AMS Winter 2023/24 – BMW’s battery boost

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BMW is aiming to achieve ‘expertise in every cell’ of its generation six batteries

Our Winter digital edition takes an in-depth look at how OEMs are getting to grips with developing and manufacturing new electric vehicles and powertrains, starting with BMW’s production director Milan Nedeljković who talks about the need for flexibility, the concept of the iFactory and the opening of its Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre (CMCC) in Parsdorf, Germany. In addition, we have a focus piece on the Parsdorf facility with insights into how the carmaker monitors and maintains quality standards across the 3,000-step battery cell production process.

Other features include how Audi builds its two most powerful vehicles, one conventionally powered and one pure BEV, on the same line at Böllinger Höfe, and an interview with head of Skoda’s Kvasiny plant, Miloš Halbich, who discusses fluctuating markets and how the facility is a “crucial pillar” in the company’s global production network.

NIO’s Senior Vice President, Alan Zeng, shares insights into how a simultaneous engineering approach with Comau supported the rapid development and delivery of highly automated e-motor assembly lines. More on electric motors covers new materials with the potential to improve performance and manufacturing efficiency, plus in-depth analysis of European OEMs and tier suppliers shift to EV production.


Register for free or sign-in to access features including:

• BMW: Production director Milan Nedeljković discusses the need for flexibility and the iFactory concept

• BMW: The 3,000-step battery cell production process at the Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre (CMCC) in Parsdorf

• Audi: Building high-performance ICE and BEV models on the same line at Böllinger Höfe

• Skoda: Head of the Kvasiny plant, Miloš Halbich, discusses how the facility is a “crucial pillar” in the company’s global production network

• NIO-Comau: NIO’s Senior Vice President, Alan Zeng, shares insights into the OEM’s simultaneous engineering approach

• Technology: New materials to improve performance and manufacturing efficiency of electric motors

• Batteries: Report on the development of solid-state batteries which are seen as the next big technology step for electric vehicles

• Batteries: The evolution of EV battery enclosures – balancing optimisation, safety and cost-effectiveness

• Batteries: Manufacturing the solution to thermal runaway in EV batteries

• Materials: A natural fit – how and why the automotive production industry is turning to biomaterials for sustainable solutions

• European OEMs: Analysis of how Europe’s Big 3 vehicle makers are evolving their manufacturing arrangements

• European suppliers: Analysis of how batteries, electric motors and EVs are reshaping the European automotive supply chain


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