Schmalz USA claims its SAXM series of sheet metal handling suction cups are able to absorb several times the lateral forces of other types of this equipment. The company says this is due to the special structure of the suction pad interior and an additional friction disc. Its design enables it to adjust to the three dimensional contours of a workpiece, such as doors, fenders and valence panels. The SAXM suction cups are made of Elastdor which the company claims is resistant to the effects of ozone (from the welding of automotive body parts) and contact with aggressive drawing oils such as those used in presses during forming operations. The pads are 100% recyclable and feature a modular design, which allows quick replacement of individual suction pad elements. They are available in seven sizes with suction areas of 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 and 115mm in diameter.