All Ford articles – Page 17
На конференции "Глобальная автомобильная логистика" обсуждались перестановки в цепочках поставок в Северной Америке
markets have led to increases in the exchange of material between continents as well as across North America. “There is no one size fits all supply chain,” said Dana McBrien, associate chief advisor for Honda of America. “In some cases we have seen parts manufacturing actually moving further away from ...
NO TITLE [34934]
Twenty American universities gathered in Detroit last week to give presentations on supply chain cases provided by General Motors, tackling subjects like sourcing battery cells in Asia to expanding rail links and supplier localisation in the US.The University of Toledo was the winner of the General Motors/Wayne State supply chain ...
NO TITLE [30281]
As first announced at the Finished Vehicle Logistics conference held in California in June this year, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics is expanding its ocean transport service from Veracruz in Mexico from September 2013 and will offer two to three sailings per month to the US East Coast, ...
NO TITLE [27890]
Gefco has launched an IT system to improve the efficiency of vehicle movements in China that provides visual management across the entire supply chain with real-time logistics information. Gefco said the system would synchronise logistics provider flows and the operations in customer plants, as well as reduce the waiting time ...
NO TITLE [27881]
Container shipping and logistics firm NOL Group reported 12% lower second quarter revenue and a $50m drop in earnings before tax and interest compared to 2012 as difficult trading in container shipping continued to hit the company’s financials. However, the group’s logistics arm, APL Logistics, saw strong profit growth, driven ...
NO TITLE [26488]
Goodman, the global logistics space provider, has announced plans to construct a 24,000 square metre complete knockdown kit (CKD) export hub for Volkswagen in the Duisburg-Kasslerfeld port and logistics area of Duisport, in western Germany. The hub will supply automotive parts to all of its plants not currently located in ...
NO TITLE [25937]
À Fedex concedido um Certificado de Autorização de Despachante Aduaneiro no JapãoFedEx Express recebeu uma Certificação despachante aduaneiro autorizado no Japão. A certificação indica que a FedEx tem capacidade para gestão de segurança, e permitirá que a empresa maior leniência com relação à seleção e inspeções de documentos. Espera-se ...
JAC: экспорт в Бразилию почти достиг 60 тысяч единиц
China Anhui Jianghuai Automobile (JAC) has reported exports of 57,000 vehicles to Brazil since it started moving units there two years ago, making it the number one Chinese brand in the country.The company began exports in March 2011 with the J3 and J3 Turin models and hit 37,800 models by ...
NO TITLE [23849]
Senior automotive logistics professionals will gather at London Gateway, DP World’s new container port located 40km to the east of the UK capital, on Thursday this week (July 4th) for a special Automotive Logistics forum.The event, which will include a tour of the £1.5bn ($2.3bn) development, is planned to highlight ...
NO TITLE [23792]
Carmakers and logistics providers operating in Russia are looking at the development of ports in the south of the country around the Black Sea, with small ro-ro facilities and shipping services beginning at the port of Novorossiysk.For several years manufactures have used Ukrainian ports, including Illychevsk and Sevastapol, with capacity ...
Gefco развивается в Бразилии и Испании
Подразделение Gefco в Бразилии открывает новый офис и депо в штате Минас Жераис для поставок запчастей и компонентов. Также компания заключила новые контракты с Группой Volkswagen Group в Испании.Новый центр Gefco в Бразилии расположен в Контагеме на юго-востоке страны. Здесь будут готовиться налоговые документы на автозапчасти и компоненты и готовиться ...
Editor's Note: Balancing act
Just when you think you have a good idea of the direction the industry is taking, something comes along which throws all of your cleverly-conceived ideas out of the window.In this case it was a number of manufacturing plant visits conducted for this issue. Firstly, taking a look at motorcycle ...
Greve nos portos da costa leste dos EUA
Renovada a ameaça de greve para portos dos EUAA costa Leste dos EUA e os portos do Golfo estão enfrentando uma ameaça renovada de greves generalizadas no final de dezembro, com a extensão para o processo de negociação em curso entre o United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) e a Associação ...