All Additive/3D Printing articles – Page 6

  • Nick Holt

    Editor's note: Automotive alchemy


    Automotive manufacturing has, for the most part, become an exact science. With the exception of a few bespoke, artisan operations on luxury models, every operation is simulated, programmed and performed with exacting accuracy. Production processes aim to eliminate errors even within the operations carried out by human operatives. This drive ...

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    BMW sees into the future


    Google Glass is among the smart technologies the OEM is exploring to boost production efficiencyThe fourth industrial revolution is upon us. At least that’s what the German government believed when it coined the term 'Industry 4.0' to refer not just to increased industrial automation, but also cyber-physical systems, the Internet ...

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    Hot off the printer


    More automotive companies are discovering the benefits of additive manufacturing for rapid prototypingIn April, the first race of the 2015 World Endurance Championship at the Silverstone racetrack in the UK will see the debut of the Strakka DOME S103, a low-slung coupe designed and developed by two organisations on different ...

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    Smart design in the making


    The latest simulation software can speed up vehicle modelling and compress development timescalesAt the beginning of 2014, Swedish supercar manufacturer Koenigsegg launched a vehicle which, even by its standards, achieved new levels of extreme performance. One:1 takes its name from the ratio of its horsepower to its kerb weight in ...

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    Additive manufacturing for industrial use


    Renishaw is developing a machine specifically for production manufacturing, provisionally named EVO Project. The company says this new machine is designed for single material industrial production. Powder handling is almost entirely hands off, whilst powder recirculation, recycling and recovery are all carried out within the inert atmosphere of the system, ...

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    Envisioning automation


    The latest high-speed, high-functionality cameras are in demand to help automate vehicle productionAlthough the idea of a robot with ‘eyes’ sounds futuristic, the International Federation of Robotics confirms that as long ago as 1980, vision technology helped a robot to pick a randomly orientated component from a tray. The demonstration ...

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    The potential of 3D printing


    Steve Erickson, vice-president, Sales and Engineering, First American Plastic, discusses the likely benefits of the technology for automotive OEMs and their customers3D printing used to be purely the stuff of science fiction – something that was centuries in the future, if plausible at all. But now, this fantasy is becoming ...

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    Moulding tools for the future


    What visitors to EuroMold 2013 can expect at the mould-making and tooling expo in Frankfurt this DecemberThe programme for 2013Exhibitors with automotive interestsAs the world trade fair for mould-making and tooling design and development, EuroMold brings together buyers, suppliers and process experts from all parts of the globe. This year’s ...

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    Freeform flexibility in stamping dies


    Ford’s 3FT may one day provide prototype variations without the need for dies and stamping, AMS reportsStamping out sheet metal parts for production vehicles in a fullscale automotive manufacturing environment can be a matter of just a few seconds per part. Making the dies in which the parts are stamped ...

  • Article

    3D printing and additive manufacturing global summit


    UK: An industry-led forum is to be held in order to identify what new technologies such as 3D printing offer in terms of commercial opportunities for industrial production.Specifically the costs, limitations and identification of where these processes could generate new value alongside traditional manufacturing methods will be highlighted at ...

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    Inkjet interiors


    Multi-material mixingStreetScooter project3D printing has been much mooted as a consumer tool for creating objects in the office or home. Mike Farish reports on a company taking this remarkable technology one step further.An exciting new rapid prototyping tool for automotive designers has been shown off recently at a number of ...

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    From virtual, to reality


    Eliminating trial and errorJLR part productionHaving a fully-rendered CAD model on the screen is one thing, but holding a part and assembling it with other prototypes reveals a whole new set of information. An example of this rapid prototyping (RP) in action can be seen at the Jaguar Land Rover ...

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    Rapid prototyping in the fast lane


    Pushing the envelopeMaterial worldPast mattersFor the purposes of engineering-based manufacture, rapid prototyping (RP) is essentially the automatic construction of physical objects using additive manufacturing technology. Put plain and simple, additive manufacturing is now viewed as the first major challenger to the three traditional ways of making things that have been ...

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    From art to part


    Time-to-market pressure has never been greater, which is why new technology to shorten this critical process is becoming more impressiveCost-saving prototype designLet’s get physical3D printingYears ago, the beginning of any new automotive project was called the ‘fuzzy front end’. No one really knew how much time would be required to ...