All Ford articles – Page 10

  • VW 3D printing

    VW to 3D print for mass production


    Germany - The OEM has announced that it is the first car maker to be using HP Metal Jet - a metallic 3D printing process that is more simple and faster than other existing techniques. According to the company, productivity is improved by fifty times compared to these other methods."Automotive ...

  • Josephine Payne, Plant Manager, Ford Craiova

    Leading a winning team


    Nick Holt talks to Ford Craiova’s award-winning engine plant manager, Jo Payne, about the facility’s award-winning enginesJo Payne is no stranger to accolades, having been crowned winner in the manufacturing category of this year’s Autocar Great British Women in the Car Industry awards. She also won the award back in ...

  • Daimler 3D printing

    Daimler to print aluminium components


    Germany - The OEM has been working with Premium Aerotec and EOS to develop an additive manufacturing production cell that can make parts out of aluminium. The cell is fully automated, and is located at the Premium Aerotec facility in Varel, northern Germany.A EOS M 400-4 four-laser 3D printing system ...

  • Ford drones

    Drones take off at Ford Dagenham


    UK – Maintenance teams at Ford's Dagenham Engine Plant are now using camera drones to inspect the hard-to-reach parts of the facility.Previously, access to areas such as high-rise gantries, pipework and roof areas required automated extendable platforms and scaffolding to assess the 40-metre-long gantries that support the plant’s heavy machinery. ...

  • Article

    E-mobility and the role of steel


    With electrification shaping ideas in future vehicle structure design, ArcelorMittal explains why advanced steel grades remain the materials of choice While sales of battery electric vehicles (BEV) are still far behind conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, BEV technology and sales continue to improve at a rapid pace. Globally, BEV ...

  • AMS NA cover sq

    Out now: North America 2018


    When it comes to America and automotive manufacturing, some things are impossible to ignore. Foremost among them are: The Big Three, the light truck segment and Trump. In our latest global region supplement, we bring you the full set.In this AMS special supplement we examine a region that produces around ...

  • Forging the deal

    Forging the deals


    Ian Henry examines the key trends in the North American automotive supplier sector where technological progress and feisty trade policies continue to present a range of business challengesWith rapid technology change across the sector as the automotive market accelerates into the era of electrification, the uncertainty over the future of ...

  • Gary Johnson Ford

    Ford announces manufacturing lead


    US - Bruce Hettle, Ford's group vice president of manufacturing and labor affairs, is due to retire on 1 October, and will be replaced by Gary Johnson. In this role, Johnson will manage the operations of 67 assembly, stamping and powertrain production plants across the world."Under Bruce’s leadership, Ford has ...

  • Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at 10.55.52

    Pacific standard


    Responding to the boom in SUV and crossover markets, the OEMs of Japan and Korea continue to invest in manufacturing operations across their long-established North American networks. Ian Henry reportsCross-border CorollaAfter a period of not investing in North America, Toyota is once again expanding in the region. It is building ...

  • N America OEM sites

    Home truths


    Once the battles over tariffs settle down, North America”s own brands can focus on the rapid and significant changes the domestic market is demanding. Ian Henry reportsWith the uncertainty mounting regarding the future of NAFTA and the distinct possibility that President Trump will raise tariffs on EU car imports from ...

  • Ford rouge ext

    Rouge alert


    It’s been part of Ford real estate for more than a century but, as Gareth Price discovers, the historic Rouge Center houses a truck plant shaped for modern times

  • NAFTA nations

    NAFTA: the saga so far...


    Seven rounds of talks have taken place since NAFTA renegotiation began last year but the trio of nations are no closer to agreeing a deal. Nick Gibbs reportsPresident Trump’s policies on trade relations continue to cause upheaval within the automotive industry. In the US, one of the biggest headaches is ...

  • 10 Millionth Mustang Flat Rock Assembly Plant

    Ford makes 10m Mustangs


    US - The milestone was celebrated at the company's Flat Rock Assembly Plant in Michigan, where Ford also makes the Lincoln Continental. It has previously been built in San Jose, California as well as Metuchen, New Jersey.Now in its 54th year of production, the Mustang is the best-selling sports car ...

  • Ford Mustang

    Ford makes 10m Mustangs


    US - The production milestone was recorded at the company’s Flat Rock Assembly Plant in Michigan, where it also makes the Lincoln Continental. During the course of its 54-year production history, the model has also been made in San Jose, California, as well as Metuchen, New Jersey. Ford claims that ...

  • central europe Kecskemet Mercedes

    Centro de operações


    O investimento em novas fábricas e a expansão das instalações existentes mostram que a Europa Central está no cerne das estratégias regionais dos fabricantes de veículosÀ primeira vista, a produção de veículos na Europa central - essencialmente os antigos países do bloco comunista a oeste da fronteira russa - parece ...

  • central europe Kecskemet Mercedes

    Central de operaciones


    La inversión en nuevas plantas y la expansión de las existentes en Europa Central demuestra que esta región está en el centro de las estrategias de producción de los constructores automotricesA primera vista, Europa Central – esencialmente la región de los antiguos países comunistas al oeste de Rusia – parece ...

  • Article

    - 经营中心


    从新工厂的投资以及老厂扩建方面来看,中欧是汽车制造商地区战略的中心。乍一看,中欧的汽车生产 — 尤其是俄罗斯西边的前苏联国家 — 主要集中在大众(Volkswagen),捷克共和国有一家Skoda分公司,波兰有两个轻型商用车工厂,伯拉第斯拉瓦有一个生产大型SUV和小型汽车的工厂,这是斯洛伐克最大的私营企业。但是,这个地区对汽车制造商的意义远不止于此。现代(Hyundai)和起亚(Kia)在这个地区建立了欧盟制造基地;PSA和雷诺(Renault)也建立了庞大的工厂,生产Dacia;而捷豹路虎(JLR)把斯洛伐克当做欧洲大陆第一个生产地,而且将于2018年底开始生产(而从2017年底在奥地利由Magna Steyr进行合约生产)。本文将从波兰起步,然后向南挺近,包括捷克共和国、斯洛伐克、匈牙利和罗马尼亚,一同查看每个国家在地区制造战略制定方面各自不同的作用。波兰的积极投资Fiat(菲亚特),Opel(PSA)和VW(大众)在波兰都建有工厂。此外,戴姆勒-梅赛德斯近期内将在全新的二氧化碳中和工厂生产4缸柴油机和汽油发动机,该厂只采用可再生能源。据称,这个工厂是梅赛德斯最先进的数字化工厂,完全符合工业4.0标准,装配线上使用自动导引车,零部件实现射频识别跟踪。而且,这三家公司都处于公司发展及车型生命周期的不同阶段。VW Poznan是生产小型Caddey厢式车的唯一工厂(一年生产150,000辆),同时还生产Transporter厢式车(每年大约制造30,000-35,000辆,作为汉诺威工厂的补充);Poznan即将获得大约4亿欧元的投资,用于改进工厂周边的公路物流以及工厂的总体运营。Poznan与Wrzesnia全新大型厢式车工厂(每年最高制造80,000辆Crafter汽车,并在全球销售)是公司的未来发展的重点和核心。而Fiat和Opel工厂的形势却完全不同。Fiat Tychy工厂目前制造500辆小型车以及Lancia Ypsilon汽车 — 这是因为到明年底,Lancia品牌将会取消。预计新一代Panda汽车会进入Thchy工厂的生产线;而且有可能增加小型Jeep汽车,这比意大利制造的Renegade还要小,重返500,000高峰也是有可能的。这个数量可以保证工厂未来迎接下一轮车型循环,甚至更多。因为PSA-Opel格利维策工厂的,这种形势就更加清晰了。工会曾经催工厂的未来表示担忧,因为Astra的生产量在这几年里下降明显。工厂一年能够制造至少150-180,000辆汽车,两班生产,三班生产量会更高,但是今年的产量不可能超过120,000辆。格利维策的未来与英国Ellesmere港口息息相关 — 两个工厂都制造Astra汽车,这个车的销量不足以支持两个装配厂。到那时PSA把大部分Opel-Vauxhall的管理都投放在西班牙和德国,以及英国厢式车工厂。埃尔斯米尔港和格利维策的未来发展形式还没有进入Carlos Tavares的首要工作日程。鉴于Opel德国工厂转变为“PSA标准”的工厂还面临很多挑战,格利维策可能会成为日程中的首要。捷克共和国的高产量捷克的生产被Skoda占据主导,这里有两个工厂生产该车,总厂在Mlada Boleslav,另一个在Kvasiny(主要生产SUV)。第二家工厂最近的产量飙升,一年能生产300,000辆,有一部分原因是工厂拥有价值800万英镑的全自动仓库,里面的自动导引车可以将组件准确地直接运送到装配线上的目的地。工厂制造Skoda Kodiaq和小型Karoq汽车(包括SEAT版本,Ateca汽车)。这是Karoq最初的要求,不仅在 Mlada Boleslav制造,而且还在德国Osnabrück大众工厂制造:这里的Karoq装配将于2018年底开始。这是在德国生产的第一款Skoda其车型,也是欧洲三个独立装配线中的一个。而在Mlada Boleslav,规模宏大的投资正在筹备之中,育碧生产Skoda电动车。插电式混合动力汽车组件目前正在生产,用于2019年即将推出的Superb插电式混合动力汽车。2020年第一款全电动Skoda汽车将投入生产。Kvasity工厂也要进行现代化改造,成为符合工业4.0要求的工厂,Skoda将成为这个地区数字化程度最高的制造商之一。尽管如此,公司还面临严重的劳动力短缺问题 — 捷克共和国员工招聘问题是大众面临的重大问题。公司可能要再招聘3,000人,才能完成一年80,000辆汽车的生产。在捷克,劳动力招聘和留住人才是大多数汽车公司面临的问题,不仅仅是Skoda公司。Toyota –PSA公司在Kolin的工厂(TPCA)在过去的两年里不得不为员工提高工资16%。保留劳动力成为一个严峻的问题,TPCA想要发展,就不得不彻底解决这个问题,比如在Kolin增加小型DS汽车生产,甚至是Opel车型。捷克最大的汽车厂是Nosovice的现代汽车工厂,斯洛伐克Zilina边境有其姐妹公司Kia的工厂。现代工厂目前制造i30紧凑汽车,和ix35及Tuscon SUV汽车(该车将于2018下半年投入生产)。Nosovice工厂投入全线生产的情况下,年产量可以达到350,000辆。JLR选择斯洛伐克大众伯拉第斯拉瓦工厂制造最大型SUV汽车和最小型汽车,Up!汽车,据报道这是斯洛伐克最大的私营汽车厂以及纳税者。政府明白公司对斯洛伐克经济的重要性,因此想要放宽工作许可规定,对大约2,000名塞尔维亚和乌克兰员工放水。伯拉第斯拉瓦工厂扩建之后可以承担Porsche Cayenne整个制造,之前由boladisilawa和一家德国工厂合作制造,还有一部分是奥斯纳布吕克合约装配。工厂新建的汽车车体修理厂专门用于Cayenne的制造。斯洛伐克最新的工厂是尼特拉的JLR工厂,2018年第四季度开始全方位生产Discovery汽车。到2019年第一季度末,所有的Discovery生产将要转移到英国去。尼特拉工厂最初的奶奶产量为150,000辆,其中Discovery的查那令为50-60,000辆,从2019/2020年开始生产全新的Defender汽车。光靠Discovery和Defender是否能够满足工厂的生产需求还不得而知 — 为了这个目的,新款Defender的销量要达到很高,一定要超过老款汽车20-30,000辆的年销量。工厂一直想要在铝密度D7(PLA)平台上制造汽车,从而其他大型使用该平台的SUV汽车额也可以在这里制造(比如Range Rover Velar)。如果后脱欧时期贸易形势导致从英国出口全组装汽车造价过高,那么这种生产也是有需求的。从长期来看,尼特拉工厂一年可以制造300,000辆汽车。工厂也可能生产电动车动力传动系统,2017年有媒体报道,JLR提交规划许可申请。而PSA特尔纳瓦工厂已经达到300,000辆的产量。公司刚刚向这里投资1.65亿欧元生产新款208汽车,年产量有望冲击360,000辆。除了为欧洲装配大部分208汽车(C1/4汽车仍然在法国生产)和Citroën C3之外,工厂还将从2019年开始制造新款3缸EB柴油涡轮机,而且会在第二年开始制造电动机 — 这些发动机都将用于208/C3电动车,以及PSA网络中的汽车车型生产。最后一个是斯洛伐克日利纳的起亚工厂,在过去的两年里,共产过了超过3亿欧元的投资,预备生产新款cee’d紧凑车,以及Sportage SUV汽车。日利纳工厂目前拥有一个全自动零部件仓库,装配线上拥有300多个机器人,2个巨大的传输冲压线,2个车体锯台,可以在日利亚装配各种不同版本的车型,还有一个喷漆车间,里面有一个360度全方位浸泡旋转池。装配线上配有机器人,前窗和轮栓拧紧等操作实现全自动化。匈牙利的电动车生产多年来,匈牙利的汽车生产一直集中在杰儿(Gyor)的奥迪发动机厂和汽车装配厂。该厂制造TT跑车和Audi A3轿车和敞篷车。A3的生产铸件转移到德国,替之以Q3 SUV,这是从西班牙哪来的。杰儿最近的投资发生在电动机生产,用于德国和比利时生产Audi e-tron车型。工厂一直投资新技术,即铜线绕丝和中心插入 — 这就可以优化使用漆包铜线数量,尽可能采用紧凑的方式。这里并没有采用传统的线性生产线,工人们是在一个模块化系统生产人工岛上制造电动机的,这里的部件供应依靠的的自动导引车。电动机生产是从2018年7月开始,每天制造400台。匈牙利第二长汽车厂是铃木公司的工厂,额定年产量300,000辆,但近年来并没有发挥出来。这里主要生产Vitara SUV汽车,并向全球销售,刨除大部分亚洲市场,因为那里是由日本供应。因为生产力低下,而且铃木在欧洲进展并不顺利,因此很多人都对Esztergom工厂的未来表示担忧。但铃木对工厂的投入一如既往,而且还推出价值53亿匈牙利福林的项目,促进工厂的智能生产(比如使用数字化联网焊接机器人),提高当地供应商全方位制造效率。梅赛德斯计划要在凯奇凯梅特(Kecskemet)开设第二个工厂。原来的工厂制造CLA轿车,猎装车和B-class汽车,年产量为150,000辆。新的工厂的生产规模将是老厂的两倍。匈牙利工厂可以在A-Class平台上制造各种车型,包括A-Class汽车,该生产线在今年夏天刚刚上线;其他车型包括GLB SUV和电动车,目前被称为EQ-A。新厂的生产应该在2019年或2020年开始。工厂的设计具有高弹性,能够利用A-Class(MFA)平台制造前轮驱动汽车,和后轮驱动汽车,比如C-Class汽车及变体(利用MRA平台)。新工厂还将配有一个二氧化碳中和能源供应,数控运营,员工使用平板、智能手机和手表来完成日常工作。工厂一直遵循精益原则,缩小零部件与预装配之间的距离;零部件运输也实现的全自动无人驾驶。匈牙利的汽车业在2018年7月迎来了一个飞跃,因为宝马公司已经证实,会在德布勒森建设工厂。这将是宝马在欧洲的最新工厂,莱比锡工厂建于2000年。在最近几年里,宝马在中国、美国和南非的发展出现巨大进步,但是随着全球贸易规则的变化,以及电动车趋势的强劲,公司似乎已经决定,下一步的投资要离本家近一些。目前我们还不知道在匈牙利会生产什么车型,但是宝马公司已经宣称会每年生产150,000辆传统车辆和电动车。工厂建设将于2019年开始,汽车生产预计会从2021年开始。罗马尼亚工厂升级罗马尼亚有两个大型汽车厂,一个是克拉约瓦福特(Ford)工厂,另一个是皮特实蒂达西亚(Dacia)工厂。达西亚工厂年产量约为310-320,000辆,三班生产,制造车型有Logan,Logan MCV,Sandero, Duster和少量的Renault Symbol(是Clio改进版)。由于Duster汽车的需求非常大,因此工厂的生产压力也很大,有些MCV的装配任务已经转移到摩洛哥了。皮特实蒂工厂的自动化数字化水平很高,预备引进工业4.0技术,减少员工招聘与保留劳动力带来的压力,尤其是工会一直推动工资增长运动。举例来说,工厂拥有8个协作机器人,帮助完成装配线重载工作;共产该有118个自动导引车,将零部件从仓库运到装配线。这些都通过工厂内的wi-fi进行管理。福特在罗马尼亚克拉约瓦的工厂生产力可达到300,000辆,但是工厂从没完成甚至一半的产量,尽管不就得将来有可能完成。工厂目前制造B-段ExoSport SUV汽车,而且福特公司证实要在未来的几年里投入生产第二款(还没有公布名称)汽车。除了证实第二款汽车生产之外(这需要投入2亿欧元的资金),没有公布任何细节信息,也不知道会不会是Fiesta的变体车型,或者是全电动车型。EcoSport已经实现罗马尼亚本地化生产30%的比率,成为该国汽车业媒体以及当地福特管理机构的自豪,因为福特为地区带来了10家供应商。今年每个月的EcoSport的产量为10,000辆,其成果比克拉约瓦老款车型以及B-Max(一年产量不足70,000辆)要显著得多。EcoSport的生产动力十足是因为该车不仅在欧洲销售,而且还在56个独立市场中销售,包括20多个非欧洲国家。 

  • central europe Kecskemet Mercedes

    Centre of operations


    Investment in new plants and expansion of existing facilities shows central Europe to be at the heart of vehicle manufacturers’ regional strategiesAt first glance, vehicle production in central Europe – essentially the former communist bloc countries west of the Russian border – appears to centre on Volkswagen with its Skoda ...

  • Ford Exoskeleton technology

    Exoskeletal tech to help Ford workers


    US - After successfully carrying out trials at its Michigan and Flat Rock assembly plants, Ford has said that it will roll out a new wearable technology called EksoVest to help workers in 15 plants located in seven different countries. The technology will assist employees when performing repetitive and strenuous ...

  • Ford Improves Car Making the Same Way Sports Stars Raise Their Game – With Body Tracking Technology

    Ford uses body tracking tech


    Spain - Workers at the OEM's engine assembly plant in Valencia, where they produce 2.0-litre EcoBoost Duratec engines, have started wearing special suits equipped with body tracking technology. The data obtained from these suits will then be used to design workstations so that they are less physically stressful and more ...