All Mitsubishi articles – Page 5

  • GM Orion

    Hitting the gas


    As OEMs step up their sustainability programmes, two leading players are arriving at key milestones. AMS reports on how biogas projects have contributed greatly to the renewable energy success of GM and BMWLast year, for the first time, the BMW Group met the majority of its electrical energy needs by ...

  • Toyota's Miyata plant

    Earthquakes disrupt Japan production


    Japan – Vehicle-makers have been obliged to temporarily suspend production at a number of plants after earthquakes in the south of the country on April 14 and April 16.Honda initially announced a suspension of production until April 22 at its Kumamoto factory but has now extended this to April 28, ...

  • 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage

    Mitsubishi to grow at Santa Rosa


    Philippines – The company is joining the Comprehensive Automotive Resurgence Strategy (CARS) established by the government to attract investment, stimulate demand and introduce regulations which will revitalise the national automotive industry, to the extent that it develops into a regional hub. As a result, Mitsubishi will expand its local production ...

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    Chinese dragon rolls on


    Demand for cars is growing despite the economic slowdown – and domestic OEM are getting competitiveOvercapacity problem worsensPremium makers struggleHeavy-truck makers sufferOpportunities open up for EVsMotorcycle-makers challenged by IndiaDemand for cars in China is still growing despite a wider economic slowdown in the country, but the near-term prospects of global ...

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    China steamrolls on


    Demand for cars is growing despite the economic slowdown – and domestic OEM are getting competitiveOvercapacity problem worsensPremium makers struggleHeavy-truck makers sufferOpportunities open up for EVsMotorcycle-makers challenged by IndiaDemand for cars in China is still growing despite a wider economic slowdown in the country, but the near-term prospects of global ...

  • Wire Cut EDM

    EDM series with tubular shaft motor


    Mitsubishi Electric says its Wire Cut EDM (electric discharge machine) series feature a new drive concept based on combining tubular shaft motors with a fibre optic control system.The company claims these motors ensure smooth and highly controllable movements without 'cogging'. Their control is based on an optical network which enables ...

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    North America's rise before a fall?


    Global vehicle-makers are investing in their manufacturing operations across the US and Mexico; AMS reviews the latest developments – and how they position the automotive industry for the next downturnGM splashes the cashFord shuffles production line-upFCA holds back on expansionToyota prepares for mega-platformNissan expands in the US and MexicoHonda boosts ...

  • Article

    New models for operator panel range


    The new GT25 series is designed to strike a balance between high performance and cost efficiency, claims Mitsubishi Electric. Standard GT25 operator panels are available in 8.4, 10.4 and 12.1-inch sizes. Standard VGA displays on the smaller sizes offer graphics at 640x480 pixel resolution and for demanding applications the 12.1 ...

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    Aliado ao sucesso


    A colaboração entre a Renault, Nissan e Daimler continua a progredir - mas o que a faz funcionar?Renault e Nissan estabeleceram sua aliança de participações cruzadas e abrangentes em 1999. Agora, é a parceria internacional mais duradoura entre duas grandes empresas de automóveis na indústria automotiva moderna. Renault tem uma ...

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    Aliados para el éxito


    La colaboración entre Renault, Nissan y Daimler continua progresando. ¿Qué es lo que hace que funcione?Renault y Nissan establecieron su alianza de participaciones cruzadas y de amplio alcance en 1999. Es hoy en día la asociación internacional más perdurable entre dos grandes empresas de automóviles dentro de la industria de ...

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    Allied to success


    The collaboration between Renault, Nissan and Daimler continues to progress – but what makes it tick?Renault and Nissan established their cross-shareholding and wide-ranging alliance in 1999. It is now the most enduring international partnership between two major car companies in the modern automotive industry. Renault has a 43.4% stake in ...

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    É o lugar para se estar


    Com uma "indústria integrada" o tema da Hannover Messe 2015 show promoverá desenvolvimento da indústria 4.0.Com a missão de mostrar desenvolvimentos e inovações em toda a cadeia de valor industrial, o Hannover International Show tem sido a maior feira de negócios para aqueles relacionados com a engenharia. Para o setor ...

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    2015年汉诺威工业博览会以“综合工业”为主题,将促进工业4.0的发展。汉诺威国际展览会一直致力于展示厅的开发与工业价值链的创新事业,因此长期以来成为工程业相关行业最大的贸易展销会。汽车领域一直与展览会有着特殊的关联,因为所有技术都将应用于生产的发展。与印度携手印度是2015年汉诺威工业博览会指定合作国家,其影响很可能超过一般的行销方案。在2006年上一次以这种方式合作之后,当时的合作国在投资、合资企业以及出口业务方面都获得了显著的成果。 最近被选中的印度政府,反复强调该国的工业策略,并为海外投资开辟了一个新的工业基础设施领域,寻求能利用该国雄厚信息技术实力的投资。德国与印度的贸易额超过了160亿欧元(约合180亿美元),成为印度最大的贸易伙伴。印度的自然亲和力,以及在汉诺威博览会展出的IT专业和4.0的发展,将成为一个关键概念,必将深入人心。已经有印度评论员认为,汉诺威活动以及双方之间的合作机会,将是新政府工业战略的试金石。 参加开幕仪式的除了印度总理Shri Narendra Modi之外,还有德国总理Angela Merkel,因此大家对博览会的期待就更高了。印度政府的“数字印度”,“印度制造”和“技术印度”项目都处在关键阶段;印度希望利用汉诺威作为发展促进该国重要计划的转折点。这些雄心勃勃的计划,正随着印度寻求与全球市场相连的高科技工业经济的步伐,逐步显露在全球大众的面前。 印度商务部给印度工程出口促进委员会(EEPC)下达了任务,即扩大印度的全球影响力,体现印度的工业实力,以及新政府力图将印度塑造成全球制造中心的雄心。汉诺威工业博览会还鼓励参观者了解自身行业以外的领域,探寻相关领域的发展状况。通过鼓励跨领域关注,连续进行的展示会可以说已经帮助传播新技术了。在航空工程、电子工业、防御、能源生产以及相关行业的发展,已经引起了更大范围工程机构的关注,并促进了创新与开拓。 与其他展示会不同,汉诺威的活动精髓在于给新的发展赋予形态和形式,而不仅仅提供展示柜。在往届展示会的基础上,今年又推出“面向全面网络化工业未来”的主题,促进和展示工业4.0。对2015年的展示会来说,组织者Deutsch Messe已经认定了许多核心领域,作为此次展示会的焦点:工业自动化与IT;能源与环境技术;工业功绩;生产工程;服务;与研发。新的产品&工艺在完成此文之时,很多参展商还没有拿出最终的展示规划细节,而且很多参展的商品还没有公开,但是肯定的是,2015年度展示会在参展商和参观者数量上再创新高。有些参展商都是汽车领域耳熟能详的名字。 Parker Hannifin是参展商之一,Praedifa Sealing Division分公司在密封技术领域处于领先地位。REM Surface Engineering已经宣布,公司将展出Booth J 13 025里的各向同性超精加工工艺(ISP)。REM特地开发了各种高产、高速的整面抛光工艺,以满足汽车部门强大的需求。他们的设计非常坚固,很容易实现自动化,并能保留组件的几何完整性。 参加汉诺威展览会的还有IWIS Motordrive System,该公司是功率驱动方面的专家,在汽车正时链市场里具有很强的影响力,强调在行业各部门都提高对链传动产品的注意力。BEKO Technologies希望在压缩空气干燥器领域里推出新的项目,重点强调节省能源。 Hydraforce是另一个在2015年回归汉诺威的公司,并展示新款综合电动液压技术。和许多参展商一样,Hydraforce也强调其供应能力,以及服务印度客户的实力(今年汉诺威展示会特别与印度合作)。Hydraforce将在Maharashatra开设专用销售办公室,并与当地经销商合作。公司的产品遍布很多行业部门,但是发动机传感器和电动车控制器一定会引起汽车业代表们的兴趣。公司很多展品都迎合“综合性工业”的主题,其最新综合性产品就是结合了复杂的电控液压工艺,在VDMA Hall大厅里展出。 在VDMA Hall大厅展出的还有表面处理技术,特别强调该领域里的能源效率工艺。喷气系统、辐照技术和等离子表面处理技术的供应商们,也都计划要在汉诺威展示最新的能源效率创新品。增材制造基地在过去汉诺威展览的基础上,将建起由3部分组成的增材制造广场,展示这些重要的发展科技。广场一个主题展厅、一组展厅,以及为主要客户准备的看台组成。这个计划将涵盖从3D样品建模到生产、以及后生产工序的方方面面。与其他许多增财给水不同的是,汉诺威不仅展示小规模3D打印机,而且还展示具有工业能力的机械,在实际工业应用和适当材料使用上具有特殊意义。有一个与Arburg公司合作的特殊展示会将展出Free Former塑料科技。这将与工业4.0技术联系起来,在整个工序链上使用增财制造与注射模塑。目的就是展示综合信息技术与汽车业的景象。 其他的参展商还有鼎鼎大名的Alphacam, EOne, Kisters and Voxijet等公司。随着增财技术对未来生产变得越来越重要,来自汽车部门的同行们都将从这个广场中收益。展出的机器人除此之外,汉诺威展示会的亮点中还有最新的机器人生产技术。在工业自动化展示区内,将展出来自Comau, Fanuc, Kuka, Kawasaki, Staubli, Mitsubishi, Epson, IBG以及ABB等公司的最新一代工业机器人。Fanuc — 自2003年首次出现在汉诺威 — 将向密集的参观者中的管理决策者们展示其机器人方案和控制、伺服驱动系统。 在这里很可能出现一个新的讨论主题,就是对机器人的关注可能从大规模工业装配基地转向小型企业,那里复杂的人机交互操作可能会打开新的出路。汉诺威的另一亮点,就是使用先进的传感器设计,使新的机器相能够承担比过去更多范围的任务。 ABB将推出新一代YuMi双臂协同装配助手机器人,能够安全地与人类交互进行生产操作。此款机器人主要是为了小型组件装配而设计。ABB公司相信,这将改变人们对自动装配的理解。 在机器人、自动化与视野区域里,系统整合商将展示安装复杂的自动化生产环境的能力。而移动机器人与自制系统区域的亮点则是最新移动服务方案。所有这些发展都将涉及控制软件,从中获得直观的反应。展示会体现众多公司致力于简化控制程序、并加强能力的特点。 除了SAP和DassaultSystemes等常规参展商之外,2015年汉诺威还请来了Microsoft公司 — 微软公司是受到“综合性工业”主题的吸引,想利用2015汉诺威展示会获得与制造业客户进行深入对话的渠道。正如主办方所言,“聪明的工厂总是在机械工程与信息技术交汇的地方”。这里还是印度代表与参展方期望发挥能力的地方,因为印度IT实力真的不容小觑。 除了传统展示之外,还安排了一些研讨会和教育会议。4月17日安排了一场全球商务系列研讨会,和一个讨论女性人才在工业和工程业贡献的女权代表大会。除此之外,还有一个专门的教育展厅,展示众多德国工程学院。TU9 ...

  • Youth-copy-2

    Hannover Messe: IT’s the place to be


    With an ‘integrated industry’ theme, the Hannover Messe 2015 show will promote Industry 4.0 developmentsWith a remit to showcase developments and innovations across the entire industrial value chain, the Hannover International Show has long been the largest trade fair for those connected with engineering. For the automotive sector, it has ...

  • Mitsubishi-says-M2M-communications-hold-the-key-to-a-new-paradigm-of-industrial-automation-copy

    A control explosion


    Increasingly connected control systems will enable the emergence of ultra-modern automotive plants Being more productive means doing more with less, and this is where the latest control systems technologies can help automotive plants move to the next level of productivity. Examples of automation such as conveyors are at the heart ...

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    PSA: Back in the running?


    After recent strife, the OEM is attempting a turnaround by repositioning its brands and production footprint In October 2014, new PSA CEO Carlos Tavares announced his strategy for the company under the strapline ‘Back in the Race’ – an apposite line indeed, because for many years PSA has been floundering ...