All Automation and Digitalisation articles – Page 13
The application of AI
One company where the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is not futuristic or speculative, but a key element in real manufacturing development and application projects is Audi.
Semiconductor investment boom begins in US with Intel’s $20 billion for Ohio factory
Intel plans to invest $20 billion in the construction of a new factory in Ohio to alleviate the ongoing global microchip shortages and develop local supply chains in North America.
Making the digital a reality: how AI and virtual reality are adapting automotive manufacturing to a changing world
Automotive manufacturers are facing the challenge of constantly changing vehicles, technologies and parts. However, stakeholders can increasingly plan and implement systems faster using real-time manufacturing data, digital twin simulation and training through augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR).
Ford to double annual production of new fully electric Lightning truck as EV demand surges
Ford Motor has announced that it plans to nearly double the annual production capacity of its upcoming electric F-150 pickup by mid-2023.
Every production challenge has a cloud solution at ZF
Chief digital officer René Deist tells the AMS Evolution Summit how the global tier one supplier is using the cloud to transform manufacturing and better leverage data analytics and artificial intelligence
Better than the real thing: digital factory simulations
Increasing production of battery enclosures at scale will be essential to launching EVs in line with targets. ABB’s Patrick Matthews and Zeiss’s Paulo Cruz discuss automation and quality control opportunities.
Factory futures: networked, data-driven, flexibly automated
Manufacturing experts share their vision for current and future automotive production technology, including leaders from Ford, Cognex, Symbio Robotics and Jay Global Techno Alliance
From assembly to modular production lines
Automotive manufacturers need to manage more part variety and complexity than ever, which is why more are implementing autonomous logistics, cobots and other technology to support more flexible, modular concepts. Experts from ABB, Conductix-Wampler and Panasonic discuss the technology roadmap.
India’s manufacturing evolution: competitive, agile and frugal
The country has been hit hard by the pandemic and disruption, but automotive manufacturing is roaring again and leaders from Mahindra, Switch Mobility and the Indian automotive supplier association, ACMA, explain what the industry needs to do to stay competitive
Day 1 wrap up: now that was electrifying!
After the first half of the AMS Evolution Summit, it is clear that digitalisation, electrification and sustainability are converging in automotive production
AI data analytics for the paintshop
The presence of any airborne dust in a paintshop always presents a challenge to creating a high-quality paint finish. Effective filtration is the most basic way to prevent contamination but for BMW that is not enough. Mike Farish reports on how the OEM is using artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics to develop better preventative measures
Making it modular: Reconfiguring the paintshop
At its 2021 virtual open house Dürr showcased technologies for a modular process paintshop configuration. The focus was on solutions that will replace the previous line concept with a configuration based around flexible, connected process modules that can be scaled to meet new requirements
How the industrial cloud creates solutions opportunities for ZF production
ZF Group’s CDO, René Deist, told the Automotive Manufacturing Evolution Summit how its industrial cloud integration strategy would enhance the use of AI and capacity planning across the tier one supplier’s 200 plants.
Nokia provides 5G private wireless network for Volkswagen pilot project in Germany as part of flexibility drive
Nokia has provided a private 5G wireless network to support industrial connectivity at the production development centre and pilot hall at Volkswagen’s headquarters plant in Wolfsburg.
Porsche and Ericsson announce partnership for 5G network in Leipzig
Porsche has signed a deal with Swedish telecommunications giant Ericsson for a pilot project using 5G wireless technology to improve production capabilities at the OEM’s plant in Leipzig, Germany.
Nissan to replicate Sunderland factory model globally amid drive to boost domestic supply chains
Nissan has announced a massive £13bn fund for developing electric vehicles and plans to expand the model of its Sunderland plant globally.
Complex problems, flexible solutions: how modular production and autonomous logistics are helping OEMs keep up with a changing powertrain mix
As automotive manufacturing becomes increasingly complex, primarily driven by rising demand for more sustainable production processes as well as zero-carbon vehicles, the question of flexibility is becoming more central to both producers and customers.
Stress test: new modelling approach for component fatigue testing
The development of lightweight structures and components for electric vehicles has created a demand for more comprehensive and modern test-and-measurement processes to evaluate component fatigue and service life. Lucia Barbu, research professor and project coordinator at Fatigue4light gives insight into the challenges and solutions
BMW expands plant in Mexico to build 2 Series Coupé
The 2 Series Coupé will be produced exclusively in Mexico for the global market. The plant has seen further investments of $125 million over the last 2 years, which has expanded its operations significantly.
Whitepaper: The electric vehicle pivot - Why smart manufacturing, not scale, may be the key to success
What impact is electrification having on established operating models and how vehicles are made?