Watch: Are all OEMs start-up manufacturers now?

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In this livestream, learn how OEM start-ups can short time to market in manufacturing and re-engineer body structures, featuring the head of manufacturing at Volta Trucks and ArcelorMittal.

This AMS Automotive Evolution Livestream explores the challenges, innovations and opportunities for start-up vehicle manufacturers, as well as the start-up approaches for more established carmakers and suppliers. It features Kjell Walöen, the co-founder and chief manufacturing and logistics officer from EV startup Volta Trucks, along with automotive steel solutions director Jesse Paegle from steel producer ArcelorMittal.

The panel will discuss the key considerations for OEMs and suppliers to competitively produce brand new vehicles at a relatively low scale, especially EVs. For example, how do they make strategic decisions on where to invest capital, whether to develop greenfield or brownfield plants or to produce through contract manufacturers? Is electrification opening the door to a level playing field? What vehicle platforms, body structures and materials are most effective, and how should OEMs partner with suppliers and providers in areas like engineering, automation, digital systems and factory layout?