For its vast new Pesqueria plant, Kia needed a comprehensive, reliable and flexible electrical distribution system. Siemens’ Totally Integrated Power provided the solution
In July 2015, Kia Motors began distributing their cars in Mexico. In addition to establishing a close-knit network of car dealerships in the country’s ten largest cities, Kia also built one of the biggest new plants 10km from the municipality of Pesqueria in Nuevo Leon. The plant is scheduled to produce 300,000 cars within the first year of service and is the most modern of Kia’s production facilities around the globe. The long-term production capacity planning calls for comprehensive planning and dimensioning in order to be prepared for future expansions. Totally Integrated Power is unique because it provides sophisticated planning, dimensioning and service as well as high-quality products from a single source.
The challengeThe plant in Pesqueria is not only one of the biggest and most modern; it is also the fastest greenfield project ever built in the history of Kia Motors. With the opening date set for May 2016, a fully integrated, reliable, and flexible electrical distribution system as well as a protection and measurement system had to be provided in just six months. In addition to this short delivery time, the plant’s size and the customer’s need for maximum flexibility made the project even more challenging.
Right from the start, precise and elaborate planning was necessary in order to design a power distribution system that could be easily adapted to changes in the production process. At the same time, the power supply system had to meet highest demands for reliability and energy efficiency in order to ensure safe and economic plant operation. And what’s more, the multicultural background of the participating stakeholders located in Mexico, Korea, China, and Germany added extra challenges to the tough timing.
The solution: Totally Integrated PowerWorking with Kia, Siemens developed a comprehensive solution backed by the concept of Totally Integrated Power (TIP). In this case, it consists of both medium- and low-voltage technology in a consistent, fully coordinated system. The major benefit of this concept is that includes state-of-the-art technology as well as expert support for system planning. For large projects with a tight schedule like the new plant in Mexico, this concept is ideal for ensuring efficient project execution and a result that lives up to the highest standards. Everything was provided from a single source – from planning, delivery, and installation to commissioning.
The project’s delivery scope included all power substation equipment for the electrical distribution system for the new Kia Motors plant at Pesqueria. In detail, the solution consists of 91 medium-voltage switchgear type NXAIR in 10 switchgear lineups, 186 low-voltage type FC, about 50 3WL air circuit breakers (ACB), several UL Sentron MCCB, QP circuit breaker load centres and safety switches, 30 conforming switchboards, 38 medium-voltage cast resin transformers, 88 7SJ66 protection devices, 88 SIMEAS P855 in 4.16-kV and 13.8-kV switchgear.
As mentioned before, one of the major challenges in addition to the tight schedule was the complex project environment. Close and continuous communication between Siemens Mexico and the partners in the German headquarters in Erlangen was the key to successful coordination throughout the entire project.The benefitsThe complete Totally Integrated Power solution from Siemens sharpens Kia’s competitive edge by enabling efficient production of cars and SUVs that will be sold in the Mexican and US market. The protection and measurement devices ensure reliable plant operation, while the versatility and perfect interplay of the Siemens devices allow Kia to take maximum advantage of the state-of-the-art technology. Despite the tough timing and the stakeholders from all over the world, the close collaboration of all parties made this project an on-time success and affords Kia the highest flexibility for future adaptions. ■
Siemens’ answerOur largely electrified, automated, and digitalised world places greater demands on power supply systems than ever before. Electricity has proven to be a clean, efficient, and highly versatile power carrier that meets the high-profile requirements of the facilities and applications of the automotive industry. Without electric power, digitalisation and automation, which have become part of our daily life and business, would be hard to imagine. Therefore, it is essential to have a reliable, safe, and efficient power supply at all times for smooth car production.

Totally Integrated Power (TIP) is the key to reliable, safe, and efficient power supply in increasingly complex transmission and distribution environments. TIP is the unique concept that enables precise, accurate, and individual solutions that meet all these demands – from consulting and planning all the way to the implementation and servicing of a consistent power supply.
TIP solutions are the key to a reliable and safe operation: the reliable and appropriate dimensioning of a manufacturing plant including all its components and dependencies is a clear advantage. Correctly dimensioned plants distinguish themselves with enhanced availability and efficiency. Damage and downtimes are avoided. That’s how combining Totally Integrated Power and automation solutions helps protect industrial equipment and, at the same time, ensures smooth production.
TIP to protect man and machine: power supply needs to keep up with changing requirements. It is crucial, therefore, to keep automotive plants flexible and scalable to provide flawless car production. In a production line, when welding machines and robots are operating in parallel, for instance, power shortages or failures quickly become costly. A redundant power supply and integrated power emergency systems protect against outages and enhance the highest level of safety. Naturally, Totally Integrated Power can be integrated within existing infrastructures, and the modular concept facilitates utmost flexibility for future adoptions.
TIP comprises software and hardware products and systems for all voltage levels and all energy management solutions in automotive industrial applications, buildings, and facilities.
Whether for a greenfield project or for an existing, heterogeneous overall system, it considers all aspects and the entire lifecycle – from planning and analysis to implementation and operation, and all the way to maintenance and services. Even for the toughest requirements of supply critical assets, TIP facilitates the automotive customers in terms of planning and procurement. It is the modular one-stop-shop solution for whatever is required in terms of power.