Götz Fuchslocher

  • Quantum computers are based on quantum mechanical principles. They can perform much more complex calculations than conventional computers. (Image- IBM)

    Are quantum computers the future of the automotive industry?


    How Quantum computing holds immense potential to revolutionise the automotive industry by solving complex problems exponentially faster than classical computers.

  • %22For many, and especially for us, the big opportunity lies in offering cutting-edge, sophisticated and cost-effective key solutions,%22 says Ignacio Martin of Gestamp. (Image- Gestamp)

    “Steel is still a high-performance product”


    Take a look at the factors driving Gestamp’s remarkable performance with a focus on industry insights and strategic vision. From the transition to hybrid materials to the emphasis on manufacturing excellence, gain a professional perspective on the key elements shaping Gestamp’s position as a leader in automotive manufacturing.

  • gerd-walker-audi-1-d2d90f8d

    Audi: “We have a clear strategy towards electromobility”


    Gerd Walker illuminates Audi’s innovative strategies for sustainable, flexible production and the transition to electric vehicles

  • Milan Nedeljkovic, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for Production, and Sophia Zielosko, Plant Project Lead at the BMW Group Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre

    BMW: ‘Flexibility is in our genes’


    BMW, Mini and Rolls Royce are driving a tight electrification course. Nevertheless, the group remains open to drive diversity. In an interview, production director Milan Nedeljković talks about flexibility and the concept of the iFactory.

  • Götz Fuchslocher, Carolin Platz, Joerg Reger

    On advanced robotics, skills and training: “Machines can’t do everything”


    Carolin Platz from the Auto-Motive Academy and Jörg Reger from ABB discuss transformation in automation, digitalisation and employee qualifications in producing next-gen vehicles.

  • 294346_Mega_casting

    Megacasting: a chance to rethink body manufacturing


    The aluminium die-casting process could revolutionise body construction. Professor Wolfram Volk, the department head for forming technology and casting at the Technical University of Munich, explains the advantages and disadvantages of so-called ‘mega’- or ‘gigacasting’.

  • Pro-Beam Stator

    EV drivetrains inspire new production processes


    Boosted by the rapid shift towards electrification, powertrain production is finding new efficiencies. Götz Fuchslocher found out how manufacturers and suppliers are upgrading everything from soft- and hardware, to their processes and their staff