All Webinar articles – Page 4
KUKA podcasts: A robotic future
Over the course of three podcasts Kuka’s Corporate Innovation manager, Dominik Boesl discusses the precedents, current trends and future innovations that have and will continue to shape the future of robotics. Dominik explains why today we are seen as a generation of “robotic-immigrants” ...
KUKA podcast: A robotic future, episode 2
Over the course of three podcasts Kuka’s Corporate Innovation manager, Dominik Boesl discusses the precedents, current trends and future innovations that have and will continue to shape the future of robotics.Dominik explains why today we are seen as a generation of “robotic-immigrants” but how our grandchildren will grow up as ...
ArcelorMittal webinar: Metallic coatings for cold-stamping steels
To meet their quality and cost challenges, carmakers look to select the most suitable and innovative steel coatings. This webinar will explore the most innovative steel coatings in the automotive steel industry available for cold stamping and describe the various properties, advantages and ...
SSAB webinar: The influence of the forming process and design on UHSS
As some parts require narrow radii for functional use, bendability of UHSS has in various cases become a limiting factor for upgrading. This webinar will describe how bendability of martensitic UHSS can be greatly improved.The presentation will examine how bendability of cold-formed martensitic steel can vary significantly depending on ...
Lectra: An interactive roundtable on Operational Excellence in the Cutting Value Chain
As the foremost authority on cutting room automation and digitalisation, Lectra has brought together a panel of lean-production experts to discuss best practice enabling suppliers to better cope with changing market demand while also containing costs.Register for our digital event today to watch video highlights and gain insight into ...
SSAB Webinar: Innovative solutions on springback and edge ductility when designing AHSS parts
Springback and splits on stretched edges are common issues when stamping automotive parts in UHSS.This webinar will describe innovative methods that can address the springback problem and will present a simple way to improve edge ductility for avoiding splitsTuesday 29 November | 15:00 CET | 14:00 GMT | 19:30 ...
KUKA Webinar: Future of Robotics
We are all regularly presented with inventions and disruptive technology that prompt us to ask, are they fads or here to stay? Whether it was radio, micro-computers or even the internet, predicting which technology trends would become indispensable always made for fascinating discussion. In automotive manufacturing, an essential innovation under ...
Nikon Webinar: An insight into microfocus computed tomography
As automotive manufacturers and suppliers continue to produce components with more intricate structures it proves impossible to inspect them comprehensively with standard surface measurement. Yet the crucial task to verify the structure and dimensions remains.In this webinar, we looked at solutions provided by microfocus computed tomography (CT) such as: non-destructive ...
Hexagon Webinar: Big Data metrology and 3D process control
From the progressive assembly line to lean manufacturing principles, the automotive industry has always led the way in manufacturing technology. As the industry faces ever shorter design-to-production times, automotive manufacturers and suppliers have embraced industrial metrology and 3D measurement as enablers of quality and productivity.Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence is combining ...
ROFIN Webinar: Selecting the most suitable laser for automotive uses
The automotive industry has always been one of the driving forces behind innovative laser applications.In this webinar, we will explain how to select the most suitable laser for specific automotive manufacturing-related applications using latest laser technology and application techniques. We shall look at examples from the entire spectrum of high ...
Trumpf Webinar: Laser-based solutions for electrified powertrains
As the importance of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow, so does the rate of their production.While EV battery technology regularly prompts wide discussion there is also much to be explored around the other elements of the EV powertrain.In this webinar, we look at all the crucial elements in the ...
ROFIN Webinar: How to select the most suitable laser for automotive applications
As the importance of electric vehicles continues to grow so does the rate of their production.While EV battery technology regular prompts wide discussion there is also much to be explored around the other elements of the EV powertrain.In this webinar, we look at all the crucial elements in the electrified ...
ArcelorMittal Webinar: How to use iCARe® electrical steels for top performance in electrified powertrains
Since its launch in 2012, ArcelorMittal’s iCARe® electrical steels for automotive traction have assisted OEMs to achieve significant powertrain performance enhancements in both electric and hybrid vehicles.This webinar will examine how the updated range iCARe® steels can help realise performance targets for traction motors, whether in breakaway torque, power, power ...
Siemens Webinar: The automotive industry on its way to the Digital Enterprise
The automotive industry continues to face dramatic changes. Its customers want highly individualised cars and the vehicle manufacturers must be able to respond quickly to the changing market demands.For OEMs and suppliers, highly flexible and efficient production has become a necessity. Their most crucial response is to connect previously separated ...
TRUMPF Webinar: Remote Laser Processing - The technology for future automotive applications
The reduction of CO2 emissions remains a key target for all OEMs. Meanwhile, an exceptionally competitive environment has led carmakers to offer a diversified portfolio based on cost-efficient design and production.In this webinar, we look at how the integration of Remote Laser Processing (RLP) into the production process is helping ...
ArcelorMittal Webinar: ArcelorMittal’s S-in motion® Mid-size Sedan and SUV platform solutions
Since initial rollout, ArcelorMittal’s S-in motion® lightweight steel solutions have assisted OEMs achieve significant body-structure weight reductions in production vehicles. Building upon its existing C-segment Sedan and Pickup Truck solutions, the S-in motion® range is now being extended to Mid-size Sedans and SUVs for the first time in a ...
SSAB Webinar: The Top 10 considerations when conducting simulations on advanced high-strength steel
In any product development process, accurate simulation can shorten timescales and reduce costs.This is certainly the case with advanced high-strength steel AHSS, but fixing a valid correlation between simulation and hardware testing presents a genuine challenge.To help meet that challenge, this webinar taps into the vast expertise of SSAB specialists ...
NIKON Webinar: Laser Radar: next-generation CMM for shop floor car body inspection
Wednesday 13 April 15:00 BST | 16:00 CET | 10:00 EDTInnovative inspection stations are being installed today, both lineside and offline, by major automotive OEMs using Nikon Metrology’s Laser Radar.In this webinar, we look at how the non-contact, automated Laser Radar is providing OEMs with an effective alternative to the ...
ZEISS Webinar: Systematic quality assurance in car body construction
ZEISS's new solutions focused approach closes the gap between precise and flexible analysis through automated high-performance sample and batch measurements to 100% control with in-line inspection systems in the production line.With a complete product portfolio including:horizontal measuring machines HAM (including optical 3D-scanners)measuring robotsbluelight scanning systemsfixtures and big data analysisreporting softwareZEISS ...
KUKA Webinar: Industry 4.0 - Revolution in robotics
“Industry 4.0” and “internet of things“ will be key to future production concepts for global automotive manufacturing. Mass customisation and built-to-order production concepts are just some of the challenges automotive OEMs will have to address within the next five to ten years.This webinar will discuss how to face these and ...