Watch: Scaling up battery cell production

Nick, Ignazio Dentici, Kevin Brundish thumbnail

AMTE Power’s Kevin Brundish and Hexagon’s Ignazio Dentici discuss the challanges and opportunities in battery gigafactory development.

Scaling up battery cell production and gigafactories is one of the biggest challenges and opportunities in the shift to EVs. Battery production is evolving fast, but is still immature, with multiple challenges for battery manufacturers, suppliers and OEMs in setting up new locations, managing upstream materials and adapting entirely new production processes to fit the standards of the automotive industry. In this panel discussion AMTE Power’s Kevin Brundish and Hexagon’s Ignazio Dentici consider the ramp up in gigafactories, key considerations in battery cell design and processes, and what it means for the wider production of electric vehicles.

Learn more on:

  • Key steps in producing battery cells and technology at scale?
  • How are battery players establishing processes to meet automotive requirements?
  • What are digitalisation opportunities in producing high volume batteries?
  • What types of design standards will emerge in battery cells and battery modules and how will that impact production?
  • How will supply and sustainability ambitions impact the path to serial production?

Ignazio Dentici, VP Global eMobility Industry, Manufacturing Intelligence Division, Hexagon
Kevin Brundish, CEO, AMTE Power

Hosted by Nick Holt, Editor, AMS

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