All Composites articles – Page 4

  • Audi Space Frame copy

    Zoltek expands carbon fibre plant


    Hungary - The company has announced that it is increasing carbon fibre production by 50% at its facility in Nyergesújfalu. As a result, the plant will have an annual capacity of 15,000 tons.The expansion will cost around US$130m, and will generate 350 additional jobs. According to Yoshihiro Takeuchi, CEO, COO ...

  • James Bakewell

    Weighing up the options


    Disruptive technology was high on the agenda at JEC World, the composites industry’s flagship event held every March in Paris, France.A sizable proportion of the 42,445 people who attended the show flocked to see Dirk Ahlborn, Chief Executive Officer of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), lay out his vision for the ...

  • Magna’s new Composites Center of Excellence in Esslingen, Germany, features a new Engel 2,300-metric-ton press

    Magna opens new composites facility


    Germany - The new Composites Center of Excellence will act as a base for the development of various vehicle structural components such as subframes, as well as exterior body parts like door panels and hoods. The idea is to identify production-ready lightweight solutions that will help vehicle manufacturers meet increasingly ...

  • Mini CFPR dashboard

    Alto teor de fibra


    Os compósitos reforçados com fibras de vidro têm sido utilizados na produção em massa de peças pendulares e parafusadas durante décadas. A AMS analisa algumas inovações recentes.A pressão de montagem sobre os OEMs para reduzir o peso de seus veículos significa que os fornecedores de materiais e sistemistas que fabricam ...

  • Meisterbock Ingolstadt Audi

    Contando com os dados


    A implementação de ferramentas digitais está transformando os processos de controle de qualidade nas operações de fabricaçãoOs gabaritos físicos agora estão sendo processados como modelos digitais e a Audi diz que está no caminho para representar um conceito que reside no mundo digital "virtual". A empresa agora está explorando o ...

  • Mini CFPR dashboard

    Alto contenido en fibra


    Llevamos décadas utilizando materiales compuestos con fibras de vidrio en la producción en masa – AMS analiza las últimas innovacionesCada vez es mayor la presión de reducir el peso de los vehículos, lo que significa que los proveedores de materiales que producen paneles de carrocería, interiores, ensamblados, etc. tienen que ...

  • Meisterbock Ingolstadt Audi

    Contando con los datos


    La implementación de las herramientas digitales está transformando los procesos de control de calidad en las operaciones de producciónLos planos se generan primero como modelos digitales y Audi asegura que ya está desarrollando un concepto que reside en el mundo digital, 'virtual'. La marca explora ahora el concepto de ‘plantillas ...

  • BMW i3_production_cell

    The case for carbon fibre


    The launch of the i3 has changed the conversation about the future application of carbon fibre in vehicle structures

  • FANUC Dual-arc-welding-laser guided

    Seeing things clearly


    AMS reports on the most recent developments in the use of machine vision technology for quality control applications in automotive manufacturingIn response to rapid and sustained improvements in machine vision technologies, a growing number of automotive manufacturing OEMs and suppliers are now deploying such systems in a wider range of ...

  • Meisterbock Ingolstadt Audi

    Counting on the data


    The implementation of digital tools is transforming the quality control processes in manufacturing operationsPhysical jigs are now being rendered as digital models and Audi says it is well on the way to representing a concept that resides in the digital, ‘virtual’ world. The company is now exploiting the concept of ...

  • Mini CFPR dashboard

    High fibre content


    Composites reinforced with glass fibres have been used in the mass-production of hang- and bolt-on parts for decades – AMS looks at some recent innovationsMounting pressure on OEMs to reduce the weight of their vehicles means that material and tier suppliers making body panels, interior parts, under-the-bonnet parts, suspension assemblies ...

  • Carbon fibre, BMW Wackersdorf

    BMW divests stake in carbon-fibre supplier


    Germany – SGL Carbon SE will acquire the OEM’s 49% share in SGL ACF, comprising SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers (Germany) and SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers (US), according to an agreement signed in late November. BMW said the company would remain a key supplier, with procurement for the i3 and i8 ...

  • NAIAS 2017 luxury by design detail

    Seating plan


    Adient CTO Detlef Juerss talks to AMS about the company’s sure and steady approach to new and complex challengesAmong all the exhibits at the IAA international motor show in Frankfurt, a seat that Adient produces for the BMW 7-Series ably exemplifies a modern automotive manufacturing challenge – to combine precision ...

  • Penn Engineering

    Penn Engineering ebook: Automotive triangle of disruption


    Automotive triangle of disruption – an e-book by Penn EngineeringThere is an automotive revolution in process that will change the face of the industry by 2030. Notably there are four technology mega trends driving these changes. Each of these trends create challenges for the automotive manufacturing industry in the way ...

  • Article

    Composites take shape


    Pressing and forming technology for composite materials are a key part of modern automotive production. Andrew Williams looks at the latest developmentsWhen manufacturing composite parts, companies throughout the automotive supply chain commonly rely on hydraulic press systems, which are generally far better at increasing the curing time of materials compared ...

  • PEM86 - VariMount

    Self-clinching fasteners for composites and plastics


    The VariMount fastening system allows the use of PEM self-clinching fasteners for attachment applications in composites, plastics, metal and any rigid material or panel, claims PennEngineering. The company says the system integrates a self-clinching nut, stud, or standoff pre-installed permanently into a steel or stainless steel base plate.The base plate ...

  • NanoSteel Coil

    The strength-ductility trade-off


    High-strength, ductile steels could be processed on an industrial scale thanks to a new research project from WMG at the University of Warwick in the UK. AMS finds out what it means for the automotive industryThe team at WMG claim to have found a way of controlling undesired brittle stages ...

  • 0238_NI_Foto-inline-inpsection_01 white fadeout (2)

    Laser Radar on robot: Shop floor CMM in automotive


    Nikon – The next generation of car body inspection will require inline and next-to-line CMM to handle complex features on a variety of surfaces, such as reflective bare metal and composites, and integrate seamlessly into the automotive production process. The webinar describes the capabilities of Nikon’s robot-mounted Laser Radar, delivering ...

  • 2015 Ford F-150 frame and body

    Growth and innovation


    Reduced costs, recyclability and new joining technologies are driving the use of aluminium in automotive structuresFord's switch from steel to aluminium for the body of its F-Series trucks was called its ‘billion-dollar gamble’. But the carmaker felt that the opportunity to shed some 300kg of weight from the vehicle was ...

  • Composites Technology Centre, McLaren

    McLaren to open composites facility


    UK – The Composites Technology Centre in Sheffield will develop and manufacture the Monocell and Moncage carbon-fibre chassis in future McLaren cars. Construction work will begin in early 2017 and full production is scheduled for 2020. Meanwhile, pre-production chassis will be completed using trial processes at the nearby Advanced Manufacturing ...