All Africa and Middle East articles – Page 10

  • V6 Infiniti

    Nissan Iwaki makes new Infiniti V6


    Japan – The 3.0-litre, twin-turbo engine is billed as “the lightest, most powerful, cleanest and most fuel-efficient” V6 that Infiniti has yet offered. It will initially power the 2016 Infiniti Q50 sports saloon, and later the new Q60 sports coupe.The V6 engine, part of the VR series, will be available ...

  • Article

    PSA de volta na corrida


    Com nova gerência, nova estratégia e novos acionistas, a PSA está passando por uma mudança de sorteNão foi há muito tempo que o futuro da PSA foi posto em questão. Com as dificuldades financeiras, empreendimento conjunto e arranjo de participação cruzada com a General Motors em colapso e a necessidade ...

  • PSA Poissy

    PSA: Back in the race


    With new management, a new strategy and new shareholders, PSA is experiencing a change in fortunesIt was not long ago that the future of PSA was called into question. The joint venture (JV) and cross-shareholding arrangement with General Motors was collapsing, the company was in financial trouble and it needed ...

  • PSA Middle East and Africa

    Iran: Back on the road


    Within days of sanctions on Iran being lifted in January, PSA announced a major investment of over $430m in a new joint venture in the country that will see Peugeot 208s, 2008s and 301s being made alongside new Iran Khodro-branded models (themselves likely to include a fair amount of Peugeot ...

  • Toshiaki Mikoshiba

    Honda makes American appointments


    US – Toshiaki Mikoshiba will become president and CEO of Honda North America, COO of North American Regional Operations and president and CEO of American Honda Motor. He will replace Takuji Yamada, who will continue to hold the title of senior managing officer until his retirement.In addition, Tsutomu Morimoto will ...

  • Stefan Mueller

    Renault makes senior appointments


    France – Stefan Mueller, executive vice-president (EVP) and chairman of Europe Region, will become EVP, chief performance officer (CPO); Jean-Christophe Kugler, senior vice-president and chairman of Eurasia Region will replace Mueller as EVP and chairman of Europe, also joining the executive committee; Denis Le Vot, SVP, Sales and Marketing for ...

  • Ford Focus RS

    Ford Europe speeds up transformation plan


    Germany – After returning to profit last year, the OEM is targeting a higher profit and pre-tax operating margin in 2016, and 6-8% in the longer term. Key measures will be the refocusing of product strategy, the identification of new revenue streams, the reduction of costs and an increase in ...

  • Monika Reimel

    BMW makes America appointments


    US – Monika Reimel will become regional vice-president for the Central Region, effective March 1, while Shaun Bugbee will assume the role of regional vice-president for the East Region from April 1. Reimel and Bugbee will lead all aspects of BMW’s business in their respective areas, including the regional staff, ...

  • PSA Middle East and Africa

    PSA announces Iranian JV


    Iran – The OEM has operated in the country for over 30 years but has now signed an agreement with Iran Khodro for the local production of latest-generation vehicles, after the removal of international sanctions against Iran. The two partners will have equal stakes.An investment of €400 ($436.2m) will be ...

  • Article

    Investindo na África do Norte


    O Norte de África será a próxima região para o crescimento industrial automotivo?Quando a Renault-Nissan anunciou a sua nova fábrica no Marrocos e produção do Dacia Dokker e Lodgy começaram de fato, houveram sugestões de que isso anunciaria o surgimento de uma indústria automotiva Norte Africana. A região já foi ...

  • Article

    Invirtiendo en el norte de África


    ¿Será el Norte de África la próxima región de crecimiento de la industria del automóvil? Cuando Renault-Nissan anunció su nueva fábrica en Marruecos y comenzó la producción de los modelos Dacia Dokker y Lodgy, hubo muchos que lo consideraron como el inicio del surgir de la industria del automóvil ...


    Investing in North Africa


    Will this region be the next big growth area for automotive production, or will political unrest get in the way?When Renault-Nissan announced its new factory in Morocco and production of the Dacia Dokker and Lodgy began in earnest, there were suggestions that this would herald the emergence of a full-scale ...

  • Article

    - 投资北非


    北非会是汽车制造业崛起的下一站吗? 雷诺-日产宣布迫不及待要在摩洛哥新建工厂,生产Dacia Dokker和Lodgy,就有人预言,称这将盘活整个北非汽车业。这个地区早已坐落各种工厂,位欧洲装配厂提供电子线束。大部分生产都在埃及和突尼斯。阿拉伯之春使埃及汽车业的发展出现停滞,低产量全散件装配不得不回到过去的生产和增长水平。线束供应还在继续,但是有些已经中断,一些欧洲工厂不得不加大库存。 早在突尼斯和巴黎恐怖袭击之前,北非就有迹象会发展壮大。雷诺公司在墨西哥大力投资,毫无疑问是想转移营业方向,对国际投资的政治态度以及就业机会都带出法国;而PSA公司已经宣布计划,要追随雷诺到摩洛哥建厂。雷诺公司已经在阿尔及利亚开设工厂:PSA预计也会到这里来。本文就是通过仔细研究这些细节,探讨最近发生的地缘政治和恐怖注意动向对方兴未艾的北非汽车业会有什么影响。 Renault has plants in Algeria and Morocco 雷诺阿尔及利亚2014年末,雷诺在阿尔及利亚海岸线的奥兰(Oran)开了一家小型工厂。阿尔及利亚(通过两次投资分别获得34%和17%的股份)拥有工厂的51%的股份,雷诺公司占有49%股份。雷诺品牌是该国的龙头企业,大约占有27%的市场份额:达契亚(Dacia)位于第三,标致(Peugeot)位于第二。随着市场不断成熟,法国各品牌在该国的生产不断有条理,现代汽车市场逐渐想成。 该国的汽车所有率为每1,000人拥有130辆汽车(大约是欧洲所有率的四分之一),汽车销量增长的空间很大:事实上,该国一些雷诺经销商已经表示,每年能够出售25,000辆非常看好,甚至认为到2019年会达到75,000辆销售目标,而且还无法满足需求,尤其是像Hyundai这些品牌的投资会刺激需求。在该国生产汽车,保持市场地位,减少进口,是得到政府政策支持的。 第一个在阿尔及利亚制造的车型是Symbol,是在Dacia Logan生产的;初期的生产是对罗阿尼亚进口来的半散件进行装配,但有些塑料零部件和座椅来自地方供应商。不远的将来,工厂会增加喷漆和一些车身零部件的生产。从产期来看,有报道称,雷诺将会在Constantine(位于阿尔及利亚东390公里处)制造备用配件,但是最后的选址还没有敲定。 雷诺摩洛哥 — 主要向欧洲出口雷诺公司与2012年在Tangiers免税区建立工厂,在那里生产的车辆可以免税出口到欧盟。工厂的所有情况都在前期AMS特别报道里介绍过。看到雷诺-达契亚在摩洛哥的生产如此强劲,欧洲的客户也能够接受穿过地中海而到的汽车的质量,PSA公司也决定如法炮制。 PSA摩洛哥 — 大规模拓展2015年6月,PSA与摩洛哥政府签订合同,向Kenitra工厂(离雷诺-达契亚工厂不远)投资5.57亿欧元。雷诺工厂的长期目标为年产量400,000辆,但是PSA却保守开场,计划2019年起每年生产90,000-100,000辆汽车和发动机。如果地区需求上涨,可以在2023年之前每年生产200,000辆。摩洛哥媒体称,工厂的长期计划还包括每年生产200,000辆两轮电动车。工厂会雇佣4,500名员工,同时会在供应链和相关支持行业产生20,000个就业岗位。 除了车辆生产,PSA还将建立一个法国研发中心,雇佣大约1,500名工程师和技术人员。和雷诺工厂一样,PSA也将工厂当作欧洲市场的出口供应点,满足欧洲对低成本汽车的需求,预计初期的出口额将达到每年10亿欧元。 PSA公司计划到2025年,在北非和中东每年出售100万辆汽车,而摩洛哥工厂将是实现这个目标的重要因素。除了摩洛哥的生产,公司希望这100万辆中会有伊朗的贡献。正如雷诺工厂不会对罗马尼亚的达契亚工厂要求更多的生产或扩建,PSA在摩洛哥的工厂对欧洲工厂不会产生直接影响。在PSA的情况看来,在西班牙北部Vigo的工厂有可能会失去生产Peugeot 301和Citroën C-Elysee的机会,或者将这些“低成本”轿车的生产挪到摩洛哥的工厂,因为摩洛哥也希望接管生产Peugeot 208车型。 当摩洛哥工厂宣布消息后,法国工会CGT表达不满,说不会接受PSA国际扩展进程影响欧洲劳动力。也就是说,在不久的将来推出Citroën SUV和跨界车,会在Vigo工厂的301和C-Elysee搬到摩洛哥之后的空缺上生产。摩洛哥工厂对法国的影响可能来自208车型搬到北非进行,这些会销往北非和中东市场,对欧洲市场来说与其说是替代,不如说是额外生产。在摩洛哥生产的车辆将在CMP平台上进行,这是PSA与中国东风公司合作开发的。 地方成分像雷诺公司,PSA公司计划尽可能多地使用地方组件,并称工厂将实现60%地方成分,到20年代初期或中期,将实现80%,而且很快还要生产发动机;因此,公司正要向地方经济每年注入至少10亿欧元。工厂一旦运行,将会扭转PSA的格局:直到2010年,他还是雷诺的合作伙伴,之后卡萨布兰卡的SOMACA工厂由雷诺独自运营。 冷眼旁观雷诺在几年内在摩洛哥、土耳其和罗马尼亚,大肆扩展低成本生产网络,PSA也终于决定如如法炮制,依靠地缘政治动乱,小心守护在地区已经获得认可的经济实力。公司宣称,Peugeot品牌是突尼斯的领头羊,在阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥也位居第二。但是这种地位反而遭到质疑,既然如此,为什么到现在才向该地区投资发展呢。 PSA阿尔及利亚 — 另一个地区工厂?2015年6月,PSA证实要在摩洛哥建厂还不到一天,就有报道称,PSA要在北非另建一个工厂。阿尔及利亚工矿部长对阿尔及利亚媒体称,政府正在与公司协商,要在该国西部建厂制造Peugeot 208和301,以及Citroën C-Elysee,这与PSA在摩洛哥生产的车型相同。报道称,政府正在与公司进行“深入交涉”,而这个消息也印证了7月初,法国总统Citroën C-Elysee在访问该国时的一个口误,说会有Alstom, Renault, Sanofi等重要法国公司过来投资,而且“Peugeot也会马上跟上。” 此外,还会继续南下,到尼日利亚。这是一个巨大的市场,但是经受政治动乱的影响。PSA已经与一个地方公司,PAN Nigeria,签订协议,装配Peugeot 301轿车,再根据情况很可能会装配308掀背式和508轿车。 ...

  • 93866ford-copy

    Neighbour moves into Ford Dagenham


    UK – Replacing Martin Everitt, who becomes director of Powertrain Manufacturing Engineering for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Paul Neighbour is now confirmed as plant manager of Ford Dagenham Engine Plant. He has already served the vehicle-maker for 38 years.Neighbour’s previous roles include vice-president of Manufacturing for Getrag Ford ...

  • Ellesmere Port- Astra Production, Sept 2015

    Astra aspirations


    Vauxhall's old Ellesmere Port plant has been revitalised by a £140m investment to make the newest modelOne of the oldest vehicle manufacturing plants in the UK, Vauxhall’s Ellesmere Port factory in north-west England is undergoing a renaissance. Having been threatened with closure in the recent past – but surviving when ...

  • Webinar

    ZEISS Webinar: Systematic quality assurance in car body construction


    ZEISS's new solutions focused approach closes the gap between precise and flexible analysis through automated high-performance sample and batch measurements to 100% control with in-line inspection systems in the production line.With a complete product portfolio including:horizontal measuring machines HAM (including optical 3D-scanners)measuring robotsbluelight scanning systemsfixtures and big data analysisreporting softwareZEISS ...

  • Article

    Toyota starts new Innova production, Karawang


    Indonesia – Plant 1 has become the first facility worldwide to make the model, after an investment of five trillion Indonesian rupiah ($361,000). Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) has also taken steps to increase the number of its suppliers in the area, resulting in a local content level of 85%.“This ...

  • Article

    Ford em foco


    O foco principal de fabricação da Ford no ano passado foi a entrega de seu programa de alto perfil para o caminhão picape com carroceria de alumínio F-150, mas o OEM também começou a reorganizar sua pegada de fabricação na América do Norte Este ambicioso programa para produzir a versão ...

  • 2015 Ford F-150 frame and body

    Ford in focus


    In the past year, Ford has concentrated on delivering its high-profile programme for an aluminium-bodied F-150 pick-up truck, but the OEM has also started reorganising its manufacturing footprint in North AmericaFord's ambitious programme to produce an aluminium version of its F-150 pick-up truck has not been without its problems and ...

  • FCA Kokomo

    FCA Kokomo earns Bronze WCM status


    US – The facility in Indiana has become the 11th North American location to be recognised in this way – and the first involved in die casting. Kokomo also joins two transmission plants in Indiana which were given Bronze status last year.Kokomo Casting underwent a two-day audit, during which it ...