Digital Twins and Simulation | Automotive Manufacturing Solutions – Page 8

  • GOM_ATOS-5x_SB-8360_BIW-inspection_out-of-SB_operator

    Optical 3D metrology in the automotive body shop


    The most efficient way to identify, analyse and fix production processes as well as quality problems is using a 3D model as a digital twin of the real part in production. This is only possible when covering the complete part surface. So, in order to meet these requirements for ...

  • siemens 1

    A digital value chain


    For OEMs and suppliers, the transformation into a digital enterprise is crucial for achieving optimum plant availability, production flexibility, and competitivenessIn order to optimise the commissioning costs and ensure the necessary level of quality, starting with the first vehicle produced, each start-up process must be perfectly planned. The digitalisation of ...

  • Fraunhofer-IPT_300_jns_Hallenfoto_Panorama_montage

    Digital vision


    The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology has been one of the leading lights in developing the Industry 4.0 concept. Nick Holt discussed institute’s perspective on this with Dr. Thomas Bobek, coordinator of the Fraunhofer High Performance Center Networked Adaptive Production, and how he saw its future implementation in automotive manufacturingWhat ...

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    A technological new order


    The implementation of new digital systems is seeing Industry 4.0 move from concept to realityWorkers in one area of the Bosch Rexroth plant in Homburg, south-west Germany, effectively ‘clock in’ at the start of their shifts by means of a small Bluetooth tag attached to their belt. However, this is ...