All Steel articles – Page 7

  • Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 12.22.34

    Time for an upgrade


    As Toyota shapes up its global manufacturing network to build the new vehicle platform, Nick Holt visits the OEM’s Valenciennes facility to see the progress being madeTo meet the challenge of rapidly changing markets and segment volatility, the development and adoption of common, modular vehicle platforms is now a familiar ...

  • Onyx Industries stacklight

    Industrial stack lights


    The 151SSLD-RYGN-NNS1 3-segment stack light has 40mm diameter indicators, standard height lenses and is suitable for OEM and systems integrator machine builders, says Onyx Industries.The lights use an industrial grade, stainless steel housings and long-life LEDs, and the company says it offers number of options that allow OEMs and system ...

  • Body_in_white_Topview_with_blue_pipes_v05

    Lower weight and higher strength in tubular vehicle structures


    This webinar provides an overview for automotive manufacturers looking to make effective use of high strength tubular structures in modern vehicle design. The presentation examines the possibilities offered by these materials as a high strength and low weight alternative in various structural applications. About the ...

  • Article

    E-mobility and the role of steel


    With electrification shaping ideas in future vehicle structure design, ArcelorMittal explains why advanced steel grades remain the materials of choice While sales of battery electric vehicles (BEV) are still far behind conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, BEV technology and sales continue to improve at a rapid pace. Globally, BEV ...

  • The new Audi A8

    Advancing automotive with AHSS


    SSAB explains how advanced high-strength steels address fundamental issues in a dynamic North American market, often at significant cost savings The North American car and truck market is undergoing change at a pace not seen since General Motors declared bankruptcy in 2009. In spite of rising transaction prices and higher ...

  • Article

    Guiding lights for a smarter paintshop


    System experts at Dürr have developed a digital maintenance assistant designed to keep automotive paintshops in full effect With its digital@Dürr concept, Dürr is delivering an important smart factory module. In future, the company will be supporting customers in maintaining painting and sealing robots using a digital maintenance assistant. With ...

  • Schwartz-N-America-supp

    Welcome to Naperville


    With the increasing use of schwartz’s roller hearth furnaces for press-hardening in North America, a relocation helps the US subsidiary to meet demand The globally active schwartz Group, the world market leader* in heat-treatment equipment for press-hardening, has evolved into a key supplier to the automotive industry. In order to ...

  • Schenck N America supp

    Industrial balancing goes e-mobility


    As EV makers develop smart-factories, efficient and flexible automation solution for balancing e-drives is at the top of the list, writes Schenck-USA’s Tarek El-Sawaf Increasingly better range and output values of electric power units and, above all, the more stringent environmental regulations for internal combustion engines are increasing the demand ...

  • AMS NA cover sq

    Out now: North America 2018


    When it comes to America and automotive manufacturing, some things are impossible to ignore. Foremost among them are: The Big Three, the light truck segment and Trump. In our latest global region supplement, we bring you the full set.In this AMS special supplement we examine a region that produces around ...

  • Article



    Ian Henry带领大家一探北美汽车供应商的主要发展趋势,北美的技术进步和活跃的贸易政策还是造成很多挑战随着汽车市场加快电气化时代进程,行业技术的快速发展,以及未来NAFTA(北美自由贸易协定区)未来不明朗和美国及其全球贸易伙伴继续加大关税魏霞,供应基地总体上还是很多的。这种剩余给行业造成困扰,新厂投资和时长分类并购活动还在继续,但是比率已经降低很多。本文主要审视北美供应商的主要发展趋势,举例国内供应商和国际供应商 — 这个美国政府贸易保护主义政策的产物,并查看他们是否在美国市场及NAFTA地区的影响力在加大。供应商挑战特朗普关税政策供应商行业似乎对一致反对美国钢铁及其他产品关税政策。比如美国国际钢铁协会(AISI)已经向美国纽约的国际贸易法庭提起诉讼,反对向钢铁征收25%的关税。除了AISI这样的行业结构以外,很多公司也都声明反对关税,并声讨关税对成熟行业结构和供应链的不利影响。声讨呼声最高的当属加拿大公司Linamar首席执行官Linda Hasenfratz。她认为,25%的钢铁关税,以及铝材关税是“难以承受的”。Hasenfratz认为,消费者将要面对“高价”产品,而汽车销量同时会下降。她还说,这对汽车市场的打击远胜于2009年经济危机。此外据她预测,行业裁员范围会扩大,这将进一步打击国内国际市场需求,尤其是行业还要面临来自原材料、钢铁、铝材等原材料关税和整车上的双重打击。新技术依赖国际供应商虽然关税是为了扩大保护很多新技术领域里的美国供应商,但美国汽车业非常依赖国际供应商,不管是美国生产厂还是国际工厂。随着全球电动车趋势不断加强,美国汽车公司非常依赖国外供应商对美国的投资,以及国外向美国的进口供应。比如,特斯拉(Tesla)进入汽车市场之后就特别依赖日本的进口电池。"虽然关税是为了扩大保护很多新技术领域里的美国供应商,但美国汽车业非常依赖国际供应商,不管是美国生产厂还是国际工厂"松下(Panasonic)是特斯拉的唯一电池供应商,公司已经投资16亿美元,在内华达建立电池合资公司。松下公司称,如果特斯拉公司要求的话,还可以建设千兆工厂。特斯拉使用的有些电池来自松下日本工厂,但是把工厂搬到美国也是可以的。美国供应商忌惮政府的燃油政策美国供应商越来越担心,如果美国政府压低燃油经济标准,美国就会在技术竞赛中落后。目前美国政府对降低2022-2025年汽车的燃油经济标准仍然保持兴趣。行业担心,这会降低供应商加速发展燃油效率系统的积极性。很多行业高管都担心,这么做会让美国公司的效率技术孤立,与其他地区盛行的标准非常不同。 Dana公司已经收购了魁北克电动组件供应商TM4公司美国供应商的新动力传动技术多样化发展尽管有以上担忧,但是像一直关注传统的动力传动技术领域的Eaton这样的公司,已经转向电气化技术。Eaton建立了电动交通部门,到2023年会投资5亿美元。新的分公司将开发智能动力电子技术,智能诊断技术和预测健康监测技术;这些技术将用于乘用车、商用车和越野车。新公司将建在底特律,建设初期的员工就达到1,200人。通过这种逻辑发展,公司已经为全球供应了15,000多个混合动力及插电式混合动力系统。公司预测,到2030年,电动和市场将每年可以达到1,500万辆纯电动车,以及3,000多万辆混合动力车,因此公司的举动也就不足为奇了。与此同时,像Eaton这样的公司还会将资金分化,转入新技术领域,同时继续发展成熟领域。内燃机的消逝和相关零部件的殒灭不会是一夕之间的事情,而且消费者接受电动车的速度还有待观察。两手同时抓,这对Eaton公司的资金和然人力资源方面都馋了巨大的压力。而汽车业与其他部门之间的界限不断模糊。Dana收购一家能够公司旗下子公司的大部分股份。公司以1,27亿美元的价格购从蒙特利尔Hydro-Quebec公司手中购买TM4公司55%的股份。TM4是一家电动机制造商,公司还未电动车市场制造其他组件。Dana公司已经开始制造电动变速箱和温度管理系统,用在电池和逆变器上。而TM4公司的制造力都在电动机、功率变换器和控制系统上,而且市场渠道不仅在汽车方面,还有采矿、铁路和各种非公路设备上,与Dana的利益相吻合。 Martinrea International投资2,600万美元在底特律开设技术中心,以此促进在美国的研发能力掌握TM4公司55%股份的隐藏利益来自,TM4掌握了Prestolite E-Propulsion Systems公司50%的股份,这是TM4与Prestolite Electric Beijing(是中国供应商,中山大洋电机旗下子公司)建立的合资公司,建于2012年。这家合资公司生产电动机、逆变器、发电机和控制元件,用于电动公交车、电动卡车和海洋应用。Dana公司通过TM4可以直接进入中国市场,以及中国的电动车领域。很多观察者都认为,中国市场传统动力传统市场的发展胜过美国。这样的股份和技术合作如何在特朗普总统反华的环境下发挥作用,令人非常期待。成熟汽车技术供应商在电动车上寻求机遇虽然客户对电动车和混合动力汽车的钟爱来源于这些车辆的低耗,但是消费者还想要样式新颖的汽车。从这个角度看,像Superior Industries(是北美领先轮胎制造商)这样的公司看到了电动车铝材轮胎的发展机遇。公司正在致力于新一代轻质铝材轮胎,并特别为电动车设计,通过市场调查发现,电动车购买者想要传统高端车那种大尺寸闪亮的赛车的车轮。Superior已经为特斯拉Model X SUV供应19英寸的车轮。公司将这个合约视为电动车市场对高档车轮需求趋势的起点。这放映了汽车市场一段时间的趋势。Superior公司预测,19英尺以上大尺寸车轮的市场份额会在2020年的时候达到35%,这几乎是目前比率的两倍。Superior新款车轮AluLite的重量比原来的设计轻大约10-15%,因此受铝材关税增长影响最大。观察新车轮动向成为非常有趣的话题,但是没有人保证生产一定会在美国进行。目前汽车技术的市场发展几乎需要在美国进行进一步投资除了投资新的动力传动技术和相关市场之外,国内国外供应商都要继续向美国已有技术进行投资。举例来说,德国供应商Pierburg(隶属Rheinmetall集团旗下)计划对南卡Fountain Inn工厂进行扩建,便于制造新型电磁阀,提高发动机的燃油效率。工厂在过去的二十年里生产产品数量翻番,而新的生产线需要投资自动化与机器人技术,并需要大力提高现有劳动力技术水平。电动技术推动收购有一个有关全球领先汽车座椅供应商,Lear公司的案例。公司加大对电子技术的投入,提高座椅的附加值。因此,公司亿3.07亿美元的价格收购了西班牙座椅供应商Group Antolin公司。收购该公司不仅提高了在座椅市场中的市场份额(尤其是Antolin擅长制造跨界车第二、第三排座椅),而且还得到了Antolin最近刚刚开发的技术 — 这相当于第三个座椅动力电轨系统,替代了线束,提高了座椅设计灵活性,以及零部件机械移动定位。新的电磁阀比现有的产品药效,因此放进空间不断紧缩的发动机舱就方便多了。下一个是全金属阀门,定于2020年的时候推出;该产品预计会减重30%,汽车可以使用更小的机泵,能耗减少了,发动机效率也提高了。从长期来看,美国Pierburg工厂将提高电动车市场中的能力,包括电动车电子冷却液泵,以及轻型铝材电池盒。这些产品投产预计会在二十年代中期进行。其他国际供应商的投资包括加拿大Martinrea International公司,该公司投资2,600万美元,在底特律开设技术中心,促进在美国的研发能力;德国座椅组件供应商Grammer公司计划要收购Toledo Moulding和Die Inc公司,以此加大在美国的影响力。此次收购花费了2,71亿美元,囊括美国10加工厂,以及墨西哥的1家工厂。Grammer公司在车门、车柱装饰、杂物箱和中心仪表盘,以及简单非功能性零部件,比如导管。美国注射模塑(尤其是缓冲器)供应商Flex-N-Gate公司要扩建美国工厂。公司要投资1.75亿美元,在德克萨斯Grand Prairie建设新工厂。公司还要投资7,000万美元,购买新的注射模塑设备、金属冲压生产线和机器人焊接系统。172名工人要离开Arlington的老厂,而到了2020年会再聘用500多左右的员工。Arlington工厂会在新厂投入全速运营之后关闭,包括Arlington转移来的设备以及新进设备。新工厂将制造前后保险杠,用于Chevrolet Suburban,Tahoe, GMC Yukon以及Cadillac Escalade大型SUV。所有这些车都是在Arlington的通用工厂制造的。为了激励Flex-N-Gate公司,Grand Prairie市政府为公司减免75%的财产税长达9年。德克萨斯工厂不仅得到来自Flex-N-Gate公司的投资,还有福特在底特律的新工厂,用于制造金属及塑料零部件。公司刚刚收购Ventra Ionia Main工厂,并进行了500万美元的小投资,创造了109个就业岗位。工厂还为中型皮卡车Ford Ranger提供保险杠,该车会在2019年早些时候推出。该车进入竞争机器激烈的皮卡车市场,与Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon,以及中型皮卡Ram(FCA在今年6月宣布)一同竞争。从日本到美国在最近消息中,在美国投资最大的供应商当属日本公司Denso。公司向田纳西Maryville工厂投资了10亿美元,扩建工厂,同时创造了1,000个新岗位。更值得一提的是,公司将电动车逆变器、雷达组件和数据控制组件的生产从日本转移到北美。Denso美国公司负责工程的高级副总裁表示,此举与Denso指定的尽量提高本地化生产的政策相一致,尤其是那些Denso已经投入形成成熟技术与能力的地方。公司否认此举是为了应对国际公司减少美国进口所面临的压力,并强调称这与原有企业政策相一致。公司还提到逆变器这个重型组件的例子,公司在这件事情上采取了尽可能靠近客户端的策略,也就是说,公司制造最适合的汽车。Denso认为,公司在美国拥有能够还吃北美电动车市场各领域发展的能力 — 进一步说 — 不太可能是新开发区,但是肯定要对原有工厂进行扩建。现在的问题就是什么时候开始。如果特朗普总统的贸易保护主义持续不断的话,其他国际供应商也会宣布类似的决定了。

  • Forging the deal

    Forging the deals


    Ian Henry examines the key trends in the North American automotive supplier sector where technological progress and feisty trade policies continue to present a range of business challengesWith rapid technology change across the sector as the automotive market accelerates into the era of electrification, the uncertainty over the future of ...

  • Nissan Smyrna

    Stamp of approval


    Nissan’s Smyrna facility in Tennessee is home to the largest stamping plant in the Japanese OEM’s global network. Gareth Price reportsAny visitors to the Nissan plant at Smyrna, Tennessee, can’t fail to notice the proclamation above the door, The highest volume plant in North America. There’s a strong case. Plant ...

  • HMMA Elantra line

    Southern hospitality


    Gareth Price visits Hyundai’s major manufacturing facility in Montgomery, Alabama, as it welcomes the return of an SUV to its production linesBack in 2005, Hyundai’s plans to open its first US manufacturing facility came to fruition and the $1.7 billion automotive assembly and manufacturing plant in Montgomery, Alabama, was up ...

  • OEM Europe N America

    Transatlantic ventures


    Volvo is the latest European marque to take up a North American manufacturing base. As Ian Henry reports, it joins Germany’s giants in exploring the benefits while coping with the complexities…Steeled for battle in SpartanburgBMW has been very critical of the decision by President Trump to apply tariffs on steel ...

  • Ford rouge ext

    Rouge alert


    It’s been part of Ford real estate for more than a century but, as Gareth Price discovers, the historic Rouge Center houses a truck plant shaped for modern times

  • NAFTA nations

    NAFTA: the saga so far...


    Seven rounds of talks have taken place since NAFTA renegotiation began last year but the trio of nations are no closer to agreeing a deal. Nick Gibbs reportsPresident Trump’s policies on trade relations continue to cause upheaval within the automotive industry. In the US, one of the biggest headaches is ...

  • Nedcar_controllelijn_01_39L_CMYK kopie

    Um caso forte para o aço


    Com o impulso para a eletrificação de motor e transmissão ganhando força, os produtores de aço de alta resistência estão se preparando para lucrar, relata James BakewellEm 2017, as vendas globais de veículos elétricos a bateria (BEVs) e veículos elétricos híbridos plug-in (PHEVs) atingiram 1,3 milhão de unidades, segundo Frédéric ...

  • Nedcar_controllelijn_01_39L_CMYK kopie

    El acero se reivindica


    Los fabricantes de aceros de alta resistencia se posicionan ante el inminente dominio de los vehículos eléctricos. Informe de James BakewellEn 2017 las ventas de vehículos eléctricos de baterías (VEB) y de híbridos enchufables (HE) alcanzaron los 1.3m de unidades, según Frédéric Painchault, director de marketing automotriz en la siderúrgica ...

  • Michael Nash GAF presentation copy

    Travel blog: The American dream


    Everything in the US has a reputation for being big. The cities, the cars, even the food - it's all supersized in comparison to anything we have in Europe. So when obtaining content for our upcoming North American supplement, I decided to follow suit and go big by organising a ...

  • PennEngineering self-clinching flush-head studs

    Self-clinching flush-head studs


    PennEngineering says its PEM FHX self-clinching flush-head studs feature an X-Press thread profile that it’s claimed enables quick mating with plastic fasteners in thin metal assemblies. The company says the studs can be installed permanently in metal sheets as thin as 1mm. They press into place using any standard press ...