Where the Catena-X automotive cloud stands


The vehicle cloud Catena-X intended to provide a more integrated network for automakers and suppliers. In reality, standalone solutions have prevailed so far and made the task of networking the entire auto industry even more strenuous.

Cloud computing has become standardised for most companies in Germany. A full 82% of them have turned to cloud solutions, and the number has increased a further 6% in a single year. Moreover, the use of private cloud solutions has increased 5%, and the figure for the public cloud is 8%, according to Bitkom Research’s “Cloud Monitor 2021” and the accounting firm KPMG. Nonetheless, there remains significant demand for overarching systems.  

The largest project in the field is the Gaia-X initiative, a European cloud concept. After it was presented to the public for the first time during the summer of 2019, many business and scientific communities players committed to the project are expected to form a European cloud entity that can rival hyperscalers such as Amazon and Microsoft. However, critics lament that it is almost too late to challenge American IT players to any severe degree.


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