All Honda articles – Page 3

  • VW Workshop e-mobility

    VW invests in solid state batteries


    Germany - The OEM has started a new joint venture with QuantumScape - a start-up based in San José, California, that holds around 200 patents and patent applications for solid state battery technology. VW has promised to invest US$100m in the Stanford spin-off, and the two companies will now work ...

  • Land Rover discovery Solihull

    JLR opts for EU over UK


    Uncertainties surrounding Brexit are causing some OEMs to move car production from the UK to Europe. Michael Nash investigatesIn November 2016, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) said that it would make its all-new Discovery in the UK and Slovakia in order to meet soaring demand in the segment. But news that ...

  • Ford Otosan Turkey

    Aumentando o volume


    A Turquia está nas margens geográficas da Europa, mas é fundamental para sua rede de manufatura automotiva. Ian Henry reporta.De acordo com a associação de comércio automotivo da Turquia, OSD, no final de 2017, os fabricantes de automóveis da Turquia tinham uma capacidade de produção de cerca de 2 milhões ...

  • Ford Otosan Turkey

    Subiendo el volumen


    Turquía se encuentra en un extremo de Europa, pero es fundamental en la red automotriz del continente. Informe de Ian HenrySegún la asociación turca de comercio, OSD, a finales de 2017 los constructores automotrices turcos tenían una capacidad total de producción de cerca de 2m de vehículos repartidos en 1.4m ...

  • Ford Otosan Turkey

    Raising the volume


    Turkey is on Europe’s geographic fringes, but central to its automotive manufacturing network. Ian Henry reportsAccording to the Turkish automotive trade association, OSD, at the end of 2017, Turkey’s automotive manufacturers had a total production capacity of close to 2m vehicles a year, divided c1.4m cars, c400,000 vans and around ...

  • Artist rendering of the FC stack production building within the Honsha Plant premises

    Toyota to build fuel cell facilities


    Japan - The OEM has revealed plans to construct a new building next to its Honsha Plant in Toyota City for the production of fuel cell stacks. Work on the exterior has already been completed, with the facility covering an area of 70,000 sq.m, and work on the interior is ...

  • 2019 Honda RDX Line Off

    Acura RDX production starts in Ohio


    US - Honda is now making the all-new 2019 Acura RDX SUV at its East Liberty Auto Plant. This follows on from a US$54m investment in new technologies and processes at the facility, including a multi-layer paint system, a roller hemming process used specifically for the model's ultra-wide panoramic roof, ...

  • Honda Insight production in Indiana copy

    Honda invests in Indiana and Ohio


    US - The OEM is spending US$61.5m to ready its Indiana and Ohio plants for the production of electrified vehicles. This follows after the company outlined its goal of ensuring two-thirds of its total vehicle sales would be electrified by 2030.At the same time as announcing the investment in the ...

  • Mercedes-Benz GLC F-CELL; X253; 2017

    Closer to commercialisation


    Fuel-cell electric vehicles have lagged behind other EVs, but upcoming models could help that to changeEveryone involved in hydrogen fuel cell development is probably tired of hearing the same old joke: large-scale adoption is a decade away, and always will be. David Hart, a director at sustainable energy consultancy E4Tech ...

  • Toyota RAV4 production copy

    Toyota invests in Canada plants


    Canada - The Japanese OEM has said it will spend C$1.4 billion (US$1.08 billion) to upgrade its three assembly plants in Woodstock and Cambridge, Ontario, in order to prepare for the production of new models that are based on the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA). These include the all-new 2019 ...

  • New UK-built Honda Civic unveiled and all set for export success

    Mais a seguir


    Com a Honda registrando números de volume recorde para o ano fiscal terminado em 2017, Ian Henry examina como a empresa está reagindo em cada região A terceira maior empresa automobilística japonesa, depois da Toyota e Nissan, a Honda tem posições especialmente fortes na América do Norte, China e grande ...

  • New UK-built Honda Civic unveiled and all set for export success

    Suma y sigue


    Con el reporte de Honda sobre cifras de venta récord para el año calendario completo 2017, Ian Henry observa región a región cómo reacciona la compañíaLa tercera compañía automotriz más grande de Japón detrás de Toyota y Nissan, Honda, tiene posiciones muy sólidas en América del Norte, China y la ...

  • Article

    - 源源不断


    本田在2017年创造了公司历史记录,Ian Henry带大家一个地区一个地区地查看公司的应对策略本田是日本第三大汽车公司,仅次于丰田和日产,而且公司在北美、中国的很多亚洲地区的影响力非常强大;公司在欧洲却算不上大公司,每年在该地区的销量不足170,000辆。为了应对公司在欧洲的低迷,公司对英国的工厂重新设计,将其定位为全球供应点,Swindon一般的产量都去往美国和加拿大,而只有5%左右的产品去往日本市场。公司在全球的汽车产量大约为560万辆,因此2017年523万辆的产量代表公司设备使用率已经达到惊人的93%。2017年销售生产记录2017年最后一个季度里,公司的财务业绩惊人,本田公司称2017年创造了记录。全球销量增长了4.8%,超过了523万辆,尽管在日本的销量下降了0.3%,只有817,500辆。在美国的销量也下降了6.4%,达到120万辆(但是在美国的利润出现了强势增长,这主要归功于税率变化);但在欧洲的销量增长了24%,超过了166,000辆,而在亚洲的销量增长了近15%,接近223万辆。公司在中国的销量增长了19%,达到144万辆。公司宣布到2017年12月31日未知的季度业绩的之后,北美市场对本田的重要性尤其凸显;净收入达到原来的三倍,而这个财政年度,公司已经第三次调整利润预测增长。这个季度的净收入为5,700亿日元(约合51亿美元),而去年同期的净收入为1,680亿日元(约合15亿美元)。有趣的是,本田在北美的销量下降了3%,达到491,000辆,但是营业利润却增长了27%。利润增长是一笔意外之财,这笔30亿美元的财富主要来源于美国关税变化,因为特朗普总统将税率从33%下调到21%。本田甚至还获利25亿日元,弥补了一年之前的损失,但是在欧洲的销量下降了2.3%,只有42,000辆。与此同时,公司在中国的利润增长了35%,销量增长了10%,因为公司在中国销售高价位、高利润的车型。公司预计中国会很快超过美国成为公司最大市场,因为CR-V和Vezel车型非常受消费者青睐。公司正在奋力生产,满足中国消费者的需求,直到2019年与东风公司的合资工厂投产。为了满足中国需求的变化,公司还会在2018年底在中国推出全电动汽车。中国以外的亚洲,实际就是日本本土市场对本田也越来越重要。2017年2月,本田在印度尼西亚的生产突破百万大关,印尼的生产从2003年开始。公司开始时的产量为80,000辆,2014年增加了120,000辆,本田在该国的生产总量达到200,000辆。本田目前在雅加达附近的两个工厂里生产7款汽车,the Mobilio, BR-V, HR-V, Jazz, Brio RS, Brio Satya 以及CR-V。印度尼西亚工厂对组件生产也非常重要,生产出来的组件源源不断地运到东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)市场,也就是泰国、马来西亚、菲律宾和越南,以及印度和巴西积碳,此外实际上还有墨西哥、巴西、阿根廷和日本。2017年,公司出口总价值达2.5万亿卢比(约合1.83亿美元)。本田印度尼西亚工厂的综合性很高,2016年5月开设了一个新的冲压车间(斥资1,940亿卢比),生产主体车板。这个工厂的自动化水平很高,每年能够生产大约200万个冲压件,为印度尼西亚工厂和其他工厂供应。2016年9月,工厂自一次投资2,280亿卢比,用于生产曲轴。工厂里安装的高精确机械工具,每年能够生产大约240,000件曲轴。本田制造网络的变化和所有大型汽车公司一样,本田公司不断调整,优化每个工厂的制造网络,适应市场变化。2017年10月,本田宣布一系列日本投资项目。Sayama工厂会转型生产电动车,而原有的生产转移到Yorii工厂。这个过程预计会在2022年3月完成。除了接受来自Sayama工厂的生产之外,Yorii工厂还会在全球网络中发挥作用,重点开发新的生产技术,然后在全球的本田工厂应用,提高全球工厂的生产系统标准化进程。气囊问题和大多数大型汽车公司一样,本田一直受到Takata问题气囊的困扰。这个问题又掀起新一轮的召回事件。2018年1月,美国公司宣布要召回100万辆汽车,包括本田和丰田;本田从2009年到2013年,找回了465,000辆汽车,更换乘客前气囊。召回车辆包括这三年在北美销售的所有Honda和Acura车型,以及2009年到2016年制造的Gold Wing摩托车,该车选配Takata气囊。尽管本田公司称,美国没有一辆车受到问题气囊的影响,但是已经承认马来西亚有6人因为这种气囊事故身故,最后一起事故发生在今年1月。Yachiyo Industry旗下分公司Yokkaichi将会得到投资,将较低的产量提高上来。最终,Suzuka的微型车生产力也将会得到扩大。本田还在解决电动车技术的核心领域。最重要的是,2017年7月本田宣布与日立公司成立合资公司,制造电动车。生产地设在茨城县常陆那珂市日立工厂。本田持有49%的股份,日历持有51%的股份。扩大美国生产市场对CR-V车型的强劲需求推动本田扩大在美国的生产制造。2018年底,CR-V要在Marysville工厂生产,这是北美第四家生产该车型的工厂 — 有两个工厂在俄亥俄州East Liberty(Marysville)和加拿大安大略省,还有一个在印第安娜州的Greensburg。公司在阿拉巴马工厂制造Odyssey车型,该厂刚刚新安装了自动化声控喷淋线。

  • New UK-built Honda Civic unveiled and all set for export success

    More to follow


    With Honda reporting record volume figures for the full calendar year 2017, Ian Henry takes a region-by-region look at how the company is reacting The third biggest Japanese car company after Toyota and Nissan, Honda has especially strong positions in North America, China and much of Asia outside Japan; it ...

  • Audi A4 production in Aurangabad, India

    Uma corrida pelo terceiro lugar


    As vendas de veículos na Índia estão em expansão, o que beneficia alguns fabricantes estabelecidos, mas este ainda é um mercado que apresenta dificuldades para fabricantes secundáriosA produção do Audi A4 em Auragabad. No ano passado o mercado de veículos de passageiro da Índia atingiu a marca de 3m de ...

  • 5-Laser cutting provides the highest level of precision for the shape and features of bumper beams. (Constellium White, GA)

    Aluminium allegiance


    Industry analysts are predicting a growth phase for aluminium content in the vehicle material mix. AMS reports on the new grades and applications that underpin this claim

  • Audi A4 production in Aurangabad, India

    La carrera por el tercer puesto


    Las ventas de vehículos en la India están en auge a beneficio de los principales productores, sin embargo, continúa siendo un mercado difícil para los actores secundariosEl año pasado el mercado automotriz indio alcanzó por primera vez los 3 millones de unidades con un aumento del 8% respecto a 2016, ...

  • Audi A4 production in Aurangabad, India

    A race for third place


    India’s vehicle sales are booming to the benefit of a handful of established manufacturers, but it’s still a tricky market for those on the sidelinesLast year, India’s passenger vehicle market cracked 3m units for the first time, up 9% on 2016, according to data from Swedish analyst firm AID. That ...

  • 2018 Accord, Honda Marysville

    Honda marks production milestone


    US - It was the first Japanese OEM to make cars in the US when production began at the Marysville Auto Plant in Ohio back in 1982. Since then, Honda has established four other plants across the country, and has recently recorded its best ever annual sales figure at 1,641,429 ...

  • ArcelorMittal Technical Shot BIW HotForming

    Lightweighting with laser-welded blanks


    The latest generation of steels brings new opportunities for OEMs Laser-welded blanks (LWB) give automotive engineers the chance to design lightweight parts that ensure the right steel is in the right place for safety and performance. Combining LWBs with new hot-stamping grades, such as Usibor 2000 and Ductibor ...