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Part of the family
As Renault Palencia in Spain introduces CMF vehicles, AMS goes to see the plant-wide preparations There are a couple of words which crop up frequently when talking to Renault executives about the company’s Palencia plant in northern Spain: one is quality, the other is competitiveness. Palencia has long been the ...
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Renault Palencia: Part of the family
As the OEM's Spanish factory introduces CMF vehicles, AMS goes to see the plant-wide preparations There are a couple of words which crop up frequently when talking to Renault executives about the company’s Palencia plant in northern Spain: one is quality, the other is competitiveness. Palencia has long been the ...
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Toyota's in town
The global giant has muscled into America’s top tier of automotive manufacturers – and is still expanding
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Toyota llega para quedarse
El gigante global se ha abierto camino entre la élite de productores en América, y sigue expandiéndose
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Toyota está na cidade
O gigante global atingiu a camada de fabricantes de automóveis dos Estados Unidos - e ainda está em expansão
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Honda: Ficando em forma no México
O OEM japonês designou sua fábrica mexicana em Celaya como seu centro de produção de carros pequenos nas Américas - enquanto uma nova unidade de transmissão terá seu investimento total de de $21 bilhões na região
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Honda: Poniéndose en forma en México
El constructor japonés ha diseñado su fábrica mexicana de Celaya como su centro de producción de vehículos compactos en las Américas, sumado a una nueva planta de transmisiones, la inversión total en la región será de 21.000 millones de dólares
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Honda: Getting Fit in Mexico
The Japanese OEM has designated its Mexican factory at Celaya as its centre of small-car production in the Americas – while a new transmission plant will take its total investment in the region to $21 billion
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Electrifying Cléon
The R240 now made at the Renault plant in Normandy is the OEM’s first in-house electric motor and represents considerable progress in its electric vehicle programme – and that of its Group partnersRenault’s electric vehicle (EV) programme took another major step forward in March this year when the company began ...
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Gênio do Jaguar?
Um novo motor no Centro de Fabricação em Wolverhampton poderia possibilitar o desejo da JLR de fazer 1m de carros por anoA Jaguar está agora fazendo seus próprios motores, pela primeira vez desde meados de 1990, quando o AJ6, AJ16 e V12 foram aposentados. A nova unidade de £500 milhões, ...
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¿El genio de Jaguar?
El nuevo centro de producción de motores podría ayudar a alcanzar el objetivo de JLR de fabricar 1 millón de vehículos al añoJaguar está fabricando ahora sus propios motores por primera vez desde mediados de los 90, cuando se retiraron los modelos AJ6, AJ16 y V12. La nueva instalación ha ...
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The new EMC: Jaguar's genie?
The OEM's Engine Manufacturing Centre at Wolverhampton could grant its wish to make 1m cars per yearJaguar is now making its own engines for the first time since the mid-1990s, when the AJ6, AJ16 and V12 went into retirement. A new £500m facility, in what was once the heartland of ...
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- 捷豹的精灵?
在Wolverhamptom的一个新的发动机制造中心,有可能帮助达成JLR年产100万的愿望捷豹公司现在自己制造发动机,这是自20世纪90年代,AJ6、AJ16以及V12开始停产以来的第一次。一个斥资5亿英镑的工厂(这里曾经是英国机械工程与汽车生产的中心)开始为捷豹紧凑型XE轿车,以及其姊妹公司-路虎的Discovery Sport制造Ingenium柴油机。汽油发动机将于2016年6月开始生产。 Ingenium只是公司第4个公司内发动机。其模块化的全铝质2.0升发动机最终将代替4缸福特柴油机,而用于所有JLR车型上。但是,与福特之间的联系并没有断绝。美国福特在英国Bridgend(汽油机)和Dagenham(柴油机)的工厂,将继续为JLR提供V6和V8发动机。 “ingenium”来自拉丁语,是“天赋”的意思,据说会展示该发动机的性能。这是一个全新的概念,轻量而高效:该柴油机有2个功率输出,这么低的功率输出能让XE轿车的二氧化碳排放低于100克/每千米。两个版本都满足EU6的排放规定。 如果说Ingeniun是最先进的话,Wolverhamptn的发动机中心也是体现尖端科技,这里离捷豹Castle Bromwich工厂和索利哈尔的路虎工厂(这里即将推出XE)只有30分钟的车程。向北2个小时就达到路虎在哈利伍德的另一个工厂,那里将生产Discovery Sport汽车。
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Defendendo uma herança orgulhosa
Produção de Land Rover 4×4 originais acabará em grande estilo, acompanhado por uma linha comemorativa Celebration 1940 que mostra as técnicas de fabricação; AMS deu uma olhadaOs fabricantes de automóveis trilham uma linha tênue ao desenhar sua história. Se eles evocam o passado muito serão acusados de serem "retrô" e ...
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Defendiendo la herencia
La producción del 4x4 original de Land Rover finalizará con estilo, se instalará una línea conmemorativa llamada Celebration Line que expone las técnicas de fabricación de los años 40; AMS se vistió el buzo y lo experimentó de primera manoLos fabricantes caminan por una delgada línea cuando se inspiran en ...
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Defending a proud heritage
Production of Land Rover’s original 4x4 will end in style, accompanied by a commemorative Celebration Line which showcases 1940s manufacturing techniques; AMS put on a cow gown and looked aroundCar manufacturers tread a fine line when drawing on their history. If they evoke the past too much they are likely ...
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路虎原来4×4风格的汽车即将退出历史舞台,伴随着谢幕还有一个庆祝展示生产线,呈现上个世纪40年代的制造技术;AMS穿上工装裤来探班在勾勒发展历史时,制造商都很小心翼翼。如果他们把过去的辉煌挖得太多,就会有人说“迷恋过去”而缺乏想象力;然而相反,就会被贴上藐视和摒弃传统的标签。但如果这个名字是路虎(Land Rover),而且是自1948年来时一直生产的Defender的话,就没有这种顾虑。尽管这些年来,几乎每个组件都被替换过,但是Defender仍然是汽车世界里最受认可的车型之一。 这个车的制造方法与英国索利哈尔Lode Lane工厂的里的一样,由两个部分组成 — 地下车身加强件和两边的防绳罩 — 这是二战结束3年之后,Maurine Wilks为路虎公司所有全地形车型车辆注入的概念。即使是现在生产的Defender车门也能稳稳地安到1990年产的车上。 但是,没有无不散的筵席。今年年底,索利哈尔将停止生产Defender汽车。这对所有相关人员来说都是情绪激动的时刻;有些员工已经是第4代在Defender制造厂里工作了。还有Dave Martin,自从1970年就一直在这里工作。路虎公司称,Defender体系仍将继续。有报道称,目前的这个车将来会在其他某个地方继续生产,也许是印度;但是这给人们一种错觉,就是Defender将永远从Lode Lane消失。
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Missão da AvtoVAZ se modernizará
Líderes incluindo novo diretor executivo Bo Andersson explicam por que cortes de empregos, fechamento de instalações e uma chacoalhada nos padrões de qualidade são necessários para transformar o OEM