All articles by ams_dermothealey – Page 2

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    Industrial inspiration


    IMTS 2014, taking place on September 8-13 in Chicago, is expected to draw a mix of big-hitting exhibitors and newcomers from across manufacturing Attracting close to 2,000 exhibitors and 100,000-plus visitors, the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) is well-established as North America’s premier manufacturing technology event. With a linked Conference ...

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    两年一次的AMB展示会,将于9月16日至20日在斯图加特举行。届时,将有众多重要参展商莅临 巴登-符腾堡省是德国工程与金属加工业的中心。两年一次的AMB展示会就在这里举行,吸引来自全世界的参展商和参观者;尽管涉及面和影响都具世界规模,但是展示会保留了地方特色和亮点。由于展示会能够很好地为金属加工工业搭建一个获取咨询和交流的平台,它一直以来都是对与汽车生产有关的所有人都至关重要的活动。2014的活动必定吸引金属加工业所有鼎鼎有名的企业,以及小而精的公司云集于此,一展他们的风采。来自瑞士的旋转传输机械制造商Pfiffner,将重返AMB,展示在量产设备上的最新创新成果。精致的电脑数值控制旋转传输机械,很可能是公司在演示中的一大亮点。Avantec Zerspantechnik是另一个重返AMB的参展商,他们带来了一系列机械加工解决方案,即结合了智能制造战略的高效工具系统。Georg Fischer公司则带着专业汽车部门,在AMB展示会上高调秀出专业铸造工艺。公司作为技术与市场的领航者,在使用钢、铝、镁等轻质材料项目方面与汽车制造商和他们的系统供应商有着密切的联系。GF Automotive 为客户就技术和材料选择上提出建议。机械加工方案部门还将作为耐磨技术领队而出席。远道而来的参展商作为中国领头机床制造商,沈阳机床集团将参加展览。公司打算展出门类齐全的机床,能满足不同的生产环境和生产力。AMB可是沈阳机床集团的老家了,因为很多产品都是与来自巴登-符腾堡的专家们共同制造的。将来有计划在Ashersleben投资建设生产线。同时,DMG Mori将以Celos网络化生产技术为特色闪亮登场。Celos把车间功能和其他公司结构联系起来,基地实现无纸化智能生产。这种理念的关键就是,做到实时变化,在不同的部门之间进行无缝传递。之前,AMB组织者们预计,2014年的AMB展示会反应的趋向有传感器为本的智能网络化控制系统,和不断增长的无线生产控制协调技术。Air Turbine Tools将会展示新一代紧凑手用工具,能降低空气消耗量,在不同的负载情况下保持速度。Tsubaki Kabelschlepp将带着大范围的电缆覆盖系统和传动机技术(这一直以来都是高自动化工作场所的重要组成部分)来到斯图加特。公司为机床制造工业提供了创新方案。该技术会在展示会中的许多产品当中,以及工作场所都有体现。Tsubaki还有可能展示使用各种材料的KabelTrax布线系统。新材料,新挑战到目前为止,汽车制造业机器供应商是德国机床制造工业最重要的客户,占据40%的市场需求。经历几年艰苦岁月之后,创造和创新无疑会大力推动行业的迅猛发展。2014年AMB展示会,还会奉献出有关最新复合技术的丰富资源。作为未来的材料,机床制造商在发展机械以满足不同特性方面,面临新的挑战。 碳纤维增强塑料 (CFRP)是目前广为现代汽车所使用的一种复合材料,以合理成本效益制造是这种材料将来能否进入大众市场的关键因素。有些难题可以通过采用现有高速五轴机械和封装纺锤波来解决,因此这些看点肯定会满足参观者和参展商的兴趣。混合制造方法和超声波加工方面的长期发展前景,也是斯图加特展示会的亮点。复合材料的非均质性——有着多种纤维和树脂——是个特殊难题。解决问题的关键在于,机械加工工程师和他们的客户的密切合作,以及组织调研。生产工程与发展组织已经在这个领域做出显著成果,他们也将出席2014年AMB展示会。随着复合材料使用的增加,有关工具磨耗和能监督参数的传感系统的一体也变得越来越重要。2014年AMB展示会上会有许多制造商和发明家们力图展现他们对这些议题的最新解决方案。对精密零件的需求,以及复合材料在汽车制造业使用的特点,都对机床制造商提出新的要求——对高质量和高精确定的要求,与其他领域,如航空制造业、船业能源再生业的要求都非常不同。DMG Mori是这个领域里,非常喜欢与客户共同研究创新方案解决问题的一个机器制造商。它的子公司Sauer致力于开发有效地超声波加工理念,应用于复合材料。除尘装置和密封元件是组合机装的重要课题。会有大量参展商就此展示解决方案。Heller公司将会展示高扭矩、高生产力的加工中心,能够在完成极高生产力的同时,处理各种硬物质材料,比如铸铁和钛。许多参展商都来自中小型公司,2014年AMB展示会是他们的重要活动。Haas Scheifmaschinen也许是利用展示会平台最典型的中型企业。在上个世纪30年代,公司以小型船舶公司起家,现如今它已成为一个跨国公司,向各种市场出售研磨机。Haas希望通过展示,让参观者认识到公司创新研磨软件,该软件可以能很好地调整机器,适应一些特殊需要和使用者的运作特点。在2014年AMB展示会上,公司将展出Multi-grind Horizon软件的一款新模型;使用者可以通过该方案,自由定义旋转切割工具的几何图形。灵活的产品设计展示会组织者已经高度认识到,在经济系列生产和汽车制造业里市场主导环境新形势之间的不平衡性正在增加。特别是,这促使汽车部门的设备制造商,将灵活性视作他们产品的主要设计元素。SWJ Engineering是一家咨询公司,致力于为汽车制造商和供应商开发生产设备。他们也将出席2014年AMB展示会,并探讨模块化和类似技术在将来经济和市场条件下生产设备中的应用。SWJ认为,汽车制造部门的需要主要是,具有高灵活性的依赖非组件模块系统,以最低的成本提高产品产量。此外,参展商还会注意到,市场需要能综合生产过程中不同元素的混联机床。Monforts Werkzeugmaschinen携手Fraunhofer Institute for Production Techinology(IPT)已经率先踏足这个领域。他们也将出席2014年AMB展示会,亮出最新开发的设备,即通过激光将金属切削和表面热处理相结合。实现工业4.0前景仍是迷茫,参加2014年AMB展示会可以得到通往这一目标过程中的最新进展。关注产品开发过程各个阶段,就会有机会掌握大规模生产背景下日益增加的产品个性化。Grob-Werke已经表明,他们已经与汽车制造商合作,对他们的机器与外部设备系统联网。2014年AMB的参观者将会与同仁们探讨发展状况,听一听在多大程度上能实现资料数码化,实现程序模拟。2014年AMB组织者已经决定,此次活动主题定为“进入市场的钥匙”。会议将有许多地方金属制造公司参加,并得到专业贸易与技术团队的资金支持,将继续成为推动德国金属加工业的强大动力。2014年AMB展示会境遇9月16日-20日,在德国斯图加特展览中心举行。更多资讯,请前往这里。

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    Meet the metalworkers


    The biennial AMB Show in Stuttgart from September 16-20 should bring together some important exhibitors for the automotive industry Located in the Baden-Wurttemberg Province, at the very heart of the German engineering and metalworking industries, the biennial AMB Show brings together exhibitors and visitors from around the world; but while ...

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    Sending out sparks


    ‘Intelligence in Production’ will be the theme for this year’s EMO international production technology trade fairSmaller companies from within Europe and elsewhere know that a robust presence at EMO is likely to benefit their marketing reputatio nbuilding efforts more than participation in numerous other smaller events. The organiser’s slogan ‘Meet ...

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    Schweissen & Schneiden 2013


    AMS previews this year’s Schweissen & Schneiden trade fair being held in Essen from September 16-21, and some of the exhibitors that are of particular interest to the automotive industry.The international trade fair for joining, cutting and surfacing is promoted by the German Welding Society and should certainly capture the ...

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    Crossing boundaries at Hannover


    Intelligent networked systems, composites and nanotechnology will be among the many new technologies being exhibited at Hannover Messe 2013 from April 8-12The lead theme for the 2013 Hannover Show is one of ‘Integrated Industry,’ with the event structured to reflect the increasing integration of all areas of manufacturing. Central to ...

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    A world of laser innovation


    This year’s Laser World of Photonics events – to be held in Shanghai, March 19-21 and Munich, May 13-16 – will showcase technological developments in laser-based productionWith Laser World of Photonics events taking place in China and India, the parent Munich event, now in its second year, will offer an ...

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    SPS-IPC DRIVES - Nuremburg 2012


    Addressing practical problemsWide range of specialist exhibitorsAccessibility and sophisticationManaging workflow in the automated environmentSophisticated industrial communication systemsQuality of experience organisers key objectiveThis year’s exhibition, being held between 27-29 November, is according to the organisers stronger than ever, despite the difficult economic climate. The diverse nature of the automation market, and ...

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    AMB 2012: Stuttgart


    Shaping the future Display performance Optimising productionInnovations in machiningInnovative techniques Next generationOrganizers of Stuttgart’s biennial metalworking trade show – AMB 2012 – speak confidently of their hopes that over 90,000 delegates will attend during the course of this year’s event.Located in the very heart of Germany’s metalworking and industrial area ...

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    Solutions on show at Automatica


    The potential of the robotic co-workerAutomotion and the challenge of alternative power sourcesMaterial gainsMan and machineThis year’s Automatica, taking place in Munich from 22025 May, will allow visitors can follow complete value-added chains—from components to system, and from application to services—to gain a comprehensive view of new developments and their ...

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    Gathering green intelligence in Hannover


    Cross-disciplinary thinking to the foreManaging assetsInfrastructure developmentA focus on trends and solutions for sustainable industrial production was a central theme promoted by this year’s Hannover Messe organizers. The Green Intelligence concept formed a backdrop to many displays from various industrial sectors. Visitors were invited to consider the challenges of an ...

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    Casting for the best parts


    Increasing yield and reducing wasteMagnesium and aluminium in the powertrainSimulation and designPowdermetal technologiesThe search for increased longevity and product reliability is driving changes in casting and forging design, materials and processes. In recent years manufacturers have presented metallurgists with ever more challenging requirements, especially in the area of powertrain components. ...

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    Balancing technology and trust


    Analytics key to efficiencySpecialist material handlingStock control and sequenced supplyDevelop both technology and trustHigh levels of co-operation must combine with hi-tech advances to deliver greater efficiencies in lineside supply chain management. Yet the task of getting the basic constituent components that make up the vehicle to the production line at ...

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    Turning out tools up to the task


    Innovation through integrationMachining ChallengesA shared knowledge baseAdvances in coating technologiesContributing to energy reductionDespite difficult global economic conditions, manufacturing now seems to be viewed in new-found favour – and what the machine tool industry makes and sells today will create the consumer products that will drive tomorrow’s financial recovery.Speak to those ...

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    Battle royale between steel and aluminium


    Material selectionOptimum multi-material solutionsLightweight materials impact NVHHigh-strength applicationsMulti-material futureBody closures offer future potentialStrength is rarely the deciding factorNew forces for changeAlternative vehicle architectures and electric powerSustainability of manufacturing operationsOver recent years, the on-going contest between lobbyists working on behalf of the steel and aluminium industries has become increasingly raucous as ...

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    Aluminium futures


    Adhesive bonding for high-volume productionInnovation in traditional applicationsFormability issuesStabilized aluminium foam and impact absorptionEnd-of-life considerationsEvaluating future potentialNew joining techniques and recent advances in forming technology for aluminium, and how new aluminium products can match steel in crash safety performanceIn this energy-conscious age, automotive manufacturers want materials that can project them ...

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    Innovation in induction


    Engineers are using technology rather than displacement to achieve required levels of engine performance, and the changing designs have affected unit productionGrowth potential remains positiveComplex technologies to achieve complex goalsEngine management and monitoring capabilitiesResurgent superchargingPackaging issues are crucialThe future of forced inductionSo is there no substitute for cubic inches? With ...

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    Nerves of steel


    Despite the development of new materials for use in body-in-white, steel remains steadfast as stronger, lighter incarnations of the metal continue to arise.Commercial and technical innovation through co-operationDiversity of high-strength solutionsNovel metal formsGlobal market potentialCurrent applications span the market spectrumDesign adaptation to high-strength materialsWorking in partnershipThe challenge for Tier Two ...

  • q1

    Materials bounce back


    Sensitive material can add value downstreamWorking with software developersWaste not, want notNew possibilities with nanotechnologyBonding rubberMoulds and foamsAlternative challengesThose offering different materials to the automotive marketplace now need to argue a considerably more complex case than mere physical characteristics and priceAnyone tracing the history of material use in the automotive ...

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    Living in a material world


    Lightweight end of lifeReinventing traditional materialsTime for magnesiumAdvances in steelPlastic potentialAerospace and automotive convergenceHybrid vehiclesEnd-user benefitDevelopments in alternative materials are driving change in the drivetrain and bringing benefits to an industry trying to reduce emissions and improve performance Talk to anyone involved in the automotive supply chain and chances are ...