All JLR articles – Page 5

  • Evoque, JLR Halewood

    Setting a fast pace


    JLR is following up the stunning success of its Evoque SUV with more models and manufacturing operationsNot long ago, JLR was facing the possibility of a factory closure amidst declining sales and a recession. Fortunately, the Evoque model had already been approved for production, and when this vehicle launched it ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Chemical composition


    The greater use of mixed materials in vehicle construction has required changes to the pretreatment processThe initial treatment that a bare metal car body receives is fundamental to achieving the key performance parameters of all subsequent coating and painting operations, most obviously corrosion protection and paint adhesion. For many decades, ...

  • Brose Coventry

    Sitting pretty


    Brose UK has now insourced the painting of seat structures, bringing efficiency and evironmental savings"This is a massive show of faith and confirms the Group’s intention of giving us the technology and capability we need to take on and successfully deliver higher volumes for our local customers,” said Juergen Zahl, ...

  • Ian Henry

    So strategic


    Renault has driven the change and is now driving the future; Nissan is powering along with 'Power 88' (aimed at achieving an 8% global market share and an 8% return on capital); and Volkswagen (VW) is working on Strategy 2025+ as it goes about rebuilding after the diesel scandal. Ford ...

  • finish reflection

    Colocando o Kia na Eslováquia


    Com seus números de produção continuando a aumentar, a instalação da Kia Motors Slovakia em Žilina está levando a bandeira às nações menores produtoras de automóveisUma configuração pitoresca não é uma métrica que os OEMs necessariamente valorizam quando selecionam locais de produção, mas é aquela na qual a Kia Motors ...

  • finish reflection

    El idilio de Kia en Eslovaquia


    Siguen aumentando las cifras de producción en la planta de Kia Motors Slovakia en Žilina y lidera así los países más pequeños en la producción de automóvilesSeguramente las marcas no buscan paisajes pintorescos a la hora de establecer sus plantas, pero es una de las virtudes de Kia Motors Slovakia ...

  • Paintshop, Brose UK

    Brose opens paint facility at Coventry


    UK – The new e-coat line will enable the painting of more than 3.5m seat structures per year, according to Brose. The company invested £10m ($13.3m) and recruited an extra 30 personnel.“We have grown significantly over the last five years and have now reached a position where an in-house paint ...

  • Generation EQ

    EVs abound, but where’s the power?


    This year’s Frankfurt Motor Show was a little different from previous occasions, with some notable absentees – namely Nissan, Peugeot, Volvo and FCA. Something else I was struck (rather than surprised) by was the increasing focus on electric vehicles (EVs). The diesel scandal has led to a major shift in ...

  • Aston_Martin 084_

    Encontrando um novo ponto de vantagem


    Em um esforço para acabar com o ciclo de expansão/contração, a Aston Martin pretende duplicar a capacidade de produção até 2019, ao mesmo tempo em que reduz os custos de fabricaçãoPara um fabricante de luxo tão acostumados a seduzir os ricos, os lucros se mostraram evasivos para Aston Martin ao ...

  • Article

    JLR appoints Marchand to Americas role


    US – As vice-president Government and Industry Relations, Chris Marchand will direct the company’s interactions with governments and industry associations across North, Central and South America. He will take up the role on November 7.Marchand will report to Joe Eberhardt, president and CEO, Jaguar Land Rover North America, and Helen ...

  • Aston_Martin 084_

    Aston Martin apuesta por el Vantage


    Aston Martin quiere acabar con sus ciclos de subidas y bajadas y pretende doblar su capacidad de producción para 2019 reduciendo al mismo tiempo los costesAston Martin es una marca que atrae a los adinerados, pero siempre ha tenido dificultades para garantizar los beneficios en sus 104 años de existencia. ...

  • finish reflection

    Putting the Kia into Slovakia


    With its production numbers continuing to increase, the Kia Motors Slovakia facility in Žilina is flying the flag for smaller car-producing nationsA picturesque setting is not a metric that OEMs necessarily value when selecting production sites, but it is one in which Kia Motors Slovakia (KMS) scores highly. The facility ...

  • Aston_Martin 084_

    Finding a new Vantage point


    In an effort to end its boom-bust cycle, Aston Martin aims to double production capacity by 2019 while cutting manufacturing costsFor a luxury maker so used to luring the rich, profits have proven elusive for Aston Martin over the course of its 104-year existence. But the first signs that its ...

  • JLR Future-Type

    JLR to electrify all models from 2020


    UK – The company made the announcement at its inaugural Tech Fest focusing on the future of mobility, with CEO Ralf Speth saying it will be “embracing fully electric, plug-in hybrid and mild hybrid vehicles”. JLR’s first fully electric SUV, the I-PACE, will go on sale next year.With the I-PACE, ...

  • Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 16.22.51

    Renascimento de carros clássicos


    A Jaguar Land Rover embarcou em um projeto ambicioso, comprando exemplos de seus modelos clássicos que precisam de restauração e remanufaturando-os efetivamenteSe você vê um veículo velho da Jaguar ou Land Rover que está enferrujado e abandonado, a JLR quer saber a respeito. Isso é porque tomar veículos antigos desse ...

  • Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 16.22.51

    El renacimiento de los clásicos


    Jaguar Land Rover se ha embarcado en el ambicioso proyecto de adquirir sus propios modelos clásicos que necesiten restauración para reconstruirlosSi conoce algún Jaguar o Land Rover en mal estado o abandonado, JLR está interesado. JLR está recopilando vehículos antiguos y los está reconstruyendo por completo para volver a venderlos, ...

  • Article



    Jaguar Land Rover已经启动了一个宏大的项目,买下全部的经典车型典范,这些汽车需要更新并有效重建。如果你看到一款老旧的Jaguar汽车或Land Rover汽车已经生锈,并且被弃若敝屣,那么JLR公司马上对此感兴趣了。那是因为,把那种老旧汽车拿过来,完全重新打造并出售,就是公司业务的关键板块,并且还投资700万英镑(约合900万美元)在英国新建一个工厂,6月份正式投入生产。这是Jaguar Land Rover经典品牌新的总部以及生产区域,是在去年3月份启动的。捷豹拦截路虎经典作品中心(Jaguar Land Rover Classic Works)占地1,300平方米,位于考文垂东南边缘的Ryton-on-Dunsmore,而公司特别车辆操作中心(Special Vehicles Operations Centre)也在这个地方。经典中心的业务不仅仅是维修,还包括完全的再造(如果需要的话)那些已经废弃的车辆 — 事实上是指任何已经停产至少10年的系列车辆。据JLR经典中心主任Tim Hannig称,全球这样的车辆大约有150万辆 — 他承认,这个数字要远远高于中心的生产制造能力。尽管如此他还是说,新的中心将会取代英国中西部至少10个小型老厂,体现JLR对这部分业务的“极大”投入。他还说,“不会有一个员工”在老厂业务转移的过程中丢失工作,在老厂中的技能会被完整保留。事实上,在过去的12个月里(到今年中期为止),Hannig称业务涉及所有员工数量从40人增长到80人,而且到年底为止,还会增长,预计会达到120人。 经典中心工程与操作部总经理 Sukhi Clark对铝材的钟爱在中心正式开业的时候,Hannig还阐明,之前两个独立的商品型号Jaguar和Land Rover实际上从两者合二为一之前就开始共享一些特性。他强调,这里包括两个最具标志性的车辆 — 原来的Land Rover(后来的Rover)和Jaguar XK120 — 都面临钢铁相对短缺,而铝材供大于求的问题,这也是英国汽车业在二战之后,即从20世纪40年代后半期开始面临的问题。两者问题的解决方法是相同的;就是通过用铝材包裹车体,而底盘和隔板使用刚才。Hannig称,新的中心是“第一个”将Jaguar和Land Rover汽车的制造综合到一处的地方。负责经典中心再制造及54个机架操作人物的是工程与才做部总经理Sukhi Clark。她说,在一个屋檐下完成所有的活动会产生很多好处。其一,这能消除之前的“极度低效率”,这种现象对人员之间信息共享非常有影响。她解释说,“我们无法从他人获得信息。一个地方有三四个人,其他半打都在其他地方。我们发现,这会丢失一些特殊项目中的信息。”但Clark还是肯定了这个新中心的容纳能力,绝对可是进行历史车辆收藏的再造事业。她说,事实上这种收藏能构成“巨大的参考图书馆和档案馆”,用于指导几十年历史车辆的制造。她还继续解释说,当车辆被拉进来进行再造 — JLR公司对这个流程成为‘重生’ — 第一步就是完全分解,细致到螺母和螺栓级别。但在这个流程中,零部件可能会被破坏,或者可能需要替换,但有可能已经好久没有存货了。这种情况下,尤其是如果没有相关纸质图纸,那么收藏车辆相关零部件可能要根据车型,进行逆向工程,生产适当的‘新的’老款零部件。Clark继续解释道,那些流程首先会扫描零部件,生成3D数字模型,在之后的制造操作中使用。她还说,那些需求量较少的零部件的制造工艺可能由外部的供应商提供。她评论说,使用尼龙和金属材质的添加技术通常“并不适用于我们”,尽管她暗示这些技术在将来可能会有大用场。尽管任何相关车辆都可能成为再造的对象,但是目标还是选定在3个特别类型 — 还是JLR自己的术语 — 传奇重生。这3款汽车有:1948-1958年间生产的Land Rover系列1汽车,1971-1977年之间生产的Range Rover Classics汽车,以及1961-1967年之间生产的E-Type系列1汽车。Clark解释说,每一款汽车都自有基本原理。比如E-Type系列1,就是“最具探索价值”的,因为据她称,这款汽车具有“干净”的外表,而在之后的2和3系列则加上了些许时尚的变化。她还说,这款车收到接近膜拜的待遇,维护的非常好,甚至在JLR发现的时候仍然保持良好的状态。Clark发现,这个房制造经典中心地板上的外表破损却非常完整的E-Type汽车来自美国Arkansas。旁边是另一辆E-Type汽车,据她说这是第一个经过正式的“重生项目”的车辆。这部车来自Texas,而被送到Jaguar公司的时候实际上是左侧驾驶模式。但是考虑到以后车辆的客户基本来自英国,项目里边加上了改装成右侧驾驶模式了。令人吃惊的是,这个任务并不困难 — 她说,“你可以通过转向机来改变,然后再改变缓冲板和车轮。”而对Land Rover系列1来说,Clark发现在汽车制造时间和目前之间存在协同效应,那就是后者“一致保持对铝材的熟悉度”,这里可以成为汽车诞生的第一地点。但是此外她还说,“他们非常有魅力”。她说,在经典中心处理的首批汽车都是非常古老的,基本是近70年前的了,在原来生产线上的“底盘号相距5位数远了”。她还说,那些来自炎热干燥的澳大利亚的汽车被很好的保存。对Range Rover项目来说,Clark暗示说,第一批车辆在6月份就已经拆好了,等待在夏末的“重生”。其中一辆车的你成为“Swampy”(由团队命名),已经在英国潮湿的环境里“庇荫25年之久”,目前离重见天日不久了。作为对原始制造的一种质量测试,Clark肯定的说,有了新机油和恰当的充电电池,只要转动钥匙点火,就能开路。此外,车的内饰状况良好,可以作为其他系列汽车最真实的恢复才考。她还说,在这种情况下,也有能将过去和现在连接的方法。第一批25辆制造的Range Rover汽车被命名为Velar — 这是JLR在Range Rover生产线上增加的新品牌,结余Evoque和Sports车型之间。 从世界各地网罗来的经典Jaguar和Land ...

  • Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 16.22.51

    Classic cars reborn


    Jaguar Land Rover has embarked on an ambitious project, buying up examples of its classic models that are in need of restoration and effectively remanufacturing themIf you see an old Jaguar or Land Rover vehicle rusting and abandoned, then JLR wants to know about it. That is because taking old ...

  • APAC profil 1

    Down to earth


    Validation tests of PROFIL’s earthing studs by OEMs operating in China have shown improved conductivity compared to the classical welding solutionsOne of the clearest advantages of grounding studs is they are self-piercing. This means that each stud makes a neat hole through the sheet metal component. This technique provides a ...

  • Ellesmere Port Vauxhall

    Mudanças à frente


    Os fabricantes que operam na Europa continuam a impulsionar o menor custo para o leste, já que os volumes globais de vendas na região se aproximam dos níveis anteriores à criseFabricantes como a Jaguar Land Rover, a Volkswagen, a Ford e a Daimler estão entre as que criam novas fábricas ...