Covering eight exhibition halls at the Hanover exhibition grounds, EuroBLECH 2012, runs from 23-27 October with the theme ‘For a sustainable future’. It focusing on efficient technology and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes, says the organisers.
“This year’s theme of the world’s leading technology exhibition for sheet metal working is inspired by overall industry trends such as sustainability, awareness of resources, energy efficiency and mobility. Major developments in sheet metal working include lightweight construction, intelligent use of materials, processing of hybrid structures as well as new applications of established production processes,” says Nicola Hamann, Exhibition Director EuroBLECH on behalf of the organisers Mack Brooks Exhibitions. “To reflect this development, processing of sheet metal/plastic hybrid structures has now been included in the EuroBLECH exhibition profile.”
The organisers say that a total of 1,516 exhibitors from 38 countries have already booked 85,000 square metres of exhibition space at this year’s show. The whole technology chain of sheet metal working will be on show, featuring high tech and conventional machinery and tools. There will also be a number of live machine demonstrations; including a number of world premieres of machinery.
Clearly structured, the exhibition’s layout shows the entire sheet metal working technology chain:
• Sheet metal, semi-finished and finished products (ferrous/ non-ferrous) – halls 16,17
• Handling technology – halls 16,17,27
• Separation technology – halls 11,12,14,15,16,17
• Forming technology – hall 27
• Flexible sheet metal working technology – halls 11,12,14,15
• Tube/section working – halls 11,14,15
• Processing of sheet metal/plastic hybrid structures – halls 13,16,17,27
• Machine elements and components – halls 11,12,14,15
• Joining and fastening technology – hall 13
• Surface technology for sheet metal/plate (process-related) – hall 13
• Tool technology for sheet metal/plate working – halls 13,27
• Process control and quality assurance – halls 11,12,14,15
• Data processing (hardware and software) – halls 11,12
• Factory and warehouse equipment, safety at work, environment protection – halls 11,12,13,14,15,16,17
• Services, information and communication – halls 11,12,13,16,17,27
Here’s a small selection of some of the companies exhibiting. A comprehensive exhibition preview with detailed information on exhibitors and their products can be accessed from
Alternative metals
Magnesium instead of steel – this is one of the exhibits from the automobile manufacturing chain that researchers at the Fraunhofer AutoMOBILE Production Alliance are presenting at the show (Stand B06, Hall 11). They are showing the results of their work on lightweight car components in the form of a ‘glass car’.
One example is the car door made of magnesium, a development by researchers at the die Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU in Chemnitz. Sören Scheffler, group manager at IWU explained: “We have developed specific molding technologies for wrought magnesium alloys. This makes the lightweight material available for future use in series production of car bodies.” In all, the researchers will be showcasing around 40 new developments covering the production chain, from the planning stages to the complete and painted vehicle. “Our displays focus on the themes of a car’s body, powertrain, interior, vehicle assembly, methodological competence and production research for electromobility,” explains Alliance coordinator Lars Koch.
Extensive parking space is available at the exhibition grounds. Arriving by train the ‘Hannover Laatzen’ station is directly linked with
entrance ‘West 1’ via the ‘Skywalk’. In addition to regional trains, high speed ICE-trains stop at this station during exhibitions. The German
railway company “Deutsche Bahn” offers special prices for visitors to EuroBLECH. German airline Lufthansa also offers reduced rates for flights to Hanover during exhibition. Detailed information on travel and
accommodation is available at
Developments in welding
The latest developments in welding equipment will be on show. Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH, D-Haiger, will present their latest range of welding systems and robot technology (Stand D25, Hall 13). Exhibits on the stand will include new Pulse, Tandem, Tronic Pulse, Champ and Micro Pulse additions to the company’s QINEO welding equipment range. Features of the range (depending on the model) include a heat-reduced Cold Weld AC process.
Cloos’ QIROX welding robot technology features a two-station positioner that changes the station by a horizontal rotation and of laser scans the programmed path before welding, getting measuring information regarding the real weld position, geometry and volume.
Also exhibiting robots for welding and handling applications, Panasonic (Stand C07, Hall 13) will present three robot and welding systems: TAWERS Weld Navigation, TAWERS Active Wire Process and TAWERS TIG. For the first time at EuroBLECH the company is showing its new HS-G3 Series handling robots. Used in combination with a Panasonic welding robot, the movements of both can be synchronised using the ‘Harmonizer function’.
Sheet metal processing
Machine tools, 2D and 3D laser systems and services for production operations on sheet metal will be among Trumpf ’s

exhibits (Stands B30 & B61, Hall 11) at EuroBLECH these will include solutions for laser cutting and welding, punching and bending. The company also says it will be unveiling a special innovation in its portfolio of 2D laser machines. In addition, the TruLaser Tube 7000 laser-cutting machine for pipe and profiles will be on display along with the TruLaser Cell 3000, an all-purpose laser-machining centre. Visitor will be able to see the company’s TruTops Fab software control the integrated sequence.
On view at EuroBLECH for the first time will be the new SheetMaster Compact in combination with the TruPunch 3000. The company says this space-saving automation unit loads the punch and removes both scrap skeleton and microjoint panels. Another first for EuroBLECH is Trumpf ’s modular clamping system for laser welding.
Tuesday 23 October 2012 9.00 - 18.00
Wednesday 24 October 2012 9.00 - 18.00
Thursday 25 October 2012 9.00 - 18.00
Friday 26 October 2012 9.00 - 18.00
Saturday 27 October 2012 9.00 - 15.00
Tickets can be ordered from the online shop at at a reduced price or purchased on-site.
Press line automation
Schuler says it will be presenting its Crossbar Robot automation solution (Stand D40, Hall 27) for the first time to a wider audience. Whereas a press line equipped with the former model could reach a maximum output of 12 parts per minute, the company claims up to 14 parts per minute are now possible. The new model is still in the test phase and is due to be released in the coming months. Like its predecessor, the new Crossbar Robot is based on a 6-axis standard robot. However, Schuler Automation’s engineers have given it an extra joint: the crossbar, and attached tooling to pick up the metal part. Including the overhead track, the number of axes increases from six to eight. Crossbar Robots can be used either to automate new press lines or retrofit existing ones.