed Webzell looks at edge computing and the hardware requirements for those looking to digitally monitor, measure or control their machining operations Certain terms surrounding digitisation have become pretty familiar over the past 5-10 years: Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 (I4.0), edge computing, big data, smart factory, artificial intelligence ...
Augmented assistance
Visit any car manufacturing plant in the world and the majority of production equipment will be similar. The real differences between factories are the human workers and the way in which technology is used to optimise their environment
Paneles de instrumentos guiados
aLa planta de IAC cerca de Liverpool sustituye la linea de grúas por una flota de vehículos autónomos guiados (AGV) para obtener una mayor flexibilidad a su proceso de ensamblado de paneles de instrumentos Más sobre vehículos autónomos Los vehículos automatizados se abren paso MAN SalzgitterIAC es ...
PSA juggles engines and motors
Engine manufacturing facilities around the world are changing. Pressure from governments and changes to legislation are pushing carmakers to develop new internal combustion engines (ICEs), the production of which often requires new assembly lines and equipment. More of these facilities are also starting to ...
Magna to make new Toyota Supra
Austria - Magna has announced that it will build the new Toyota Supra at its facility in Graz, Austria. The car was first revealed at the 2019 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS), and is expected to enter production in early 2019.As well as assembling the Supra, Magna will also ...
- 仪表板
从龙门线到自动导引车队,利物浦附近的IAC工厂在仪表盘装配程序中实现了快速、智能的适应。 More on AGVs AGVs find their way MAN SalzgitterIAC是一家专业生产汽车内饰件的公司,业务遍及全球所有汽车制造市场。但它的生产线位于默西塞德郡的哈雷伍德(Halewood),向邻近的捷豹路虎工厂运送内部部件。捷豹路虎工厂正在试用IAC最新的工业4.0技术。为路虎揽胜极光(Range Rover Evoque)和路虎发现运动(Land Rover Discovery Sport)装配仪表板模块,工厂的接近性和测序意味着,每个模块可以在离开装配线后3小时内与目标车辆结合。它现在拥有42辆自动导向车辆,形成了一个灵活的,JIT,座舱线-一个有价值的升级前固定,钢架旋转木马-配备交付令人难以置信的400万座舱变种的Evoque和探索运动。灵活性新局面正如IAC Europe的总统的乔纳斯尼尔森(Jonas Nilsson)所解释的那样,当满足原始设备制造商的需求时,这种新的通用性是至关重要的,尤其是在以定制选项广泛而自豪的高端市场。“产品周期从10年到现在可能是6、7年——但也有中年更新、整容和许多新技术,原始设备制造商希望马上进入。”对于Halewood之前的静态钢制生产线,可能需要3到6个月的时间来进行调整,尼尔森补充说:“我们不得不等到暑假或冬季停工后才会进行调整。现在只需要一个周末。”IAC将Halewood视为测试其其他新工业4.0和智能工厂流程的试点。切换到基于agv的装配线是一个关键的出发点。工厂经理特雷弗华纳(Trevor Warner)描述了从2017年底开始过渡的谨慎做法:“工厂的建筑面积是空的,已经清理完毕,准备开始安装。”我们让(装配工人)来这里做第一次简报。虽然我们没有一个单位给他们看,但在他们去圣诞节之前,我想让他们牢牢记住,世界将会不同。我们有一些视频要展示,并就行为问题、数据系统以及它如何不仅仅是一条新生产线,而是我们正在经历的整个概念进行了简要介绍。” IAC希望这些改变将使它比它们所取代的昂贵的永久装置具有更大的灵活性和效率华纳的首要任务是在整个过程中保持与流水线操作员团队的沟通,让他们充分了解2018年将会发生什么。安装工作在2017年圣诞节期间进行,从前期排练开始,制作工作在2018年前六个月加快了运营速度。随着Evoque的替代者定于2018年底开拍,华纳决定不再同时推出两款产品。“我们不会在新生产线上推出新产品。那是绝望,太可怕了。对于大型资本项目,我们必须在时机上果断。在使用当前模型时,有许多错误需要消除。一旦你这样做了,换上一个新的,就像从木头上掉下来一样。容易。”华纳表示,为第一代新一代Evoque的诞生做准备,是让转型走上正轨的动力。如果IAC需要使线路更长或更短,任务来比旧的钢龙门容易得多。旧的生产线是用固定的工具安装在龙门上的。实际上,我们已经把它做得比上一个更大了,这样我们就可以把人放进去,然后再把他们拿出来——整个过程要灵活得多,”华纳解释道。精心预备回忆的早期阶段,华纳说IAC 27分计划和执行市场调查基准市场上不同种类的自主移动小车,确定最好的在课堂上:“自从我们是有效地建立一个新工厂,我们借此机会检查业务的方方面面。所以我们所有的后勤都升级了,我们所有的扭矩和角度控制都升级了就像我们从路虎获得的测序数据一样。我们还在行为、家务管理、领导技能等方面与人们进行了大量合作——这是一个完整的项目。由于距离JLR工厂很近,几乎只有一堵墙那么厚,因此IAC能够实时响应正在行驶的新车辆。沃纳说:“我们按照身体走向终点的顺序来做极速和探索运动。所以,在路虎,就在后墙的另一边,他们在尸体上盖章,喷在油漆车间里,然后把尸体送到我们称之为“塔”的地方。当尸体从塔身掉落到装饰线和终点线的起点时,我们会同时收到一个数据信号。当接收到来自发射塔的数据信号时,它包含车辆的整个规范。此“出生证明书”是附在自动驾驶汽车上,以确认仪表盘、颜色、手(即左或右驾驶装置),以及无线电、卫星导航和暖通空调的选择。“这也告诉我们轮胎,刹车,电击,门,“华纳说,“所以我们剔除所有的东西我们不希望,因为它是有趣的知道它是俄罗斯,例如,或者它有四轮驱动轮胎,我们不会做任何信息。” 由于优化的人机工程学,线路上的每个车站都被设计成可以让人类轻松地执行流程工人互动在新安排中解决的一个关键因素是从组装操作员的角度出发的物理设置,即他们如何与AGV上的控制台进行交互。华纳说:“我们在人体工程学方面做了很多工作。高度和距离和我们之前的很相似但是我们实际上在这有一个AGV细胞在这条线建立和运行之前很久。我们让所有的人通过来检查高度和范围。正如你所知道的,ISO有很多关于最大覆盖范围和工作信封的指导方针,所以我们做了很多工作来对其进行微调。”在这条线路的最后,进行了电气测试,正是在这些站点进行了更关键的人机工程学变化。测试连接器电缆现在被安排在抽屉效果中,这个想法是,测试人员可以拉出一个抽屉,并从顶部把它们全部拉进来,都在腰部高度。“之前,我们必须把每个人都弄出来,然后放进去。随着飞行器变得越来越复杂,仪表盘上的电子设备越来越多,连接也越来越多。这是电子测试的一个巨大升级你们可以看到我们有两个电子测试器。这是对上一行的一个巨大升级。”它是并行测试,这不仅有助于测试的容量,而且有助于测试的可靠性。华纳说,他们花了很多时间在测试点的测序上:“这在调试过程中是一件大事。我们有所谓的SIP,标准化的检查流程,但是测试人员的所有检查表都在两个大屏幕上运行。如果他发现了什么东西,他就把它编在那里给修理工。所以你会看到成功是什么样子的,因为你的质量得到了全方位的保证,而且是在你的建设过程中,而不是在生产线的末端。撇开改进不谈,华纳希望新系统能保持积极的一面:“从运营商的角度看,尽可能少地改变。我们(以前)的人数和这里的人数是一样的。让我们加入它,使它成功,照顾捷豹路虎,保持质量,这就是我们遵循的方式。”
Dashboard meeting
Switching from gantry line to a fleet of AGVs, an IAC facility near Liverpool has brought swift and smart adaptability to its instrument panel assembly process Specialists in interior components, IAC operates in all automotive manufacturing markets around the globe. But it was its production lines at Halewood ...
Paintshop 4.0
Nick Holt visits Eisenmann’s technology centre in Holzgerlingen, near Stuttgart, for a preview of the latest skidless paintshop technology prior to its installation at the Daimler plant at Kecskemét The skids used to convey vehicle bodies through the various coating and drying stages in the paintshop are seen as a ...
Show and tell
Cost savings and reduced installation time are the result of Profil’s self-piercing stud, as visitors discovered at the NEAA Expo 2018A new earthing stud is allowing automotive global OEMs to achieve the triple benefits of reduced installation time and cost, guaranteed electrical earthing and a substantial reduction in parts count: ...
A clean winner
Coherent-ROFIN’s Frank Gäbler explains a new approach to laser welding problematic materials Fig 1. Hairpin welded with CleanWeld technology: excellent weld quality, low spatter and low porosity Although fibre lasers are widely utilised in the automotive industry, there are still some applications that ...
Access to accuracy
When it comes to measurement in manufacturing, accuracy is critical. Rick Van Valkenburg, responsible for global sales and marketing at Perceptron, discusses the importance of accuracy when developing robot-based measurement systems for the automotive industryHow has the request for accuracy in automotive measurement evolved during your time at Perceptron?I have ...
Pressing matters
ABB robots are helping IndiKar make advanced high-tech steel for special protection vehiclesOur vehicles have all faced hazards at one time or another, from potholes in the road to rocks or broken glass. But what about protection when the hazards are ballistic threats to the safety of civil servants or ...
The need for speed
Faster measurement times and precise data quality are the result of GOM’s new generation of 3D scanners Measurement technology is currently in a state of transformation. Many of today’s metrology workflows are obsolete for modern production metrology. In the past, the typical metrology setup was a CMM integrated in a ...
Smartly pressed
OEMs and suppliers are teaming up to design and construct a state-of-art press shops, duly networked for an industry 4.0 approach More on Stamping Ford Saarlouis Gestamp Constellium, Georgia Skoda Mlade BoleslavArguably the main technological factor most commonly associated with metal pressing and forming equipment is ...
Optical 3D metrology in the automotive body shop
The most efficient way to identify, analyse and fix production processes as well as quality problems is using a 3D model as a digital twin of the real part in production. This is only possible when covering the complete part surface. So, in order to meet these requirements for ...
Cobo is new production VP at Opel
Antonio Cobo appointed vice president of manufacturing, Opel/VauxhallGermany – Antonio Cobo has been appointed vice president for manufacturing and supply chain of Opel/Vauxhall, the company has announced. From January, 2019, Cobo will succeed Rémi Girardon who is moving to an executive position within the manufacturing and supply chain division ...
Three Audi models enter production
Algeria - Assembly of the Audi A3 Sportback, A3 Sedan and Q2 has started in Relizane. The plant is operated by Sovac Production S.P.A - a joint venture between the German OEM and the Algerian car dealer Sovac."This entry into the Group’s multi-brand factory is a logical step into the ...
Groupe PSA opens powertrain plant
India - Groupe PSA has recently inaugurated a new plant in Hosur, Tamil Nadu. Costing around US$85m, it is being used to house the production of powertrain components for both the global and domestic automotive market."We want to be Indian in India. With this inauguration, we have taken another critical ...
Passing the test
As modern vehicles become more sophisticated, production testing technologies and processes need to keep up. Mike Farish looks at developments with both carmakers and tier suppliers