All Bentley articles – Page 2

  • Scott Ward

    Scott Ward, director of manufacturing, Aston Martin St Athan


    As Aston Martin opens its brand new St Athan facility ready for production of its DBX, Nick Gibbs meets director of manufacturing at the plant, Scott Ward

  • Novares Leiria Plant inspection table

    Set the controls


    Expertise in plastic component manufacturing will be in ever greater demand during the emobility age. In preparation, global supplier Novares has taken on a new form Following a period of reorganisation and rebranding, the Mecaplast-Key Plastics group spent 2018 settling in to its new identity – Novares The chosen name ...

  • VW Dresden eGolf marriage

    Abrindo uma janela


    A Fábrica Transparente, a instalação não convencional da Volkswagen em Dresden, foi reaproveitada para montar o eGolf e se tornar a vitrine da filosofia de mobilidade eletrônica do OEM Após 14 anos de montagem de modelos premium de alta potência, as instalações da Volkswagen em Dresden entraram em uma nova ...

  • Article

    Abrir una ventana


    La Fábrica Transparente es una instalación atípica de Volkswagen en Dresden que se ha rehabilitado para ensamblar en eGolf y ser la referencia de la filosofía de movilidad eléctrica de la marca Después de 14 años ensamblado modelos de gama alta y gran potencia la fábrica de Volkswagen en Dresden ...

  • Geothermal system at the Audi site in Györ copy

    Economical alternative


    Andrew Williams looks at how automotive manufacturers are harnessing renewable energy sources and how benefiting their production operationsIn recent years, several of the world’s largest car makers have embarked on high profile initiatives to increase the amount of renewable energy generated at their production sites. One interesting recent example is ...

  • VW Dresden eGolf marriage

    Raise a glass


    The Transparent Factory, Volkswagen’s unconventional facility in Dresden has been repurposed to assemble the eGolf and become the showcase for the OEM’s e-mobility philosophyAfter 14 years of assembling high-powered, premium models, Volkswagen’s Dresden facility entered a new phase in the spring of 2016. With the Phaeton model discontinued and assembly ...

  • The one-millionth Porsche 911

    Nem tão esnobe que não possa fazer esforço


    A Porsche vem expandindo sua produção e alcançando resultados recordes - com alguma assistência das instalações do Grupo VolkswagenTanto um nome emblemático na indústria automotiva como uma parte central do Grupo Volkswagen, a Porsche vem facilitando a sua crescente produção nos últimos anos, dependendo fortemente dos recursos do Grupo e ...

  • The one-millionth Porsche 911

    El deportivo que trabaja en equipo


    Porsche está expandiendo su producción y está alcanzando resultados récord con ayuda de las instalaciones del Grupo VolkswagenPorsche es una marca icónica en la industria y una parte fundamental del Grupo Volkswagen, en los últimos años ha aumentado su producción gracias al uso de los recursos del Grupo mientras mantiene ...

  • Article



    保时捷一直在扩大生产,并创下新的记录 — 其中少不了来自大众集团的帮助保时捷一直是大众集团在汽车业内形象代言人,同时也是集团最核心的存在。 保时捷近年来通过依赖集团资源迅速提高产量,同时还能保持独立的资格。柴油机传说展示了前行道路的曲折,但是没有来自大众的帮助,保时捷就不可能获得现在令人瞩目的产量及财务成绩。去年,保时捷销量、营业额和利润都创下了记录:全年出售汽车238,000辆,营业额达到223亿欧元(约合265亿美元),增幅为4%。这种情况一致持续到2017年,营业额增长了8%,达到118亿欧元。公司也在大型市场取得了长足的发展,包括全球最大的凉的市场;到第三季度结束的时候,全球销量增长了4%,达到186,000辆,其中在中国的销量增长了10%,达到54,000辆,在美国的销量增长了25%,达到41,000辆;欧洲的销量也增长了4%,接近61,000辆。保时捷品牌下最有名算是911跑车了,之后有增加了很多跑车、SUV和一款旅游轿车,目前一年查那令达到约200,000辆,正在向250,000辆靠近。有人认为,在目前这个水平上还可能增加一款小型SUV(而不是Macan),以及一款Boxster或Cayman款跑车,但是保时捷公司已经否定了这个想法。但是肯定会生产新的车型,产量还会提高,年产量会达到300,000辆 — 不久之前公司的产量还只有目前的十分之一,当时只生产911汽车。为了支持这种扩产,保时捷的劳动力以数量都增长了12%,在2017年的时候已经超过29,000人。信息速递: 保时捷 去年,保时捷销量创记录,销售了近238,000辆汽车,营业额达到223亿欧元 产品类型多样化,而不局限于911车型,保时捷的年产量达到约200,000辆 去年,保时捷的劳动力增长了12%,超过29,000人; 单单Mission E生产线,就增加了1,200个就业岗位 保时捷一直都专注汽油发动机汽车,2012年增加了柴油发动机汽车Cayenne。但是在大众集团排放丑闻之后,该品牌可能会方剂柴油机车更多有关保时捷的资讯…保时捷质量秘诀原则推理车型多样化保时捷车型包括3款“量产”跑车(911,Boxster以及Cayman),2款SUV(Cayenne和Macan),1款四门观光车(Panamera)以及一个曾经昙花一现的低产量手工制造的跑车(现在已经不生产)。最后提到的这款车就是Porsche 918 Spyder,在生产21个月的时间里共制造了918辆,即到2015年中的时候为止。911汽车拥有众多版型 — 包括RWD, 4WD,敞篷车以及硬顶车 — 该车将在2018年初被另一款取代,首次采用大众集团新的后轮中置引擎构架。该平台除了制造新款Boxster及Cayman底部构架之外,还可能用于未来Lamborghini和Audi R8汽车的制造商(预计在2023年完成替代)。目前的Boxster和Cayman汽车要追溯到2012年,而自2015年开始则被称为718 Boxster和718 Cayman,因为两款汽车都接受了整形和新款H4发动机。2019年,两款汽车都会出现替代款,而且都是在新一代911汽车版型基础上制造。Panamera汽车是第一个使用MSB RWD/AWD构架生产的汽车,后来还有奥迪系列,即A6、A7和A8汽车。刚开始面世时是四门奢华轿车款,今年又增加了旅游车款,在2017年度日内瓦车展上公布。保时捷的工程师们引领MSB平台的发展,该平台在车体板材中大量使用铝材。由于德国祖坟豪森工厂的生产力受限,保时捷在大众汉诺威工厂很饥饿Panamera车体,然后再运输到主厂进行装配。新一代汽车保时捷第一款SUV汽车是Cayenne,最初是在2002年引进。Cayenne的车体是在斯洛伐克Bratislava的大众工厂生产的;动力传动系统后来也在这里生产,之后这些部件被送到莱比锡进行最后的装配和装饰。这样,保时捷就可以定为德国产汽车。然而,第三代Cayenne汽车将在斯洛伐克完成整个装配,与Volkswagen Tourareg以及Audi Q7的生产线是同一个。和目前这个车型一样,新款汽车与Audi Q7,Volkswagen Toureg,Bentley Bentayga以及新款Lamborghini Urus SUV使用同一个平台。由于SUV逐渐倾向于轿车风格,新款Cayenne也有轿车款。 尽管 Cayenne和Panamera仍然有柴油机款,但是未来不是所有车型都配有柴油机款Macan汽车是在2013年晚些时候推出的,莱比锡工厂为此进行了扩建,该厂原来适用于Cayenne汽车最后装配。Macan汽车项目预计每年生产50,000辆该车,但是现在的产量要高得多;2015年生产了近86,000辆,而2017年则超过了96,000辆,一跃成为保时捷最畅销车型,超过Cayenne。新款Macan定于2020年推出,预计会在MSB平台上制造,取消目前的PQ35地处。保时捷目前正在敲定第一款纯电动汽车的开发,该车在Mission E概念车基础上制造,并在2015年法兰克福车展上揭晓。仅仅这一个车型就产生了1,200个工作岗位。Mission E是保时捷拿来与Tesla Model S相竞争的砝码,预计从2020年开始销售。该是使用新的J1平台,该平台还将用于Audi电动化思路驱动SUV汽车的生产。Mission E设计中的核心是一个快速充电系统,该系统由Hitachi公司设计,可以在15分钟内完成充电80%。除了纯电动之外,Mission E还有4级自动驾驶技术。消除柴油机 — 二进攻保时捷一直以来都只有汽油机汽车,而在2012年的时候推出的Cayenne是以柴油驱动。此后,保时捷又在Macan和Panamera车型上增加了柴油机版型,但在跑车上一直没有这么做。自大众集团柴油机排放丑闻之后,保时捷肯定会在不远的将来放弃柴油机。据报道,保时捷想要从姊妹公司,奥迪公司那里索取2亿欧元,作为柴油机危机不良后果的补偿。2015年11月,奥迪公司承认在V6发动机上安装了辅助装置,用以操纵排放结果。保时捷购买了这些发动机,并没有直接牵涉到这些发动机的开发商。除了美国的奥迪供应柴油机问题之外,德国政府命令召回Cayenne汽车,并禁止继续销售柴油机汽车。因此,保时捷想要奥迪公司支付改装费用、诉讼费等其他满足客户要求产生的费用。奥迪公司拒绝公开评论此事件。保时捷很显然是从柴油机事件中受伤。2017年7月,首席执行官Oliver Blume对媒体称,公司正在考虑放弃柴油机,而目前的车型都会替换掉。随着混合动力车型销量的增长,以及新款电动车的出现,柴油机已经超出了保时捷预期的时间了,虽然更新后的Cayenne和Panamera仍然有柴油机款。现在要完全放弃已经晚了,但是所有新款车型都有柴油机款那可就大跌眼球了。在保时捷2016年的生产中,柴油机车占到15.5%,但是911车型没有柴油机款,Cayenne和Macan的比率分割为25%和18%,而Panamera的柴油机比率低于10%。保时捷正在逐渐向混合动力和纯电动车转换。Cayenne和Panamera都有混合动力款,但是最大的改变发生在2015年12月,当时保时捷证实要开发一款电动车:Mission E。此外,为了转向电动车,保时捷与大众、戴姆勒和宝马以及其他大众成员建立了联盟,一同开发超快速充电系统,用于欧洲主干高速公路上。 莱比锡工厂原来是为了制造 Cayenne而建, 再投资5亿欧元之后工厂扩建30%,用以生产Macan 保时捷的生产足迹保时捷拥有两家工厂,分别在德国的祖坟豪森和莱比锡,但是也使用大众汉诺威和奥斯纳布吕克的工厂,以及斯洛伐克伯拉第斯拉瓦工厂德国,斯图加特-祖坟豪森911汽车和Boxster,Cayenne汽车以及保时捷汽车有发动机都是在保时捷的老家装配;Macan和Cayenne车上使用的柴油机来自匈牙利奥迪杰儿(Gyor)工厂。祖坟豪森的产量受限,因此有些Cayenne专用组件和组件需要在大众奥斯纳布吕克工厂生产。将来退出了Mission E电动车(要比Panamera稍微小些)也要在祖坟豪森制造,为此工厂投资7亿欧元建设新的喷漆厂和装配线,还有装配电动机的设备。在投资8,000万欧元之后,2016年7月斯图加特开设了一个新的发动机厂,用于生产V8发动机,日产量达到200台。首款使用这个发动机的是Panamera汽车。新建发动机厂的中心是一个灵活生产系统,其特点是管饭使用手工装配,但在412米长的U型装配线上的工作站里,有各种电动运输机自动穿梭与工厂内,全部使用锂电池,并由地板上16,000个磁铁引导。每3.5分钟就要装配一台发动机;每个发动机要经过110个工作站,需要6.2小时才能装配完成。(莱比锡工厂原来适用于制造Cayenne,后来又进行投资5亿欧元扩建之后,工厂的30%用于生产Macan)德国莱比锡这个工厂本来是为了装配Cayenne汽车,近几年一直在扩建。为了Macan投资5亿欧元之后,工厂扩建30%,新增汽车车体修理厂和喷漆厂;这是投资Panamera和Cayenne两款汽车2.5亿欧元中的重头。以上三款汽车全部在一个生产线上装配。这种局限性,加上Macan的需求增长迅速,成为新一代Cayenne要全部在伯拉第斯拉瓦赚个屁的原因了。斯洛伐克,伯拉第斯拉瓦新款Cayenne的装配转移到斯洛伐克大众工厂,是为了释放莱比锡的生产力,用于应付Macan和其他未知车型的生产。新款Cayenne的生产始于2017年8月,并且定于2018年乳房市场。公司向伯拉第斯拉瓦投资超过8亿欧元,用于建设新厂和制造技术,尽管其中还包括其他SUV车型的生产。伯拉第斯拉瓦工厂自2017开始扩大产品类型以来,已经增加了1,900个工作岗位,而且计划到年底再招聘1,000名员工。模具制造为了加强汽车装配的工程设计资源和手工技术,2015年保时捷购买了机器人公司Kuka的模具制造分公司,交易价达到2,500万欧元。之后,装配厂又增加了600名员工。Kuka公司铝材零部件装配以及设计方面的专长是收购该分公司的主要理由。 

  • The one-millionth Porsche 911

    Not too posh to push


    Porsche has been expanding its production and achieving record results – with some assistance from Volkswagen Group facilitiesBoth an iconic name in the automotive industry and a core part of the Volkswagen Group, Porsche has been facilitating its rising production in recent years by relying heavily on Group resources while ...

  • APAC profil 3

    Down to earth


    Validation tests of Profil’s grounding nut and stud assembly by major OEMs have shown improved and more consistent conductivity compared with classic welding solutionsOne of the clearest advantages of grounding studs is they are self-piercing. This means that each stud makes a neat hole through the sheet metal component. This ...

  • Stephan Winkelmann

    Winkelmann named as Bugatti leader


    France – Replacing Wolfgang Dürheimer, who is retiring after five years as president, Stephan Winkelmann will take over on January 1. Winkelmann has served the Volkswagen Group as managing director of Audi since 2016.Before taking the role at Audi, Winkelmann was president and CEO of Lamborghini for 11 years. He ...

  • Aston_Martin 084_

    Encontrando um novo ponto de vantagem


    Em um esforço para acabar com o ciclo de expansão/contração, a Aston Martin pretende duplicar a capacidade de produção até 2019, ao mesmo tempo em que reduz os custos de fabricaçãoPara um fabricante de luxo tão acostumados a seduzir os ricos, os lucros se mostraram evasivos para Aston Martin ao ...

  • Aston_Martin 084_

    Aston Martin apuesta por el Vantage


    Aston Martin quiere acabar con sus ciclos de subidas y bajadas y pretende doblar su capacidad de producción para 2019 reduciendo al mismo tiempo los costesAston Martin es una marca que atrae a los adinerados, pero siempre ha tenido dificultades para garantizar los beneficios en sus 104 años de existencia. ...

  • Aston_Martin 084_

    Finding a new Vantage point


    In an effort to end its boom-bust cycle, Aston Martin aims to double production capacity by 2019 while cutting manufacturing costsFor a luxury maker so used to luring the rich, profits have proven elusive for Aston Martin over the course of its 104-year existence. But the first signs that its ...

  • Peter Bosch

    Bosch to guide Bentley’s production


    UK – Effective November 1, Peter Bosch becomes the OEM’s member of the board for Manufacturing. He succeeds Michael Straughan, who is leaving Bentley Motors to pursue other career opportunities.Bosch is joining Bentley from Volkswagen Group’s headquarters at Wolfsburg, Germany, where he served as head of Production Strategy, Processes and ...

  • VW

    A crossroads for Germany’s car industry?


    These are challenging times for the automotive industry, especially in Germany, where it is a bellwether for the country’s economic health. But, as the Eurozone slowly emerges from its torpor, Germany’s automotive industry faces several 'mega-issues' with uncertain outcomes, notably the continued fall-out from the emissions scandal; the move toward ...

  • APAC profil 1

    Down to earth


    Validation tests of PROFIL’s earthing studs by OEMs operating in China have shown improved conductivity compared to the classical welding solutionsOne of the clearest advantages of grounding studs is they are self-piercing. This means that each stud makes a neat hole through the sheet metal component. This technique provides a ...

  • APAC renishaw 1

    A precision touch


    Renishaw discusses the benefits of using machine tool probes for precision metrology in the manufacturing of forged wheels and car chassis The automotive industry is fiercely competitive. Tier-one automotive manufacturers are constantly looking for breakthroughs in areas such as performance, safety and innovative design, all of which places increasingly ...

  • Ellesmere Port Vauxhall

    Mudanças à frente


    Os fabricantes que operam na Europa continuam a impulsionar o menor custo para o leste, já que os volumes globais de vendas na região se aproximam dos níveis anteriores à criseFabricantes como a Jaguar Land Rover, a Volkswagen, a Ford e a Daimler estão entre as que criam novas fábricas ...