All Mercedes-Benz articles – Page 7

  • HBPO Vaihingen copy

    HBPO breaks ground on Vaihingen plant


    Germany - The company, which designs and assembles front-end modules for a long list of OEMs, has started building a new plant near Stuttgart. Initial production is expected to start in autumn 2018.According to HBPO's CEO Martin Schüler, the facility is strategically located. "We will be situated in an excellent ...

  • Mercedes-Benz do Brazil truck production Atego 2730

    Mercedes-Benz do Brazil gets new line


    Brazil - A building has been constructed at the company’s plant in Sao Bernardo do Campo to house a new production line for light- and heavy-duty trucks. The project lasted for three years and cost a total of €125m (US$153.83m). According to the OEM, the line is 15% more efficient ...

  • C-Class at Beijing Benz Automotive (BBAC) in China

    Daimler expands China production


    Beijing - An investment of over 11.9 billion yuan (US$1.89 billion) will be used to expand Mercedes-Benz vehicle production in the country. A BAIC production facility located in the city's Shunyi district will be transferred to Beijing Benz Automotive Co. (BBAC), which is a joint venture (JV) between Daimler and ...

  • Corvette Build at GM Bowling Green Assembly

    Regulamento de qualidade


    Um programa atual executado pela International Automotive Task Force procura revisar a especificação técnica IATF16949, o padrão publicado que informa a gestão da qualidade na indústria automotiva mundialO conceito de gestão de qualidade é agora um aspecto bem estabelecido em todos os modelos de negócios. Ele basicamente denota a implementação ...

  • Till Oberwörder named as new head of Daimler Buses

    Till Oberwörder takes the reins at Daimler Buses


    Till Oberwörder will become the new Head of Daimler Buses and CEO of EvoBus as of 1 April 2018. He takes over from Hartmut Schick, who will now be responsible for Daimler Trucks Asia.“Daimler Buses division is in the best hands with Till Oberwörder," commented Martin Daum, Member of the ...

  • Corvette Build at GM Bowling Green Assembly

    La regulación de la calidad


    Un programa de la Fuerza internacional de tareas de la industria automotriz (IATF) pretende revisar la especificación técnica IATF16949, un estándar sobre la gestión de calidad en la industria automotriz internacionalEl concepto de gestión de la calidad es ya un aspecto establecido en todos los modelos de negocio. En esencia ...

  • diesel engine

    The final death throes of diesel?


    Not so long ago, European consumers were encouraged, with government approval and lower fuel duty, to switch to diesel for their lower CO2 emissions compared to petrol engines. Vehicle companies needed diesel to reach key thresholds in their fuel mix to meet corporate emissions targets which could not be met ...

  • Article

    - 标准制定旗手


    国际汽车特别工作组目前项目的工作目标是修订全球汽车业资讯质量管理标准 — IATF16949的技术规范目前,各行各业的质量管理概念都已经相当成熟、完备。这些概念被书写成册,各公司按照上面成熟的流程和系统实行,保证工厂内的连贯生产、标准执行,最终实现可靠地产品性能。其中最有名的当属国际标准化组织(International Standards Organisation)出版的ISO 9001。虽然这个标准覆盖面非常广,而且其初衷是为了适应所有行业,但是对汽车业来说还是不够,因为行业里的各种复杂因素盘根错节、相互作用 — 远远不止于管理供应链长度、操作复杂的生产线,遵守不断严苛的环境法规,以及满足客户对产品安全性的要求,这个行业就是这么独特。因此,汽车业,或者更准确的说是大型制造商不仅要自我定义这些标准,而且要对供应链提出要求 — 这就要量身打造质量管理系统,或者使用一个混合系统,即在ISO9001基础上补充更加具体的汽车业要求。上述第二种方法被国际汽车特别工作组(IATF)一直沿用,这个组织建于20世纪90年代,现在有9个大型制造商组成,包括宝马(BMW),大众(VW),戴姆勒(Daimler),通用汽车(GM),菲亚特克莱斯勒(FCA),菲亚特克莱斯勒意大利(FCA Italy),福特(Ford),标致雪铁龙(PSA)以及雷诺(Renault)。这个组织成立之初的目的就在于建立尽可能统一的全球质量管理系统,即综合ISO9001与具体的汽车业相关技术规范ISO/TS16949 — 这个系统大约从2002年开始生效。但是时至今日,IATF已经修订规范有一年多的时间了,形成名为IATF16949:2016的规范,其目标是进一步深化质量全球汽车业管理目标,及综合性、统一性和一致性的目标。综合了官方ISO标准之后,就能覆盖机构质量管理流程,也就是说行业可以将通过一个机构将客户的要求体现在产品中,最终满足客户的需求。为了这个目标,这个规范通过规划、实行和检测这种循环,解决了环境、领导、规划、支持和操作等问题 — 也就是设计、开发和制造。整个规划是在全球5个地方协调进行的,这些地方包括英国的伯明翰(这里是英国汽车制造业的传统核心地带,各种事务有英国汽车制造商协会操作)、美国、德国、法国和意大利,行政机构分别由密歇根州的IAOB,柏林的VDA-QMC,法国的IATF(在Suresnes Cedex)和都灵和ANFIA负责。尽管最初的TS16949规范于2009年进行修订,新版规范覆盖面更加庞大,但是基本概念仍然需要不断更新。 通用肯塔基Bowling Green工厂的一名工人在装配Chevrolet Corvette Stingray的时候取下发动机托架这里涉及很多因素。新版TS16949规范的最初动力是要在2015年修改ISO9001,通过ISO实现多个目标,这些目标包括:*提供与其他ISO管理标准相同的“高水平体系”,这样公司就能更加容易地使用多种管理系统,比如环境问题或卫生安全问题。*“风险为导向的思考”不断突出*对领导力的不断强调*使用简化语言*高效解决供应链问题同样,IATF自己的文件需要更改,这样双方能够继续融合,互补。但是这也为IAFT提供机会,重新起草TS916949,提现更多的汽车业特点。其中一个特点是,新版规范尽可能地在文件中提现“客户特殊”要求,这些要求过去是由制造商自己制定,或者直接推给供应商,这是行业普遍存在的事实。而新的规范则最大限度地扩大实践,而其流程在整个行业全面铺开,同时也不需要取消特定供应链的客户化要求的可能性。不断提高普通程序的领域通常会被认为存在“流程变更”。另外一个特点突出反映了车辆开发过程中涉及到的软件 — 这个规范现在提供了软件开发过程中的质量保证。同时,其他要点包括产品安全领域、担保和现场反馈。在更深的层次上来说,虽然整个规划暗示了,一个行业根据全球公司的经营而体现越来越多的特点,因而需要制动全球认证的程序要求,提供分散供应链所需的必要信任。目前,尽管距离临界点的时间非常紧迫,但所有的机构都需要调整遵守新的规范,并获得证书。这个关键性的日起就是2018年9月14日。到了那个时候,ISO/TS16949和2008年版本ISO9001都会失效,IATF成员公司和供应链中那些制造零部件的所有公司都会受到影响。此后,所有机构内的公司都需要取得最新版ISO9001和IATF16494:2016证书。全球有69,000个这样的机构必须要获得证书,而43个公认的认证机构从去年初九开始加班加点完成评估工作。整个规划在全球范围实行的过程中,认证机构包括American Systems Registrar, Lloyds Register Quality Assurance, Korean Standards Institution, China Jiuding Automotive Supplier Certifications, DEKRA Certification GmbH以及Intertek等机构。对IATF内的制造公司而言,他们对新标准的态度也各不相同。虽然所有公司都在努力在整个供应链中遵守新的规范,但不是所有公司都会应用它。但是通用汽车(GM)不管对内还是对外都综合采用ISO和IATF规范。这已经得到GM Component Holdings在密歇根州Wyoming工厂质量部经理Patricia Smith的证实:“通用汽车全球制造系统包括强大的质量管理系统,足以支持新的标准。这对通用汽车供应商的影响在于,客户特定要求的批准已经包括在新标准框架之内了。”她还解释说,这是因为IATF规范是一个“重点强调汽车业质量管理系统标准的”,其中的“风险环节”是一个重要因素。 IATF旗下制造商,比如通用汽车在原来规范失效之前就着手向新的质量管理标准转型 Smith对规范更新非常坦承:“原来的标准并不能实现通用产品供应基础所需的质量水平,也不能实现年复一年的性能改进。”她证实,通用汽车一直忙于准备迎接新的标准。她说,“企业质量组织在标准生效之前主动提供新标准培训。培训使用问答及共享学习平台。此外,开提出空白弥补计划。”此外,新的质量体系已经开始实施。Smith说,“很多通用工厂已经采用新的标准,其余工厂会在目前标准失效之前完成转变。”这种转变在公司的供应链也在悄然发生。她证实说,“供应基地也在转变新标准。”尽管新的标准就其本质而言可以普及,但是Smith认为有些方面对通用而且非常重要。她举例称,“机构条款中的条件提到要包括客户特定要求,理解机构及条件的要求,特别是决定所有标准中目的战略方向相关内部及外部问题,还有文件信息要求,都会产生标准执行证据数据。”但是Smith还说,新的标准应该在更加广泛的水平上有用。她说,“汽车业拥有一套全新的通用指南就能拥有通用的语言、互相了解需要、还能拥有共同的重点和清晰的鳄鱼漆。”“将客户特定要求融入到标准框架,是保持客户为本原则的重点。”到目前为止,预测新规范的影响还为时尚早。她总结说,“现实中的评估还无法实现,因为采用新标准的转变过程才刚刚开始。但是我对未来结果非常乐观、看好。”

  • Corvette Build at GM Bowling Green Assembly

    Standard bearers


    A current programme run by the International Automotive Task Force is looking to revise the technical specification IATF16949, the published standard informing quality management across the automotive industry worldwideThe concept of quality management is now a well-established aspect of all forms of business. It essentially denotes implementing a system of ...

  • Mercedes-Benz Werk Ludwigsfeld

    Vitalidade comercial


    A produção europeia de VCL é uma mistura dinâmica de volumes crescentes, eletrificação e novas aliançasEm geral, o mercado de veículos comerciais ligeiros da Europa (VCL) é abastecido por fabricantes nativos, com apenas duas marcas não europeias, Nissan e Hyundai, com uma pegada de produção própria no continente (Toyota traz ...

  • Mercedes-Benz Werk Ludwigsfeld

    Vitalidad comercial


    La producción europea de pequeños vehículos comerciales es una combinación dinámica de volúmenes en aumento, electrificación y nuevas alianzasPor lo general, el mercado de pequeños vehículos comerciales en Europa es suministrado por los fabricantes locales, con solo dos marcas no europeas, Nissan y Hyundai, que tienen una huella de producción ...

  • Mercedes starts CLS production at Sindelfingen

    New CLS line starts at Sindelfingen


    Site manager of the Sindelfingen plant Michael Bauer (left) and Ergun Lümali, chairman of the Sindelfingen Works Council (right)Germany – Mercedes-Benz has started production of its latest CLS model at the Sindelfingen plant. The CLS will share the same assembly line as the E-Class sedan and T-models, with the ...

  • The one-millionth Porsche 911

    Nem tão esnobe que não possa fazer esforço


    A Porsche vem expandindo sua produção e alcançando resultados recordes - com alguma assistência das instalações do Grupo VolkswagenTanto um nome emblemático na indústria automotiva como uma parte central do Grupo Volkswagen, a Porsche vem facilitando a sua crescente produção nos últimos anos, dependendo fortemente dos recursos do Grupo e ...

  • Lada Priora production line

    Resolução russa


    A indústria automotiva da Rússia está expressando com cautela a confiança novamente, depois que o mercado de automóveis emergiu de uma queda de três anosAs vendas aumentaram na Rússia todos os meses nos últimos oito meses, à medida que o país se adapta ao seu novo normal econômico dos baixos ...

  • The one-millionth Porsche 911

    El deportivo que trabaja en equipo


    Porsche está expandiendo su producción y está alcanzando resultados récord con ayuda de las instalaciones del Grupo VolkswagenPorsche es una marca icónica en la industria y una parte fundamental del Grupo Volkswagen, en los últimos años ha aumentado su producción gracias al uso de los recursos del Grupo mientras mantiene ...

  • Lada Priora production line

    Determinación rusa


    La industria automotriz rusa muestra nuevamente su confianza con el resurgir de la industria automotriz después de tres años de crisisLas ventas han crecido cada mes en Rusia durante los últimos ocho meses a medida que el país se adapta a la nueva economía recuperada de los bajos precios del ...

  • Mercedes-Benz Werk Ludwigsfeld

    Commercial vitality


    European LCV production is a dynamic mix of rising volumes, electrification and new alliancesIn general, Europe’s light commercial vehicle (LCV) market is supplied by native manufacturers, with only two non-European brands, Nissan and Hyundai, having a production footprint of their own on the continent (Toyota sources the ProAce van from ...

  • Lada Priora production line

    Russian resolution


    Russia’s automotive industry is cautiously expressing confidence again after the car market there emerges from a three-year slumpSales have increased in Russia every month for the last eight as the country adapts to its new economic normal of low oil prices and continued European economic sanctions; the two biggest causes ...

  • The one-millionth Porsche 911

    Not too posh to push


    Porsche has been expanding its production and achieving record results – with some assistance from Volkswagen Group facilitiesBoth an iconic name in the automotive industry and a core part of the Volkswagen Group, Porsche has been facilitating its rising production in recent years by relying heavily on Group resources while ...

  • Renault Valladolid AMS janfeb2017

    Estrela em ascensão na Espanha


    A fábrica de Valladolid da Renault está liderando algumas das últimas tecnologias de fabricação digital. A fábrica espanhola tornou-se uma estrela na rede de produção da Renault para fazer um dos lançamentos dos novos segmentos mais bem sucedidos da marca: o SUV pequeno Captur. Desde o início da produção em ...