Managing an uncertain future in manufacturing


S&P Global Mobility, Magswitch and Next e.GO Mobile joined the fourth panel at Automotive Evolution Europe to discuss the volatile production environment, to which OEMs and suppliers must respond to mitigate disruption to production.

In such a volatile environment, OEMs and suppliers must respond to mitigate disruption to production, maximise capacity and optimise production sequences. At the same time, they must adapt plants to meet the requirements of electrification, sustainability and digitalisation. In this session, automotive manufacturing experts discuss strategies for managing the pace of change and variety in manufacturing and unpack what they will mean across plant assembly lines and shopfloors.

Henner Lehne, Vice-President – Global Vehicle Forecasting, Automotive, S&P Global Mobility
Cengiz Kazilkan, President Global Sales Automation and Executive Director, Europe, Magswitch
Dr Matthias Preuß, Vice-President, Global Microfactory Technology, Next e.GO Mobile

Hosted by Nick Holt, editor, AMS


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