All JLR articles – Page 5

  • Mercedes-Benz EQC

    Los ambiciosos planes de producción de vehículos eléctricos


    AMS ofrece un resumen de los últimos planes de vehículos eléctricos que han presentado marcas automotrices de todo el mundo Prácticamente cada día tenemos noticias nuevas sobre el lanzamiento de un nuevo vehículo electrificado o sobre las proyecciones de crecimiento en los segmentos de vehículos de baterías eléctricas (VBE), híbridos ...

  • Mercedes-Benz EQC

    Lofty production plans


    AMS provides a summary of the latest electrification plans outlined by numerous OEMs across the world Barely a day goes by without a carmaker announcing the launch of a new electrified vehicle, or outlining projections for growth in the battery electric vehicle (BEV), hybrid or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) ...

  • Ian Henry

    Of Geneva, Brexit and yet more diesel scandal …


    It’s March, so it’s time for the annual trip to the Geneva motor show. These days I just do a day trip which means a long day, first plane out and last plane back. This year I had a 2-hour delay at Heathrow on the way out, an hour’s delay ...

  • plastics welding

    Reflexão conjunta


    A soldagem de plásticos e outros materiais não metálicos é agora uma técnica de fabricação bem estabelecida para componentes automotivosA soldagem de materiais não metálicos é frequentemente usada para criar peças como consoles de cabine, conjuntos de luzes e espelhos, coletores de admissão e reservatórios de fluidos, incluindo tanques de ...

  • 5-Laser cutting provides the highest level of precision for the shape and features of bumper beams. (Constellium White, GA)

    Aluminium allegiance


    Industry analysts are predicting a growth phase for aluminium content in the vehicle material mix. AMS reports on the new grades and applications that underpin this claim

  • plastics welding

    Uniendo plásticos


    La soldadura de plásticos y otros materiales no metálicos ya es un método establecido para componentes automotricesLa soldadura de materiales no metálicos se utiliza con frecuencia para crear piezas como por ejemplo consolas de cabina, luces y ensamblados de espejos, colectores de entrada y depósitos de líquidos, incluido el tanque ...

  • plastics welding

    Joined-up thinking


    The welding of plastics and other non-metallic materials is now well established as a fabrication technique for automotive componentsThe welding of non-metallic materials is frequently used to create parts such as cabin consoles, lights and mirror assemblies, intake manifolds and fluid reservoirs, including fuel tanks. However, despite being a common ...

  • APAC profil 3

    Down to earth


    Validation tests of Profil’s grounding nut and stud assembly by major OEMs have shown improved and more consistent conductivity compared with classic welding solutionsOne of the clearest advantages of grounding studs is they are self-piercing. This means that each stud makes a neat hole through the sheet metal component. This ...

  • Ian Henry

    A winning formula?


    Like all new strategic plans announced by vehicle companies from time to time, the new Opel PACE! plan leaves many questions unanswered. It’s not clear yet what will happen to the enlarged manufacturing network which PSA-Opel/Vauxhall now has; by common consent, the group has too many plants, but CEO Carlos ...

  • Nick Holt

    Editor's note: High anxiety


    We live in anxious times, if the headlines are to be believed. In the UK, Brexit has seemed to be less of a concern to the consuming public than it does to a nervous business community. But worries regarding what the future holds for the millions of diesel and petrol ...

  • Francisco J Riberas

    New stamping ground


    Gestamp chairman and CEO Francisco Riberas tells AMS about the growth in outsourcing of press shop operationsSpanish metal parts supplier Gestamp has grown to the point it is now the go-to company for European makers wanting to outsource body-in-white and chassis parts, particularly stronger hot-stamped steel parts.It has leveraged this ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Composição química


    A maior utilização de materiais mistos na construção de veículos exigiu mudanças no processo de pré-tratamentoO tratamento inicial que uma carroceria de metal nua recebe é fundamental para alcançar os principais parâmetros de desempenho de todas as operações subsequentes de revestimento e pintura, obviamente, proteção contra corrosão e adesão da ...

  • Evoque, JLR Halewood

    Definindo um ritmo rápido


    A JLR acompanha o impressionante sucesso de seu SUV Evoque com mais modelos e operações de fabricaçãoNão faz muito tempo, a JLR enfrentava a possibilidade de um encerramento da fábrica em meio ao declínio nas vendas e recessão. Felizmente, o modelo Evoque já havia sido aprovado para produção, e quando ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Composición química


    El uso cada vez más frecuente de materiales combinados en la construcción de vehículos requiere cambios en los procesos de tratamiento previoEl tratamiento inicial que recibe una carrocería bruta de metal sirve para alcanzar los parámetros de rendimiento claves en todas las operaciones siguientes de revestimiento y pintura, especialmente la ...

  • Evoque, JLR Halewood

    Marcando el ritmo


    JLR celebra el gran éxito de su SUV Evoque con más plantas y modelosJLR se enfrentaba no hace tanto tiempo a la posibilidad de cierre de fábricas por culpa de la recesión y la caída en las ventas. Afortunadamente ya estaba aprobada la producción del Evoque y desde su lanzamiento ...

  • Article



    JLR在Evoque和Discovery Sport车型大获成功之后,加紧步伐致力于更多车型的制造和新工厂的建设上不久之前,JLR公司在销量下滑缩水的情况下,曾面临工厂关闭的困境。幸运的是,Evoque车型已经获批进入生产。该车投产之后,就大获成功。该车在顶峰的时候,每年计划生产50,000-60,000辆。有些年份,Evoque的生产量是JLR初期预测的两倍。这款汽车拯救了工厂,现在已经进入第二代生产了。成批生产不仅在英国,还在中国,此外在巴西和印度还有全散件装配(CKD)生产。成功让JLR有了自信,在Evoque品牌中增加了敞篷车款、四座款,以及长款SUV敞篷车。该车型还未Discovery Sport汽车奠定了基础,而这个平台目前用于生产第二代Jaguar SUV、E-PACE汽车。该车将于2017年第四季度开始,由奥地利合约制造商Magna Steyr和JLR与Chery在中国的合资公司制造。Evoque为JLR公司赢得了时间和金钱,泳衣支持D7a和D7u铝密集平台的设计和开发,该平台生产大大型SUV和轿车:即Range Rover, Range Rover Sport, Ranger Rover Velar, Land Rover Discovery以及 Jaguar F-PACE,还有Jaguar XE及XF 轿车。此外,Evoque还为JLR从一个英国的汽车制造商兼海外全散件装配商转型成为真正的全球级玩家提供了动力。除了中国工厂之外,JLR公司在将在2018年底之前,在斯洛伐克尼特拉建设工厂。而在巴西伊塔蒂亚亚全资全散件装配厂(建于2016年)最终成为一个全面的生产厂。JLR在印度普纳利用Tata工厂,为当地市场进行全散件装配生产。至于财务方面,JLR在2017年3月31日创下新纪录;全球销量达到604,000辆,营业额为243亿英镑(约合319亿美元),而前一年营业额为223亿英镑。公司税前利润为16亿英镑,比2015-2016年度增长了3%。但是2016-2017年度利润实际上比两年前在中国市场创下的最高纪录仍然低40%。 Tata在2008年收购 JLR之后现在要提高控股比例为了阻止JLR参与未受邀请竞标,Tata Group已经提高了在Tata Motors公司的股份,上市公司Tata Motors控股JLR公司;9月份,公司又收购了1.7%的股份,总股份为36.4%。按照印度法律,Tata Group每个财政年度只能增持Tata Motors公司5%的股份,不需要触发自主100%收购建议,而且现在看来有可能收购更多的股份。在英国的变化和挑战作为英国最大的汽车公司,JLR对国家行业政策的意见很有重量,尤其是在脱欧气息无孔不入的背景下。最近,公司首席执行官Ralf Speth坦言,英国需要多鼓励电动车投资。JLR似乎想在英国的电动车和电动传动系统制造方面加大投入,但是似乎对政府到目前对该领域的支持情况有些失望。有一点吸引了大家的关注,就是动力系统的供应,不仅是对汽车用户提供,而且还为生产电池与电动传系统的工厂供应。今年早些时候Speth说,JLR英国工厂实际还有增产的潜力,尽管总有人说工厂的生产力很有限(Sohilull工厂的产量超过300,000辆,Halewood超过200,000辆,Castle Bromwich达到150,000辆)。他还提到,如果对工厂进行适当的投资,那么在未来三四年里产量提高20%都算“低增长”了。 JLR英国工厂汽车厂:哈利伍德,索利哈尔,布朗维奇堡;Ryton-on-dunsmore(高性能版本)特别工厂发动机厂:伍尔弗汉普顿工厂设计中心:盖登及惠特利工厂:索利哈尔产量:每年超过300,000辆阵容:Jaguar F-PACE, Land Rover Discovery, Range Rover, Range Rover Sport, Range Rover Velar轮班数:3班,每周5天(有时候周末也工作)哈利伍德产量:每年超过200,000辆阵容:Evoque, Discovery Sport轮班数:3班,每周5天(有时候周末也工作)布朗维奇堡产量:每年150,000辆(非满负荷)阵容:Jaguar F-TYPE, XE, XF and XJ轮班数:2班这三个工厂都有冲压设备,其中哈利伍德的是最新建的。哈利伍德和布朗维奇堡可以冲压钢板和铝板,并为这三个工厂供应。索利哈尔工厂只有一个大型转移式压力机,主要用于冲压大型车体侧边,并为索利哈尔和布朗维奇堡工厂供应。JLR也在努力通过重组工厂、改进物流、提高数据应用以及厂内联网来促进产量,包括采用5G通讯技术和其他工业4.0关键方面。此外,Speth承认说Evoque和Discovery以下的SUV也是可能的;长期以来有个谣传称,JLR有个项目叫D10,但可能在英国以外制造,有可能是印度或中国。然而,他一直对政府和当地政府称,新的JLR工厂建在Coventry(公司的老家)的可能性很高。公司在2013年在Wolverhampton开设了一家发动机厂,当年就开始生产柴油机和汽油机。随着生产的提高,JLR已经降低了从Ford和PSA公司的供应。事实上, Ford公司只提供V6汽油机和V8柴油机(在Bridgend生产)和V6柴油机(在Dagenham生产)。JLR最近通知Ford公司要从2020年9月份开始,终止从Bridgend采购发动机,而之前的计划是从12月开始。这些汽油机将由Wolverhampton生产的6缸发动机代替。Bridgend合约结束之后,将从Dagenham供应柴油机。JLR目前面临的主要难题是,需要将更多的供应商带入英国,才能提高汽车的本地化比率。然而JLR承认说,脱欧可能带来的最大忧患就是,在引进过程中会遇到巨大困难。公司产量不断提高,这对供应商的吸引力很大,但是有多投资更愿意投在欧洲和周边地区。在资金有限的情况下,供应商目前对投资英国非常谨慎,因为英国在关税、进口税、市场途径、雇用条件和工人居留权方面存在太多的不确定性。发现新的生产地 JLR尼特拉工厂将会制造铝车身汽车斯洛伐克:耗资10亿英镑建厂生产铝材汽车JLR计划在斯洛伐克尼特拉建造一个新厂,投资至少10亿英镑,聘用劳动力大约2,800人。工厂将在D7a铝加强平台上制造汽车,预计从2018年晚些时候进入全面生产,而Discovery的一些生产将会转移到英国;最后,这些似乎都要去往斯洛伐克。此外,很多人普遍认为尼特拉会生产能够替代Defender的车体类型:皮卡、三门、五本汽车,并且生产特点都具有“实用性”、“趣味性”和“风格性”。工厂每年的产量为150,000辆,但是如果再进行一些投资的话,这个数量可以翻番;夏季有媒体报道称,JLR正在评估在尼特拉制造电动和和电动传动系统的可行性。公司已经计划要将物流中心的面积从64,000平方米提高到75,000平方米。鉴于I-PACE电动车将在奥地利附近制造,使用同样的供应链在尼特拉制造电动车也是顺理成章的事。尼特拉已经得到斯洛伐克政府1.08亿英镑的财产让渡,欧洲委员会正在进行调查,核查每一项国家补助是否符合规定。奥地利:Magna ...

  • Evoque, JLR Halewood

    Setting a fast pace


    JLR is following up the stunning success of its Evoque SUV with more models and manufacturing operationsNot long ago, JLR was facing the possibility of a factory closure amidst declining sales and a recession. Fortunately, the Evoque model had already been approved for production, and when this vehicle launched it ...

  • SR_2013_12_09_CK_AUDI

    Chemical composition


    The greater use of mixed materials in vehicle construction has required changes to the pretreatment processThe initial treatment that a bare metal car body receives is fundamental to achieving the key performance parameters of all subsequent coating and painting operations, most obviously corrosion protection and paint adhesion. For many decades, ...

  • Brose Coventry

    Sitting pretty


    Brose UK has now insourced the painting of seat structures, bringing efficiency and evironmental savings"This is a massive show of faith and confirms the Group’s intention of giving us the technology and capability we need to take on and successfully deliver higher volumes for our local customers,” said Juergen Zahl, ...

  • Ian Henry

    So strategic


    Renault has driven the change and is now driving the future; Nissan is powering along with 'Power 88' (aimed at achieving an 8% global market share and an 8% return on capital); and Volkswagen (VW) is working on Strategy 2025+ as it goes about rebuilding after the diesel scandal. Ford ...