All Mercedes-Benz articles – Page 6
南美的汽车制造业因出口的强势增长而出现反弹迹象。Nick Gibbs报道巴西目前是南美最大的汽车市场,而十年之前,巴西还在想方设法拉拢各地的制造商和投资,并在2012年创造380万销量的记录。之后跌了一个大跟头,2016年的市场又回落到205万辆的水平。去年,市场开始恢复,虽然没有特别表现,但市场销量增长了9.2%,达到224万辆(其中的186万辆是轿车)。然而据当地汽车制造商协会Anfavea公布的数据,该国的生产增长率却有25%,总量达到270万辆。今年的销量更加给力,前四个月的增幅达到20%,而四月份的增幅甚至达到了38% ,据销量跟踪网站Bestselligncarsblog.com称, 这是本年代最高。制造公司们又重新乐观了起来。去年,常胜将军菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车将第一的桂冠输给了通用汽车,市场份额缩水。公司认为,今年市场会增长10%,总量会达到240万辆。公司高管在今年6月1日的会上对投资商们说,从长期来看FCA认为巴西会在2022年之前达到300万辆的规模,而且有信心再一次夺冠,将拉美地区的利润提高10-12%。2017年,巴西成为FCA公司日润第三大地区,仅次于北美和意大利。与此同时,通用汽车夺冠之后,扭转了在南美亏损的逆境,2017年已经出现盈利。据公司公布的数据,公司在南美地区的Chevrolet销量增长了14%。通用汽车去年在巴西的市场份额为18%,这多亏了Chevrolet Onix。该车产于南里奥格兰德州的格拉瓦塔伊工厂,在今年前四个月里成为巴西最畅销的车型,而Hyundai HB20和Ford Ka屈居第二和第三。之前的衰败曾经是这个地区的梦魇。2013年,行业里汽车制造直接雇员人数达到135,343名 — 这是历史最高。据Anfavea称,2016年的时候人数降到109,530名,与去年的109,910人相差无几。大量的岗位削减成为大众这样的汽车制造商日常工作,大众在2016年宣布在南美削减7,000个岗位 — 在巴西削减5,000个,在阿根廷削减2,000个。2016年汽车销售营业额下降到413亿灭元,还不足2013年高峰时期873亿美元的一半。汽车零部件制造商的投资也从2011年的24亿美元下降到2016年的4.52亿美元,很多汽车制造商的生产都停滞不前。2016年,本田投资10亿美元在伊蒂拉皮纳建设新的工厂 — 这是圣保罗州的一个城市。工厂生产力达到120,000辆,但是工厂建成之后就闲置着。谨慎制定发展计划目前有迹象表明,很多公司对发展计划都非常谨慎。本田公司4月份宣布,伊蒂拉皮纳工厂明年开始生产汽车,首先是Fit B-段斜背式汽车。伴随这个决定而来的是,制造商还宣布要停止苏马雷工厂的生产,把那里的车型都拿到伊蒂拉皮纳生产。苏马雷工厂将用于生产发动机和其他组件。在接受Globo报采访的时候,本田拉美公司董事长Issao Mizoguchi表示,公司的的发展还不足以容纳两个工厂的生产。而戴姆勒公司在圣保罗州的圣贝尔纳工厂生产梅赛德斯品牌轻型及重型卡车。工厂是公司旗下德国以外最大的商用车生产厂,由于自动化和供应链的发展,新的生产线的效率提高了15%以上。公司在圣保罗州的伊拉塞玛波利斯开设了新的实验基地,用于生产梅赛德斯商用车。事实上,去年巴西制造的汽车中有46%都是在圣保罗制造的,这里拥有27家工厂,生产的汽车包括福特、通用、本田、现代、戴姆勒、斯堪尼亚、丰田和大众。大众向位于圣保罗南部的安溪艾塔工厂投资6.5亿欧元(约合7.67亿美元)进行现代化改造,用于生产Virtus汽车和新款Polo斜背式汽车。4月份有报道称,公司要在巴西库里巴蒂生产第一款SUV汽车,即小型T-Cross汽车。2018年上半年,T-Cross开始上市销售,与雷诺Kwid竞争,后者在库里巴蒂工厂进行本地化生产,与去年7月份推出上市。而在零部件方面,西班牙金属冲压专家Gestamp公司去年在巴西贝廷开设了第七家工厂,为FCA公司提供零部件,生产Fiat Palio和Seina汽车。公司称,到2017年底为止,这个号子2.490万美元的工厂员工数量达到82人。 戴姆勒在圣伯尔南多工厂增加生产线,用于生产梅赛德斯品牌轻型及重型卡车Gestamp总裁Francisco Riberas在去年接受AMS采访的时候称,巴西会出现强势增长,而Gestamp的战略就是密切关注反弹细节。他说,“有些竞争对手现在已经出局。我们就是要保持现状,拿到重要订单。我们现在需要的就是市场恢复。在一个容量在2亿辆的国家里取得350万辆的目标还是很合理的。现在的问题就是降低利率。”2012年的高峰是一次性的然而LMC Auto分析公司预测称,巴西2012年曾经的辉煌在很长时间内都无法复原。公司同意FCA老板Sergio Marchionne的观点,认为市场今年的销量回答道240万辆,到2020年会逐渐达到270万辆,到2023年达到290万辆。公司预测,到2030年,市场销量回答道350万辆,但是不会再高了。美洲汽车销量预测高级经理Augusto Amorim对AMS称,“我们不会再看到巴西达到2012年的高峰了。”这种预测还是有根据的。其一是,2012年的高峰是受到债务推动的。Amorim说,“在2012年的时候,很多行业都有税收激励。消费者购买汽车、电气和家具,因此债台高筑。政府现在也还在努力调节财政赤字问题,因此我们认为巴西不会再为汽车业提供激励政策了。”另一个原因是,2012年购买的汽车还在使用当中。Amorim说,“2012年购买的汽车现在还不算旧,而且比新车还有更多的特点。”巴西是一个对价格非常敏感的市场,而且价格越涨越高。据Anfavea称,巴西平均购买税是30%,而英国是17%,美国式6.8%。2014年出台的法规让一些老牌廉价汽车彻底出局。RIP Inovar Auto高端汽车市场也很萧条。去年,该车段销量为45,000辆,而在高峰期是60,000辆。如果当时为了鼓励当地汽车制造商Inovar Auto政策没有招来欧洲的高端汽车制造商进入巴西的话,就不会出现什么问题。但是他们那么做了,而且那些以高昂代价完成本地化制造的公司已经陷入困境。比如捷豹路虎公司,2014年的时候投资7.5亿雷亚尔,在里约热内卢的伊塔蒂艾亚建厂,计划每年生产24,000辆汽车。生产从2016年开始,首先是Land Rover Discovery Sport和Range Rover Evoque SUV汽车。但是公司去年在巴西只售出7,759辆,比伊塔蒂艾亚的产量低5,000辆。奥迪公司在库里巴蒂工厂制造汽车就是为了降低投资,工厂最近新增汽车车体修理厂,用于生产A3轿车和Q3 SUV,但销量却不尽人意。 与巴西其他高端汽车制造商一样,宝马阿拉夸里工厂的生产也是不尽人意,生产率只有50%但宝马(BMW)的痛苦与JLR不相上下。2014年,圣卡塔琳娜州的阿拉夸里工厂开始生产宝马汽车。据宝马集团巴西公司总裁兼首席执行官Helder Boavida说,工厂的生产力只有50%,而去年在巴西的销量只有11,758辆。工厂的生产追随Inova Auto政策,因为该政策对进口商品实行很高的进口税,但是宝马现在因为Inovar Auto(去年年底结束之后没有更新)之后缺乏后期的行业政策而感到失望。巴西在高进口税纠纷中输给了世贸组织,并因为违反成员国规则而饱受责备。Boavida在Bloomberg说,“我们需要明确的政策,才能对进行预测,制定未来规划。”Inovar Auto之后出台了Rota 2030政策,这是一项基于汽车能源效率的政策,而不是本地化生产。但是该政策被延误了。LMC公司Amorim说,“有谣言称,缺乏激励政策是Rota 2030延误公布的主要原因。公司想要激励政策,但是政府不愿意。”出口为先锋去年的生产出现大飞跃,一部分原因是出口增加了46%(达到784,781辆),人们都以为超越2005年记录(近900,000辆)的希望可以实现了。经济萧条的时候出口下滑,但是国内的销量却不同,因此制造商期许另一条解决产能过剩的途径。Anfavea主席Antonio Megale在2017回顾中对新的贸易协议非常赞许,认为哥伦比亚的做法是一个很好的实例。他还说,巴西生产的汽车更加安全,技术水平更高,比一些先进市场还要好。当地市场的销量不断增长。比如智利,该国并咩有自己的汽车业,巴西进口汽车在该国的市场份额从2014年的1.2%增长到2017年的8.8%。向阿根廷的进口量为534,970辆,巴西是阿根廷2017年最大的汽车来源,占总进口量的83%。阿根廷所有汽车销量比前一年增长了23%,达到884,000辆。从比率上看,这高于泰国,低于土耳其。巴西的进口量让阿根廷望而却步,阿根廷生产473,408辆汽车中向巴西出口了139,967辆。该国2017年的生产还不如2016年,比2011年828,771辆的产量更是天壤之别。但是,投资情况不断成熟。今年,科尔多瓦雷诺工厂开始生产Mercedes X-class皮卡车,而PSA公司在巴勒马山将从2019年开始进行现代化改造,准备生产新款汽车。去年晚些时候,大众公司宣布要向帕凯科工厂投资5.6亿欧元,优化生产工艺,转呗生产新款SUV,计划在2020年开始投产。
AAM builds new powertrain plant
Spain - American Axle & Manufacturing (AAM) has started construction of a new 15,000 sq.m facility in Viladecans - a town located 20km southwest of Barcelona. The company says it will house the production of powertrain components for several car makers, such as Renault, BMW, Daimler, Porsche, Audi and Ford.“As ...
O mais novo elo de uma cadeia crescente
A Geely pretende alavancar a propriedade da Volvo para desenvolver e fabricar modelos Lynk & Co e introduzir uma nova abordagem em vendas e serviços. Reportagem por Ian HenryA nova marca chinesa Lynk & Co causou um grande impacto muito rapidamente. Quando seu primeiro modelo, o 01, foi colocado à ...
Mercedes invests in East London plant
South Africa - Mercedes-Benz Cars has announced plans to produce the next generation of its C-Class in East London - a city on the southeast coast of South Africa in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality of the Eastern Cape province. To do so, it will spend €600m (US$528.84m) to construct ...
El último eslabón de una cadena creciente
Geely recurre a su marca Volvo para desarrollar y producir modelos Lynk & Co y ofrecer nuevos sistemas de venta y mantenimiento. Artículo de Ian HenryLa nueva marca china Lynk & Co ha creado una gran expectación muy rápidamente. Cuando el primero modelo 01 salió a la venta en China ...
NEVS builds factory in Shanghai
China - The Swedish EV maker has started construction of a new car factory in Shanghai. It will be a copy of the plant that was recently completed in Tianjin - a city situated an hour south of the capital Beijing.Both these plants will have an annual production capacity of ...
OEMs face tough choices over Iran
When Iran reached agreement with the global community in 2015 regarding denuclearisation, resulting in the lifting of sanctions in early 2016, almost immediately Renault and PSA announced their return to the country. Prior to Iran being ostracised, both companies had been active there via joint venture (JV) manufacturing operations, mostly ...
Diesel – is the final curtain about to fall?
Car companies across Europe are facing a serious problem with their diesel line-ups; whether it is the loss of consumer confidence following the VW crisis, or a rising environmental awareness among consumers, coupled with evident official policy moving against diesel, barely a week goes by without reports of declining diesel ...
Mercedes makes 1m heavy-duty engines
Germany - The company's plants in Mannheim, Germany and Detroit, Michigan have reached a joint milestone, producing 1m engines for heavy-duty vehicles. These have all been based on Daimler's heavy-duty truck engine platform that was introduced back in 2007."Global Powertrain stands not only for integrated drivetrains, but also for the ...
Forjando um futuro na fábrica 56
As novas instalações de fabricação de automóveis precisarão ser altamente flexíveis à medida que as tendências de eletrificação de veículos e direção autônoma continuarem a evoluir. Por Christopher Ludwig e Michael NashA Mercedes-Benz é há muito tempo defensora de técnicas de fabricação flexíveis e eficientes, realizando inúmeros projetos para testar ...
Forjando el futuro en la Fábrica 56
Las nuevas plantas de producción automotriz deberán ser muy flexibles a medida que avanzan las tendencias de vehículos eléctricos y autónomos. Por Christopher Ludwig y Michael NashMercedes-Benz siempre ha liderado las técnicas de producción flexible y eficiente y ha realizado innumerables proyectos para ensayar procedimientos innovadores e implementarlos en sus ...
Toyota to build fuel cell facilities
Japan - The OEM has revealed plans to construct a new building next to its Honsha Plant in Toyota City for the production of fuel cell stacks. Work on the exterior has already been completed, with the facility covering an area of 70,000 sq.m, and work on the interior is ...
Mercedes prepares plant for electric EQ
France - Mercedes-Benz has announced that its Hambach plant will produce a new compact electric car under the EQ brand - it's electric vehicle (EV) family. In order to ready the facility, a total of €500m (US$588.14m) will be spent on a new body shop and surface treatment system, while ...
G-Class production starts in Austria
Austria - Production of the new Mercedes-Benz G-Class has begun at the Magna Steyr plant in Graz, Austria. It made its global debut at the 2018 Detroit Auto Show in January."With the model change the new G-Class experienced the biggest transformation in its 39 years-old history," explained Gunnar Güthenke, head ...
The newest link in a growing chain
Geely intends to leverage its ownership of Volvo to develop and manufacture Lynk & Co models, and introduce a new approach to sales and service. Report by Ian HenryThe new Chinese brand Lynk & Co made a big splash very quickly. When its first model, the 01, went on sale ...
Transformation pressure on the automotive industry
Audi has resolutely turned to the concept of the smart factory. But how does this profound transition work exactly? What role are humans playing in the process? Are suppliers ready to meet the new demands of the OEMs? The entire industry has to make crucial decisions on its future course, ...
Closer to commercialisation
Fuel-cell electric vehicles have lagged behind other EVs, but upcoming models could help that to changeEveryone involved in hydrogen fuel cell development is probably tired of hearing the same old joke: large-scale adoption is a decade away, and always will be. David Hart, a director at sustainable energy consultancy E4Tech ...
Forging a future in Factory 56
New car manufacturing facilities will need to be highly flexible as the trends of vehicle electrification and autonomous driving continue to evolve. Mercedes-Benz futuristic ‘Factory 56’ paves a new path.
Smarter EV production
As it launches ‘electric intelligence’ models, Mercedes-Benz is also adapting its factories for flexible productionAt first there was some confusion over what Mercedes-Benz meant when it announced that it was creating an ‘EQ’ division. Was it to be a line-up of cars which would directly challenge BMW’s i models, as ...
Navistar appoints manufacturing head
US - Mark Hernandez has been named senior vice president of global manufacturing at Navistar. He was previously a practice expert in lean production for commercial vehicles at McKinsey and Company, and has also been general manager of the Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) plant in Mount Holly, North Carolina, ...