Watch: How EV powertrains will reshape automotive production

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Learn how lithium batteries are transforming manufacturing, supply and energy needs with Lars Carlstrom from Italvolt and battery production data from AMS.

Updated July 28, 2022 with on-demand video

How can OEMs, suppliers and governments create the best landscape for EV production? In what ways must they reimagine manufacturing networks, facilities and throughput? How should OEMs, battery makers and suppliers partner to ensure they manage volatile supply, energy sources and ramp up EV battery and powertrain capacity to meet demand? What will be the key factors that define success or failure?

And are electrification targets over the next 5-10 years at all realistic? 

Watch this livestream discussion and find out more about the challenges and opportunities facing EV battery and powertrain production, and how it will impact the manufacturing strategies and costs. The investments in new gigafactories, refitting of former production facilities and the rise of new types of partnership and vertical integration are key factors supporting this ramp-up of EV production. So, too, are battery material supply, price and renewable energy. 

The livestream features Lars Carlstrom, who is helping to develop some of the world’s leading gigafactory projects, including Italvolt in southern Italy and the recently founded Statevolt in California. He discusses key material, energy and supply chain considerations in ramping up batttery cell production and partnerships in producing EV powertrains.

The livestream also features forecasts and analysis of EV battery production by Daniel Harrison, automotive analyst at AMS, and author of a new report from AMS on battery supply chains and manufacturing (download the report free here).

This livestream delves into how both battery makers and automotive manufacturers are refitting factories and ICE plants to ramp up battery, casings, EV motors and other components to meet demand. Experts discuss the investment planning required for these sites, whether new or brownfield, as OEMs and suppliers manage an uncertain flow of materials, labour shortages, layout design and automation, material, chemistry and thermal requirements.

Explore the key strategies in establishing EV battery and powertrain and optimising processes. Learn more about how batteries are:

  • Impacting automotive production strategies and capacities
  • Reshaping plants with new tooling, equipment and materials
  • Leading to new considerations for supply chain, recycling and renewable energy
  • Redrawing partnerships and vertical integration across the supply chain

Lars Carlstrom, Founder and CEO, Italvolt and Statevolt
Daniel Harrison
, Automotive Anaylst, Automotive Manufacturing Solutions, Ultima Media


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