Watch: Flexible factories - future-proofing automotive manufacturing

Magswitch and Conductix-Wampfler

Cengiz Kizilkan and Romain Herry explain how flexibility and adaptability is playing a major role in next-generation production lines and helping manufacturers create models simultaneously and quickly.

Increasing powertrain variety means manufacturers need to be able to produce multiple models simultaneously, more quickly, and adapt to changes in regulations and technology. Both Cengiz Kizilkan and Romain Herry agree flexibility and adaptability are key requirements for next-generation production lines, which will rely on a modular, cell-based approach.

  • AMRs, data, sensors and connectivity – the technological frameworks underpinning flexible production
  • Configuring the right combination of robots, AMRs and orchestrated systems
  • Where do humans fit in?
  • Autonomous logistics flows

Cengiz Kizilkan, President, Magswitch Technology Europe GmbH
Romain Herry,
Global Business Development Manager, Conductix-Wampfler

Hosted by Nick Holt, Editor, AMS

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